Un ed States Patent

Un ed States Patent

Un ed States Patent


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5,203,970In the p~<strong>ed</strong> embo~mem of the ~vention herin ating the ~s~Mtion apparmus, it ~ generally defirabMillustrat<strong>ed</strong> a forc<strong>ed</strong> Mr ckculation means asd~s removM to ~scard the ~stilM~ produ~ until the water ~deof ~eam and undesiraWe vapo~ ~b~m<strong>ed</strong> fom He reserverwater with~ reservok container 10. The Mr ~mpermu~ w~ch Fre~raWy ~ 18~-19~ F. (w~chreservMr container 10 h~ retain<strong>ed</strong> a normM operat~gd~c~ating means w~ch ~ shown ~ FIG. 3 compri~s5 ra#~y mtMn<strong>ed</strong>). Heme~ 13 and 14 are d~n<strong>ed</strong> to heman ~vene d~h<strong>ed</strong> cover generally denot<strong>ed</strong> by the numerM~0 over re~rv~r container 10 w~ch ~dudes a condenser coil 27 can accommodme the ~eam pro-the water witch the boiler at a rate f~ter than thefiat upper wall $1 thin ~ perfora~dapenure~ an duc<strong>ed</strong>. Accor~n#% a head of ~eam ~ devdop<strong>ed</strong>upward~ emen~ng peripher~ wall 52 and a doww wit~n the boiler 12 and the steam pressure w~ forcewarty curv<strong>ed</strong> peripher~ wall ~3. The ~wer peripheral 10 hq~d fore the boiler back through the cond~t 22 ~to<strong>ed</strong>ge of the wall $3 carries three or more d~gon~ly the re~rv~r container 10 thereby reliev~g the ~teamdispos<strong>ed</strong> r~ 54 each ha~ng spac<strong>ed</strong> ~scs $~ romtablycarri<strong>ed</strong> by a sha~ 56. The ~scs $~ engage the ~ reliev<strong>ed</strong>, water will again flow through the conduit 22pressure. As soon as the steam pressure within the boilerroll<strong>ed</strong> <strong>ed</strong>ge 10’ of the reserver container 10 and accord- back ~to the boiler w~h the rese thin there will be a~y pro~de an ann~ r veto b~ween the cover $0 and 15 period~versal of wmer flow through the condu~ 22.the top <strong>ed</strong>ge of the re~rv~r container 10.Th~ pulsating action res~u ~ a mcre ~a#d ~crease ~The flat apenur<strong>ed</strong> wall ~1 of the air circulating means ~mpermure of the reservok wmer with~ the conm~ersupports an dectric motor gener~ denot<strong>ed</strong> by the 10 by contribut~g hem over and above the heat impal<strong>ed</strong>to the reservok wmer by the action of the con-numerM ~7 w~ch powers a shaft ~$ ex~n~ng throughthe perform<strong>ed</strong> w~l ~1. The ~n $9 ~ mount<strong>ed</strong> on sha~ 20 den~r c~l 27. The ~mperature of the reservo~ wmeL$$. Power ~ f<strong>ed</strong> tothe motor 57 by a cable 60 connect<strong>ed</strong> howeveL ~ Mwavs below the boil~g ~mperature (of~ a convention~ manner to the moto~ If d<strong>ed</strong>re~ the water ~ boiler 1~ so that ~me will be condens<strong>ed</strong>in condenser 27. Pre~raWy the reserver waterswitch means may be prov~<strong>ed</strong> for operation of the ~n.The ~n motor 57 is cover<strong>ed</strong> by a vent<strong>ed</strong> dom~shap<strong>ed</strong> sho<strong>ed</strong> be ke~ ~ the range of 18~ F. to 190" F. Thishou~ng 61 thin ~ securdy fia<strong>ed</strong> to the cover ~0 and ~ 25 ~mpermure Mvd w~ boil off undesirable componentsattach<strong>ed</strong> thereto by any s~tab~ means. In the ~us- from the reviver wmer (prior to actuM ~ation~at<strong>ed</strong> embo~ment of the ~ventio~ the dom~shap<strong>ed</strong> thereo0, and Mso serves to operme condenser 27 adequmdy.To mMnmin proper operation cf the apparmus,hou~ng 61 fri~ionally engages the peripher~ wall 52 ofthe cover ~0.a sub~antiM propo~ion of the ~<strong>ed</strong> water w~ch entersIn one mode of ~n operation, Mr ~ drawn ~to the Mr 30 m the ~1~ 37 ~timmdy ~ ~scharg<strong>ed</strong> as overflowdrcdating means ~mWy through an ope~ng 62 ~ through tube 32 and outlet 35.the dome~hap<strong>ed</strong> housing 61 and then down through Operm~n of ~krer Wades 102 mmeriMly changes thethe per~r~<strong>ed</strong> wall 51 whereupon it is direct<strong>ed</strong>ownwartyover the ~rv~r wm~ ~ re~rv~r contMner 102 generate a w~rling turb~ent motion of wmer ~-dynamics of the distillation apparatus. The sti~er blad~10 and therea~er is ~scharg<strong>ed</strong> through the ann~ar35 ~de cylindricM space 100 thereby improv~g heat exchangeconm~ b~ween the reservok water and theope~ng b~ween the ~rv~r contMner 10 and hscover $0. In the reverse mode of ~n operation the ~n tuMng of condenser coil 27. In addit~ motion of the59 draws Mr ~ through He ann~ opemng b~ween stirrer Wades generme ca~mtion w~ch ~ the d~t~vre~rv~r contMner 10 and ~s cover 50 up through pe~ don apparmus of th~ invention constitutes formation offora~d w~l ~1 and ope~ng out through vent 62 ~ 40 ~eam bubWes beneath the sur~ce of the wmer. Typicall%the bubWes contMn both ~eam and v~atil~<strong>ed</strong>motor hou~ng 61.As may be seen ~ FIG. 3, a stirrerod 101 extends gases and vapor~fom an integrM conne~n whh motor sha~ ~8 at the The ra#d romtionM movement of the sti~er Madeshub cf fan 59 pre~mWy but n~ necessarily axially of 102 genermes loca~z<strong>ed</strong> pressure ~fferentials ~ the rewthe cylindric~ re~rv~ re,on 100 ~dde of condenser 45 erv~r wmer cau~ng an increas<strong>ed</strong> (and super-atmospheri~pressure on the up,ream ~ce of the Mades andc~l 27 and ~rm~m~ ~ the stirrer Wades 102 immer~d~ lhe ~rv~r w~e~ The depth of immersion for a decreas<strong>ed</strong> relativdy negative Ond sub-mmospheriOstirrer Wades 102 is n~ critical, bm p~raWy, they are pre~ure on the down,ream ~ce of the Wades. S~cenot deeper than the bottom of coil condenser 27. In the the water ~ the reservoir ~ hot, desirably at betweenmode ~u~m~d hero~ the stirrer rod w~ position<strong>ed</strong> 50 18~-19~ F., generation of locM~<strong>ed</strong> sub-mmosphericmodestly off-center |o avid ~r~rence wi~h the cutletbend 29 of condenser coil 27, see FIGS. 1 and 2. w~ch steam flashes off fom the hot water (form~gpre~ure re#ons ~ the water creates a v~d space ~toIn the operat~n of the d~tiHation appara~s of t~s thereby the bubble~. Ev~v<strong>ed</strong> Mong with the ~eam, ~~vention, the reservoir container 10 and boiler 12 are any Mr still d~solv<strong>ed</strong> ~ the water and any volati~zabMfir~ fil<strong>ed</strong> wkh water to a levi at ~a~ substantially 55 components still present ~ the wmer. Moreover, as thecovering the heating dements 13 and 14 as may be bubWes pass up through the re~rv~r water to escape atobserv<strong>ed</strong> mo~ ~eady ~ FIG. 2. It will be observ<strong>ed</strong> thin the water suffac~ they scavenge Mr and v~mfl~abMwhen filling re~rv~r container 10, wmer w~l automaticallyflow through condor 22 ~to the boiler so that Thu~ mecha~cM ~ring of lhe hot re~rv~r wmercomponen~ fom the wm~.~fimmdy the ~vd of the water ~ the reservoir con-6miner 10 wi~ be the same ~ the wmer levi m the boiler remov~g M1 v~mfl~able components th~efom beforeasfis~ greatly ~ dea~m~g the re~rv~r water and ~12. When energy ~ then supp<strong>ed</strong> to the heating d~ wmer from the reservoir enters the boiler 12 to be ~men~ 13 and 14 they will function to boil the water till<strong>ed</strong> ~her~n. In ad~tio~ mecha~cM mkring ~cilimteswit~n the boiler 12. Steam fom the b~r will enter mMntenance of a good heat bMance witch the resevthe ~t 24 and then flow through the condenser coil 27 ~ v~L~o be condens<strong>ed</strong> therein. The condens<strong>ed</strong> steam will then In operm~n of the ~stilMtion apparatus, the heatdischarge ~rough filter 115 as the ~me Oiq~d) impal<strong>ed</strong> m b~Mr 12 ty the heating dements 13 and 14product fom the conden~r oufl~ 31. When firm opev can leave the ~fion app~mus o~y ~ the hem6

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