Un ed States Patent

Un ed States Patent

Un ed States Patent


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~61~090A s~l ~h~ o~e~ of the invention re,des ~ theWATER DEGA~CA~ON AND D~LLA~ON prov~ion of a novd and ~ wm~ d~c~APPARATUSand d~t~n apparatus char~ri~d by ~s ~m~ff~ ~ ~~ and mMn~nance and r~mi~y ~wTMs ap~m~n ~ a continuation-in~a~ cf applic~ 5 cos~tion Se~ N~ 269,880 ~<strong>ed</strong> June 3, 1981 entitl<strong>ed</strong> "Wmer A s~l ~h~ o~e~ of the ~vention ~Nd~ ~ theDegasification and D~tillm~n Apparatus" now U.S. provM~ ~ a ~vd ~d ~pro~d b~ ~r ~e ~s~Pro. No. ~42~37~fion of water wNch mi~m~ ~e accum~ation ofTh~ ~vention r~a~s to d~ng apparmus and mo~ ~am ~ the b~er caus<strong>ed</strong> by sNt~ d~e~ and otherspe~ficflly to novd and improv<strong>ed</strong> water ~fl~tion10 water ~ma~ms wMch can ~nm~ the waterapparatus.bNng ~s~&Known ~sti~ng apparmus generally ~v~ve ~eutil~m~n of a dos<strong>ed</strong> boiler and means ~r continuoufly ~c~dan~ ~ ~e ~v~fion ~ud~ a ~n~r ~~e~ng wmer to the boiler. As the wmer ~ the boil~ m m~ ~d ~ ~c~ ~e wm~ ~ ~ ~s~d. A ~heat<strong>ed</strong> to produce wmer vapor or ~eam, v~ati~ cherub15 b~Mr ha~ng he~ng demems mourn<strong>ed</strong> ~on ~ p~Gc~ componen~ of water ha~ng boiling p~nts ~wer e~ secur<strong>ed</strong> to one ~de of the rank and a fl~d condMtcou#~ ~e bMMr ~ ~e rank ~ ~ ~e l~d Mvdthan the wmer will boil off and combine with the steam.The steam tog~her with the v~a~e vaporiz<strong>ed</strong> chemic~compone~s will then be condens<strong>ed</strong> ~ a s~tab~m ~e b~ ~H be conffdMd by ~e fiq~d Mvd ~ ~econdenser so that the ~sdm~ ~s~ wffi cont~n the 20 a__condense~ ank" A ~eam~o~ly~and ~ap°r ~d°Ufl~ ~ ~nthe b~er~ ~mkeou#<strong>ed</strong> tov~a~e chemic~ In ca~s wher~n ~e wmer has a outlet of the conden~r ex~nds ~rough the w~ of th<strong>ed</strong>isagreeable odor produc<strong>ed</strong> by s~phur compounds and tanZ The conden~r may be ~ ~ such a mann~~m ~e hq~d ~ ~e mk ~H ~r pm ~ ~ ~ ~ethe ~k~ known apparatus ~nds to concentra~ the odorcondenseL ~ ~ a~mm and wffh the heatersanp drior u.sm āke th;a~WateNr~ eve4, n33~30m 7°~fUlg "ran~d j~yApN~ant’l s3, 1982 25 ~ ~e bMMr ~g ~ ~e ~uM ~ ~e ~r ~Hen~tl<strong>ed</strong>: "D~tillm~u Apparmuf’ dNcloses distiNng heat Mmo~ ~anmneoufly and ~em ~H be ~ outappar~us embod~ng upper and ~wer chambers with ¯rough the condenseL As the p~e wff~ thethe condenNng coil ~spo~d ~ the upper chamber b~er exce<strong>ed</strong>s the capm~ of the outlet to rec~vewMch N normally fill<strong>ed</strong> wi~h w~er and graduNly ~d steam or water v~oL p~u~ will ~e water in theinto the ~wer chamber wNch N heat<strong>ed</strong> by a s~tab~means ~ order to prodnce geam. The steam g then ~d~ ~ ~& wm~ ~H ~Mn ~w ~o ~e b~upwardly through a condenser ~ the upper chamberand ~ then discharg<strong>ed</strong> ~om the condenser as a ~q~& ~ of the d~ apparatus. ~nee hot wmer ~By opiating the apparmus ~r a sho~ period of time 35 b~ c~smfly ~d ~ ~e mk and ~ ~m ~prior to the co~ection of the ~<strong>ed</strong> wate~ the condens~w~ ~cre~e ~e ~mperature of the wa~r ~ thecon~anfly ~mov<strong>ed</strong> ~om the c~m~ by ~e w~er~t~n ~e tanL ~e w~ wi~ ~e tank w~ ~e~eupper chamber ~nd bNl off vMa~e chemicN comp~ ~ mm~e and b~ off ~M ~e~c~ ~nent~tMn<strong>ed</strong> ~ ~e wm~ prior m ~s~lm~n ~e~o~ C~dTh~ ~vention constitutes an improvement over prior~ water ~ ~r~y ~d to ~e mk at ~e ~Mt to theknown ~stilling apparatus ~u~ng the apparmus d~dos<strong>ed</strong>~ apN~ant’s prior U~d Stat~ pment ~ Ihm ~ time ~e b~ ~ ~M~ Means may M~ be pro~d~b~ler so that the boiler wiB ree~ve cold wmer ~hembod~s a novd and improv<strong>ed</strong> smNI bNler ~ud~g ~ a~o~afion w~h the rank ~r ~e~ng condens<strong>ed</strong> ~instantaneous ~eating mean~ a conden~r ~nd a re~b ~Md ~d ~g~d ~ ~m ~e~ ~s ~rvNr wNch pro~d~ ~n a~omatic supNy ef wm~ to the 45 ma~ng co~ tea or merdy pro~de hot wmer ~rbN~r and may Nnction to con the condenser. With other pu~th~ arrangement, lhe water ~ the ~rvN~ ~ w~ be The ~ove and other ~ec~ and advanmg~ of theshowm ~rcMm~ m and from the boiler to repeme~y ~v~ti~ w~ become mo~ appa~m ~m the ~w-~rrupt boiling and hem thus impal<strong>ed</strong> lo the wmer ~ ~g ~ri~ and ~mpan~ d~ ~rm~g¯ e re~rvNr tog~her w~h ~e hem m ~t pa~ of ~ pa~ of t~s ~#c~.wMch may be impal<strong>ed</strong> by the condenser wffi heat thewater in the ~rvNr to a ~mperatu~ that w~ effectivdyboil off chemicN constituents of the water and FI~ 1 ~ a ~agmemary p~ ~w ~e m~mm~ ~E D~N~the time req~d for operation of the ~stil~r ~ order ~ ~ d~g ~m ~ ~e ~h ~ ~to produce a ~stillate free of the m~als and undesirab~ 55 tio~odors ~ mmeriN~ r<strong>ed</strong>uc<strong>ed</strong>.FIG. 2 ~ a ~o~ ~ctionM ~ew of FIG. 1 ~ ~Another o~ect of the ~vention reNdes ~ the provi- the ~ne 2--2 ~e~o~~on of novd and improv<strong>ed</strong> wmer dgtiHation apparmus FIG. 3 ~ a cro~ ~ctionM ~ew of FIG. 1 token MongwNch not o~y avNds co~rM means for fe<strong>ed</strong>~g wm~ the ~ne 3--3 ~e~and ~t~ ~ ~cd~ meansfrom a re~rvoir ~o a bNler but also embodi~ an arrangeme~and orga~zation of ~ements wher~n all FIG. 4 ~ a cro~ sectionM ~ew of the b~er and a60 cam<strong>ed</strong> by the comMne~potions of both the reservoir and boiler are readily ~agmemary po~on ~ the tank token ~ong the l~eacc~s~ for ~ea~ng and m~ntenanc~~ thereof of FIG. ~A still N~her o~e~ of the ~vention reNdes ~ the FIG. ~ ~ a ~de d~M ~ew of a mottl<strong>ed</strong> emprovisionof hot ~stil~d and sub~antially odobffee65 bo~mem of ~e ~vem~n ~r produ~ng d~Md wm~water ~r the brewing of coffee and ~a ~ well as for use ~r ~e and other ~od~~n the preparation of other ~ods such as soups and the FIG. 6 ~ a cro~ ~ctionM ~ew of FIG. 3 token Mong~k~the ~e a--6 m~eo~2

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