(U) 1962 NORAD CONAD History Jan-Jun.pdf - US Northern ...

(U) 1962 NORAD CONAD History Jan-Jun.pdf - US Northern ...

(U) 1962 NORAD CONAD History Jan-Jun.pdf - US Northern ...


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", ': ~ ': . ~ :'BMEWS Gaps. At the beginning of <strong>1962</strong>, <strong>NORAD</strong>recognized several deficiencies in the p~e~~tlyplanned BMEWS system.* One of the most seriousof these were the gaps in BMEWS that. would permitthe <strong>US</strong>SR to evade the net by firing extremely lowangleICBM shots. Of the three primary holes in<strong>NORAD</strong>'s missile defense (the second and third involvingthe submarine-launched ballistic missileand global range ballistic missile), <strong>NORAD</strong> consideredthe low-angle ICBM possibility the mostthreatening.~"..With low-angle ICBM shots, both sur~~e .andeffectiveness could be attained. With only slightreductions in effectiveness (lower accuracy beingcompensated for by high-yield warheads), t~ -<strong>US</strong>SRcould fire a ballistic missile from its own territory.at a trajectory giving it a re-entry angle aslow as 7 0 • Since BMEWS was designed and deployedto detect missiles with re-entry angles between15 0 and 65 0 only, the missiles would slip rightunder the net. A great many soft SAC and air defensesites, as well as key industrial areas,were vulnerable to such an attack.-- -', .... ~.;;: ..<strong>NORAD</strong> ~!-huS'considered it highly important to"plug these gaps. In May <strong>1962</strong>, the command developeda program to fill the gaps between Sites I-and II and Sites I and III, the latter being themore serious of the two. The program called fora gap-filler radar on the northern coast of Icelandto take care of the Sites I-III gap and atracking radar at Site II to cover the Sites I-IIgap. The program also called for the use of the·Shemya radar in a manual mode to scan to ~ - west_of Site II. This program was forwarded to <strong>US</strong>AFand the Secretary of Defense for their consideration.* For BMEWS rearward communications improvements,-- - -see- section entitled <strong>NORAD</strong>/SACNo.rthern .Ar-ea . ... ­Communications Objectives Plan, this chapter,pages 43 to 45.. [ 27]: • :. ~ .. ~ I I. • r I• " • 'J" l' • , . : J- .- - --=,. .

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