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OSHPD Updates - CSHE

OSHPD Updates - CSHE


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Terminology related to egress and components of the means of egress arealso subject to misunderstandings when not carefully coordinated withterms used in Chapter 10 of the CBC for Means of Egress. For example:• Use of the terms “corridor,” “hallway,” or “hall,” and “exit passage”• Proper descriptions for “exit,” “exit passage,” and “exit discharge”When providing information on fire-rated construction and componentsdefined in Chapter 7 of the CBC for fire and smoke protection features,utilizing code-compliant language when describing the performance levelsfor walls and doors is key to understanding how the plans provide for lifesafety provisions of the code. For example:• Correct applications for “fire partition,” “fire wall,” and “fire barrier”• Similarly, the proper use of “smoke partitions” and “smoke barriers”3.3 Project Title Sheeta. PurposeThe title sheet to a set of construction documents not only provides ageneral introduction to the project but also includes statements anddescriptions for project-specific requirements, the basis of design forconstruction, and compliance with enforceable and applicable codesrelevant to the project. Much of the information on the title sheet isgeneral information for the contractors and presents the project scope anddescription, maps for location of the building, identification of theresponsible design professionals and client, and general statements aboutthe overall use of the documents. For small projects, or where room allows,it may also include an index to the drawings, site plans, and other overalldrawings that help to describe the project scope and its setting, whetherfor a new building or for renovation of an existing building.Section 3. Plan Design and Review Page 31

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