NC Register Volume 16 Issue 15 - Office of Administrative Hearings

NC Register Volume 16 Issue 15 - Office of Administrative Hearings

NC Register Volume 16 Issue 15 - Office of Administrative Hearings


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Comment Procedures: Written comments concerning this rulemakingaction must be submitted to Portia W. Rochelle, RulemakingCoordinator, Division <strong>of</strong> Medical Assistance, 1985Umstead Drive, Raleigh, <strong>NC</strong> 27603.CHAPTER 26 – MEDICAL ASSISTA<strong>NC</strong>ESUBCHAPTER 26D – LIMITATIONS ON AMOUNT:DURATION: AND SCOPE10 <strong>NC</strong>AC 26D .01<strong>16</strong> CO-PAYMENT(a) Co-payment Requirements. The following requirements areimposed on all Medicaid recipients for the following services:(1) Outpatient Hospital Services. Co-paymentwill be charged at the rate <strong>of</strong> three dollars($3.00) per outpatient visit.(2) Chiropractic Services. Co-payment will becharged at the rate <strong>of</strong> one dollar ($1.00) perchiropractic visit.(3) Podiatric Services. Co-payment will becharged at the rate <strong>of</strong> one dollar ($1.00) perpodiatric visit.(4) Optometric Services. Co-payment will becharged at the rate <strong>of</strong> two dollars ($2.00) peroptometric visit.(5) Optical Supplies and Services. Co-paymentwill be charged at the rate <strong>of</strong> two dollars($2.00) per item. Co-payment for repair <strong>of</strong>eyeglasses and other optical supplies will becharged at the rate <strong>of</strong> two dollars ($2.00) perrepair exceeding five dollars ($5.00).(6) Prescribed Drugs. Co-payment will becharged at the rate <strong>of</strong> one dollar ($1.00) perdispensing for Generic drugs and three dollars($3.00) for dispensing for Brand Name drugs,including refills.(7) Dental Services. Co-payment will be chargedat the rate <strong>of</strong> three dollars ($3.00) per visit,except when more than one visit is required. Ifmore than one visit is required but the serviceis billed under one procedure code with onedate <strong>of</strong> service, then only one co-payment shallbe collected. Full and partial dentures areexamples.(8) Physicians. Co-payment will be charged at therate <strong>of</strong> three dollars ($3.00) per visit.(b) Co-payment Exemptions. No co-payment will be chargedfor the following services:(1) EPSDT related services;(2) Family Planning Services;(3) Services in state owned mental hospitals;(4) Services covered by both Medicare andMedicaid;(5) Services to persons under age 21;(6) Services related to pregnancy;(7) Services provided to residents <strong>of</strong> ICF,ICF-MR, SNF, Mental Hospitals; and(8) Hospital emergency room services.History Note: Authority G.S. 108A-25(b); S.L. 1985, c. 479,s. 86; 42 C.F.R. 440.230(d);TEMPORARY RULES<strong>16</strong>:<strong>15</strong> NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER February 1, 20021717Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act <strong>of</strong> 1982, Subtitle B;Section 95 <strong>of</strong> Chapter 689, 1991 Session Laws;Eff. January 1, 1984;Temporary Amendment Eff. August <strong>15</strong>, 1991 For a Period <strong>of</strong>180 Days to Expire on February <strong>15</strong>, 1992;Amended Eff. February 1, 1992;Temporary Amendment Eff. September <strong>15</strong>, 1992 For a Period <strong>of</strong>180 Days or Until the Permanent Rule Becomes Effective,Whichever is Sooner;Amended Eff. February 1, 1993;Temporary Amendment Eff. January 1, 2002.TITLE 12 – DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICERule-making Agency: <strong>NC</strong> State Bureau <strong>of</strong> InvestigationRule Citation: 12 <strong>NC</strong>AC 04E .0104Effective Date: January 14, 2002Findings Reviewed and Approved by: Beecher R. GrayAuthority for the rulemaking: G.S. 114-10 (6)Reason for Proposed Action: On October 28, 1999 the USDepartment <strong>of</strong> Justice changed 28 CFR 20.33 to allow nationalcriminal history record information to non-criminal justicegovernmental agencies performing criminal justice dispatchingfunction or data processing/information services for criminaljustice agencies. This access, previously limited only toauthorized law enforcement and criminal justice agencies, willnow allow city/country 911 communication centers full access tothe National Crime Information Center, which is a subdivision<strong>of</strong> the FBI. 12 <strong>NC</strong>AC 04E .0104 was written using the oldlanguage <strong>of</strong> the federal CFR and, in its current form, preventsthe SBI from opening the access to these communication centersnow allowed under federal regulations. In order to allow thisaccess, an immediate temporary change must be made to <strong>NC</strong>AC,while a permanent rule change is sought. By allowing this rulechange, law enforcement agencies statewide will have access tocritical records that were previously unavailable to theircommunication centers. With the heightened awareness <strong>of</strong>terrorism and war across the nation this will allow NorthCarolina law enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficers a safer environment wheninvestigating crimes, responding to request for service, andinitiating motor vehicle traffic stops. With this rule change, atleast 38 communications centers throughout the state will beallowed full access to <strong>NC</strong>IC, again, improving <strong>of</strong>ficer safety andpublic safety efficiency. There will be no known direct costassociated with this rule change, other than those necessary andrequired in the filing and notification procedures associatedwith any standard rule change. The State Bureau <strong>of</strong>Investigation intends to notify all users statewide by sending astatewide computer message and including a posting in thestatewide law enforcement electronic newsletter (available to alllaw enforcement computer terminal users statewide on amonthly basis). This newsletter is maintained online for 12months and is free <strong>of</strong> charge to users.

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