NC Register Volume 16 Issue 15 - Office of Administrative Hearings

NC Register Volume 16 Issue 15 - Office of Administrative Hearings

NC Register Volume 16 Issue 15 - Office of Administrative Hearings


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year, the beds or services, except fordialysis stations, shall be madeavailable for a review period to bedetermined by the CON Section, butbeginning no earlier than 60 daysfrom the date that the appeal isresolved. Notice shall be mailed bythe Certificate <strong>of</strong> Need Section to allpersons on the mailing list for theState Medical Facilities Plan, no lessthan 45 days prior to the due date forreceipt <strong>of</strong> new applications.(5) Withdrawals and Relinquishments. Except fordialysis stations, a need determination forwhich a certificate <strong>of</strong> need is issued, but issubsequently withdrawn or relinquished, isavailable for a review period to be determinedby the Certificate <strong>of</strong> Need Section, butbeginning no earlier than 60 days from:(A) the last date on which an appeal <strong>of</strong>the notice <strong>of</strong> intent to withdraw thecertificate could be filed if no appealis filed;(B) the date on which an appeal <strong>of</strong> thewithdrawal is finally resolved againstthe holder; or(C)the date that the Certificate <strong>of</strong> NeedSection receives from the holder <strong>of</strong>the certificate <strong>of</strong> need notice that thecertificate has been voluntarilyrelinquished.Notice <strong>of</strong> the scheduled review period for thereallocated services or beds shall be mailed bythe Certificate <strong>of</strong> Need Section to all personson the mailing list for the State MedicalFacilities Plan, no less than 45 days prior tothe due date for submittal <strong>of</strong> the newapplications.(6) Need Determinations for which NoApplications are Received(A)(B)Services or Beds with ScheduledReview in the Calendar Year on orBefore September 1: The Certificate<strong>of</strong> Need Section shall not reallocatethe services or beds in this categoryfor which no applications werereceived, because the MedicalFacilities Planning Section will havesufficient time to make any necessarychanges in the determinations <strong>of</strong> needfor these services or beds in the nextannual State Medical Facilities Plan,except for dialysis stations.Services or Beds with ScheduledReview in the Calendar Year AfterSeptember 1: Except for dialysisstations, a need determination in thiscategory for which no application hasbeen received by the last due date forsubmittal <strong>of</strong> applications shall beavailable to be applied for in theTEMPORARY RULESsecond Category I review period inthe next calendar year for theapplicable HSA. Notice <strong>of</strong> thescheduled review period for thereallocated beds or services shall bemailed by the Certificate <strong>of</strong> NeedSection to all persons on the mailinglist for the State Medical FacilitiesPlan, no less than 45 days prior to thedue date for submittal <strong>of</strong> newapplications.(7) Need Determinations not Awarded becauseApplication Disapproved(A) Disapproval in the Calendar Yearprior to August 17: Needdeterminations or portions <strong>of</strong> suchneed for which applications weresubmitted but disapproved by theCertificate <strong>of</strong> Need Section beforeAugust 17, shall not be reallocated bythe Certificate <strong>of</strong> Need Section.Instead the Medical FacilitiesPlanning Section shall make thenecessary changes in the next annualState Medical Facilities Plan if noappeal is filed, except for dialysisstations.<strong>16</strong>:<strong>15</strong> NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER February 1, 2002<strong>16</strong>99(B)Disapproval in the Calendar Year onor After August 17: Needdeterminations or portions <strong>of</strong> suchneed for which applications weresubmitted but disapproved by theCertificate <strong>of</strong> Need Section on orafter August 17, shall be reallocatedby the Certificate <strong>of</strong> Need Section,except for dialysis stations. A need inthis category shall be available for areview period to be determined by theCertificate <strong>of</strong> Need Section butbeginning no earlier than 95 daysfrom the date the application wasdisapproved, if no appeal is filed.Notice <strong>of</strong> the scheduled review periodfor the reallocation shall be mailed bythe Certificate <strong>of</strong> Need Section to allpersons on the mailing list for theState Medical Facilities Plan, no lessthan 80 days prior to the due date forsubmittal <strong>of</strong> the new applications.(8) Reallocation <strong>of</strong> Decertified ICF/MR Beds. Ifan ICF/MR facility's Medicaid certification isrelinquished or revoked, the ICF/MR beds inthe facility shall be reallocated by theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Health and Human Services,Division <strong>of</strong> Facility Services, MedicalFacilities Planning Section pursuant to theprovisions <strong>of</strong> the following Sub-parts. Thereallocated beds shall only be used to convertfive-bed ICF/MR facilities into six-bedfacilities.

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