Developing a Strategic Approach to Construction Waste

Developing a Strategic Approach to Construction Waste

Developing a Strategic Approach to Construction Waste


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Restricted – CommercialAEA/ ED02414/Issue 1<strong>Developing</strong> A <strong>Strategic</strong> <strong>Approach</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Construction</strong> <strong>Waste</strong>3 Do any wastelegislations have anadvantage for therunning of yourcompany?3a -Have any legislationsmade working easier?hydrological risk assessments of landfillsites. Others in the organisation would havebroader knowledge.Not sure he's the person <strong>to</strong> ask.. NoAvoiding prosecution. Keeping emp safe, notendangering relationships with neighbours ofsites, eg noise, dust mud.know there are some4 Do you think the In building and redeveloping there is acurrent waste move away from 'dig and dump' contrac<strong>to</strong>rslegislation is sufficient? are realising that there are other moresustainable and cheaper ways of dealingwith waste. Landfill Dir is affectingcontrac<strong>to</strong>rs in an environmentally positiveway. Folk in contaminated land are having<strong>to</strong> be more innovative <strong>to</strong> try and usematerial on site4 Do you think thea current wastelegislation is efficientlyenforced? If not, whatmore could be done?Tricky. Groudwater legislation affects howconstruct landfill sites. SEPA catching upon regulating sites more than did a fewyears ago, eg PPC regulations morethorough now.Legislation is sufficient; it's implementation andmoni<strong>to</strong>ring that's a bit patchy. Need moreeducation. Many people don't know whatrequired. Have subcontrac<strong>to</strong>rs that are notaware of what is required due <strong>to</strong> the cost ofsubscribing <strong>to</strong> find out.Hit and miss - could be unfortunate enough <strong>to</strong>be caught but doesn't think there are notenough people <strong>to</strong> enforce across the board.SEPA are helpful when they are contacted butnot as enforcers.No, much more on the groundenforcement needed – have only seenone Environment Agency Officer onour sites in the last 7 years!! Couldutilise rfid tags <strong>to</strong> track waste materials5 Do you have any other Area where folk struggle is the interfacecomments regarding between cont land and waste mgt. Maywaste legislations i.e. have material you want <strong>to</strong> reuse on site butdo current legislations falls within haz wst leg - can you reuse it.encourage you <strong>to</strong> buy When does something become controlledsupplies any differently waste. Dif people from SEPA/Envt Agencyor encourage/force your give dif views. Getting through waste mgtsuppliers <strong>to</strong> sell licencing regime and exemptions. VeryCost as a deterrent isn't the right method, egmaking landfill expensive not the answer. Iftighten up on moni<strong>to</strong>ring and make it lessexpensive <strong>to</strong> comply then would have moresuccess.Inconsistent application/enforcement indifferent EA regions makeinterpretation difficult. EA officers notalways helpful in their attitude <strong>to</strong>wardsour industry. Duty of Care paperworkshould be produced in a standardformat, and if we are made <strong>to</strong> registerfor hazardous waste anyway, why not14 AEA Energy & Environment

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