Un ed States Patent

Un ed States Patent

Un ed States Patent


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5~61Z090tin<strong>ed</strong> in the following manne~ HeMers 13 and 14 are fion a ~m~ircd~ brackm 84 of L6hap<strong>ed</strong> section ~rdefign<strong>ed</strong> to hem the water wit~n the boiler at a rate ¯ dably recoving a basket 85 ~u~ramd ~ brokendines~ster than the condenser 27 can accommodMe the ~ FIG. 5 wMch may normally h~d a fi~er and groundsteam produc<strong>ed</strong>. Accordin~ pressure ~ devdop<strong>ed</strong> coffee. A base 86 engages and suppo~s the Z-shap<strong>ed</strong>within the boiler 12 and will force ~q~d ~om the boiler5 brack~ 72 and ~Oud~ a convenfionM de.fie heatingthrough the tube 22 back ~to the ~nk 1~ As soon as the dement 8% The heating dement 87 ~ prodd<strong>ed</strong> wffhpressure ~ reliev<strong>ed</strong> w~n the boile~ water w~ ag~n suitabl ener#zing conducmn and swim~ng means not~ow through the tube 22 back ~to the b~r w~h the shown so that ff may be turn<strong>ed</strong> on and off as defi~&resdt that there w~ be a perio~c reve~ of water The space b~ween ~e b~mm of ~e basket 85 and ~eflow through the tube 22. T~s action resu~s ~ a sub-10 top of the heating demem 87 ~ of ~ffident magnitude~anti~ ~crease ~ temperature of the wa~r w~n Ihe to ~cdve a s~m~e ~cepm~e 88 ~r ~c~ng b~wCd~nk 10 and contributes to the he~ impal<strong>ed</strong> to the coffee. It ~ ob~o~ ~om ~e ~g~ng d~cus~on thMwMer ~ the ~nk 10 by the action of the condenser 2~ the basket 85 may be a~ang<strong>ed</strong> to aceommodMe teaThe ~mper~ure of the w~er tank 10 however ~ ~- ~aves ~r the brewing of tea or ~ the ~rnative theways brow the boiling ~mperature and shodd pre~ra-15 distill<strong>ed</strong> water ~om the fittMg 83 can be f<strong>ed</strong> ~ctly~y be ~ the range of 180’ F. to 19& ~ ~ order to be ~to ~e ~ce~ac~ 88 ~r making soup or any otherce~n that undesirab~ componen~ ~ the water are purple ~r w~ch purifi<strong>ed</strong> ~s~l<strong>ed</strong> w~ may be ~-boil<strong>ed</strong> off prior to a~u~ d~tiH~n.q~&In one form of the ~vention utilizing a tank 10 hating The cont~ner 70 ~dud~ a ~sh<strong>ed</strong> cover gener~lya v~ume ~f 1 to 2 gallons of w~e~ a b~lCr 12 h~d~g20 denot<strong>ed</strong> by the num~ 89 wMch may be affix<strong>ed</strong> ~ theappro~m~dy 16 ounces of wate~ heating dements contMner 70 by any s~tab~ mean~ The cover 89 ~-deign<strong>ed</strong> to d~fipMe from 1,500 to ~000 wMt~ ~ wffi ~udes an ope~ng 90 for ~e~ng wMer ~to the cont~ner70 and a cooperat~g rid 91. Forc<strong>ed</strong> Mr O~-take appro~m~dy 15 minu~s of operM~n for thewater ~ the ~nk to reach a ~mperature of approxim~dy18~ ~ lo 19& F. and the b~r wffi normally25 ri<strong>ed</strong> on the top ~de of the cover 91 and ~dud~ an~g means general~ denot<strong>ed</strong> by the nume~l 92 ~ ca~hem tap water above the boiling p~nt wit~n about 45 de~ric m~or and ~n subs~ntially ~mil~ ~ ~M ~u~second~ W~h t~s a~angement and after the warm-up tm~d and describ<strong>ed</strong> m connection wi~ FIG. & The airperiod, subsmnfi~ly all v~atile chem~s ~ the wa~r circ~ating means ~dud~ an air inl~ opening 93 on theare boil<strong>ed</strong> off prior lo ~stil~tion with the resdthM the mp ~de ~eof and appropriMe ope~ngs not shownd~tiHMe ~ subs~nfi~ly odorless and bee of all unde~ 30 a~ ~rm<strong>ed</strong> ~ the top of the cover 89 ~ permk theab~ component~ In actu~ te~ ~ has been found that ~oduction of ~r ~to the space defin<strong>ed</strong> by the cont~ner70 and Hd 8~ The ~r ~ exhau~<strong>ed</strong> from one orw~h distillation apparatus as describ<strong>ed</strong> abov~ distill<strong>ed</strong>w~er w~ be produc<strong>ed</strong> ~ the rate of on~h~f to thre~ mo~ oufle~ 94 ~ the cover and an dectdc cab~ 95 ~quarters of a gallon per hou~utiliz<strong>ed</strong> ~r en~ng ~e ~n and may ~dude appro-A mottl<strong>ed</strong> form of the ~vention ~ ~ustra~d ~ 35 prime swish mean~FIGS. 5 through 8. Th~ form of the ~vention m m- The operation of ~e apparat~ illu~t<strong>ed</strong> ~ FIGS. ~tend<strong>ed</strong> for the brewing of coffee and for the production ¯rough 8 ~ mb~anti~ly ~e~ to thM describ<strong>ed</strong> ~of hot d~til~d wMer for other purposesuch as the connection wi~ the p~ce~ng embo~me~ of the m-brewing of te~ ma~ng of soups and the ~ke.ventiom Howeve~ ~nce the defice ~ not a~ang<strong>ed</strong>,~ w~ become apparent ~om the following descriptionof FIGS. ~ through 8 of the drawings thM the ~ ~e com~ner ~ initiMly ~d wi~ w~ ~o ~ ~e~ ~ough k may b~ ~r the continuous ~ffiation of w~operation cf the brewer ~ substantially ~entic~ to lhe ~vd ~ ju~ brow the portion of ~e ~1~ 81 of theoperation of the form of the invention shown ~ FIGS. condenser 80. g ~e container 70 ~ of mffidet s~ |he1 through & More speOfic~l~ the brewer comprises a d~lation proce~ can continue until the vessd 88 hastank or cont~ner 70 having an outwardy form<strong>ed</strong> pe-4ripherM ~p 71. The conta~er ~ suppos<strong>ed</strong> by a p~r of q~ ad~tion~ wMer can be add<strong>ed</strong> through thebeen ~d. If ~rger amounts of ~s~d wM~r are re-Z-shap<strong>ed</strong> brack~s 72 cou~<strong>ed</strong> by a transverse dement ope~ng 90 as may be ~q~d ~ order ~ m~nt~n the72 w~ch m~nt~ns the two brack~s 72 ~ spac<strong>ed</strong> rdafions~p.The confiner 70 ~ suppos<strong>ed</strong> by the upper cause ~e heating dements ~ the boiler 74 ~ be M ~ast~vd of ~e wM~ ~ ~e container M a h~g~ ~M w~horizont~ bracket potions 73 w~ch engage ~e peripher~p71 on the ~des of the cont~ner 70. A b~r Re~rring now to ~e ~rms of the ~venfion shown ~50 ~a~ially covere&74 substantially ~entic~ to the boiler 12 shown on FIG. FIG. 9 and FIG~ 10 ~rough 1~ ~ has been ~und th~4 ~ affix<strong>ed</strong> to one end of the confiner 7~ ~nce the improv<strong>ed</strong> results can be obtain<strong>ed</strong> by ~<strong>ed</strong>ing the wat~boiler functions ~ the same manner as the b~ler 12 and sup~y controll<strong>ed</strong> by lhe wM~ inl~ v~ve 35 as sho~n~ substantially ~entic~er~ a fu~her description ~ 55 ~r ~s~nce ~ FIG. 1, ~rough an dongat<strong>ed</strong> tube 37tot deem<strong>ed</strong> necessary.w~ch ~rm~ates adj~ng lhe bo:l~ i~ 22’. TheThe boiler 74 ~ cou~<strong>ed</strong> to the confiner 70 by a wM~ inl~ tube ~7’ ~ p~rab~ a~ang<strong>ed</strong> ~ swivd ~fitt~g 75 having a w~er inlet 76 secur<strong>ed</strong> to one ~de ~dicat<strong>ed</strong> ~ FIG. 9 so ~ ~ can ~e rais<strong>ed</strong> ~ ~cilita~lhereof and a w~er out~t 77 d~pos<strong>ed</strong> w~n the boiler a~u~mem of ~e w~ ~<strong>ed</strong> ~ just main~ ~e defi<strong>ed</strong>74. A second fitting 78 extends through the walls of the60 wMer ~vd ~ the cont~ner 10 as de~rib<strong>ed</strong> ~ connectionw~h FIGS. 1 and ~ It w~ be observ<strong>ed</strong> ~ thecont~ner 70 and boiler 74 and card~ a ~ream outlet 79on one end thereo~ WitCh the confiner, the ~t end water inlet 22’ to ~e boiler ~ a ~rmght tube ~a~ng81 of the condenser 80 ~ affix<strong>ed</strong> to the fitting 78 and the ¯ ~etly ~ ~e ~w~ po~icn of ~e b~r and ~ atilt!on~ ~c~ng c~d ~let wM~ ~ctly from ~e ~beoutlet end 82 of the condenser ~ secur<strong>ed</strong> to a fitting 83extend~g through an ope~ng ~ the bottom of the65 3T, ~e tube 22’ ~ ea~ ~ ~e~n as w~ be ~d ~cont~ner 70.more detail m connection with FIGS. 10 ~rough 15.The underfide of the cont~ner 70 as shown ~ FIGS. It has been ~und ~ ~e ~s~fion of wM~ ~M ~e5 and 8 ~dudes ~ the ~stant embodiment of the ~ve~ presence of s~, de~rgen~ and o~ ~mil~ chemicals6

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