OSHPD Updates - CSHE

OSHPD Updates - CSHE

OSHPD Updates - CSHE


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. Organization and ApproachFloor plans specific to the life safety design should be provided, exceptin very small or simple projects, where information may be combined.All floor levels must be shown, even if they do not have an occupancyclassification (e.g., roofs). The scale of the floor plans will depend onthe building size and should ensure that all information is legible.Site plans are also recommended, even for small renovation projects,to assist in describing the context of the project and the compliance ofthe existing building to basic site requirements.Building sections are usually needed when occupancy separations arepresent between floors, when the floors of the building do not stack,or when the site slopes significantly. Another reason to includebuilding sections is because the maximum allowed building heights insome occupancies may need to be shown. Building sections arerequired for new construction.General notes are recommended to provide reference to other areasof the documents that provide additional life safety design and detailsneeded for showing compliance. The following notes arerecommended and must be coordinated with the project’s actualscope and organization:• The fire rating of the partitions is shown diagrammatically• For construction of partitions, see floor plans and partitionconstruction drawings• These plans do not attempt to show all fire-rated ceilings and/or horizontal partitions (such as bottom of shafts, for example)present in the building. See reflected ceiling plans andenlarged stairs and elevator drawings for conditions not shownhere• For location and type of exit signs, see electrical drawings andspecificationsSection 3. Plan Design and Review Page 41

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