Un ed States Patent

Un ed States Patent

Un ed States Patent


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19prov~ing a flow con~r up~mam fom ~e ~t w~ervalve for con~fng Me flow ram of water to the inletwater va~e.18. The m~hod as defin<strong>ed</strong> in chim 16, fuaher comprNi~g:automatically ~rminating elec~ical power fom thepower unit to the fir~ and second heater probes whenthe heating bowl N ~mov<strong>ed</strong> fom the he~er houNng.5~33~122O19. The m~hod as defin<strong>ed</strong> in c~im 16, ~her compri~ing:~mov~ posit~n~g a w~ ~t robe w~Nn Me heM-~g bowl and fl~Ny conne~<strong>ed</strong> to the wMer ~Mt flowf~ ~r ~a~m~fing ~m~g w~er from Me ~t flowfine to a ~w~ end of the heating bowl.

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