(U) 1962 NORAD CONAD History Jan-Jun.pdf - US Northern ...

(U) 1962 NORAD CONAD History Jan-Jun.pdf - US Northern ...

(U) 1962 NORAD CONAD History Jan-Jun.pdf - US Northern ...


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and cuts, the program on 30 <strong>Jun</strong>e <strong>1962</strong> was for atotal of 174 gap fillers in the U.S. and Can~da.This included 124 FPS-74's (45 for Canada-a~d-79for the U.S.) and 50 FPS-IB's (for the U.S.).Thus, of the 174 sites, 129 would be in the U.S.There were 101 gap fillers (11 on standby) as of1 July <strong>1962</strong>, all FPS-IB's or FPS-14's (and-all inthe U.S.). The first FPS-74's were scheduled forinstallation and operation in CY 1963.As noted above, 45 gap fillers were programmedfor Canada under' the ~ADIN program. All were to beFPS-74's. Contracts for construction of' 12 sfteshad been let by April, one site was to~~uilt bythe RCAF Construction Maintenance Unit"and cO'ntractsfor the other sites were to be let {Lejorethe end of May.Program Re-evaluation. At mid-year, howev~r;the gap filler program was again in need of reevaluatingand rescheduling. There was forecasta six month slippage in the FPS-74 program becauseof the -inability of the contractor to produceequipment on schedule. It was felt that any furtherslippage, because of the contractor, couldcause the ~ontFact to be given to a new contract§?which woul~result in another year's delay, i.e.,-installation in 1964. 'Then on 4 July, RCAF Headquarters indicatedto <strong>NORAD</strong> that the gap filler program in Canadawould be deferred because of financial stringenciesand the current difficulties in the FPS-74 prbgram.In a message to Air Marshal SIemon, Air MarshalCampbell, Chief of the Air Staff, RCAF, ~*~~lor ~~~confirmation that CINC<strong>NORAD</strong> agreed to ,tli1s defer;:.mente<strong>NORAD</strong> replied that in its view there was nolessening of the need for a <strong>NORAD</strong> capability tomeet the threat of a low level attack and, accordingly,the requirement for gap fillers remainedfirm. However, <strong>NORAD</strong> continued, it was understood[19 ].' "'.," '­" I :" ,I 1 • , .- - .­. ' , 'o'. r '

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