Union certification: Developing a level playing field ... - LabourWatch

Union certification: Developing a level playing field ... - LabourWatch

Union certification: Developing a level playing field ... - LabourWatch


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<strong>Union</strong> <strong>certification</strong>: <strong>Developing</strong> a <strong>level</strong> <strong>playing</strong> <strong>field</strong> for labour relations in Quebecprivate boundaries and the increased challengesto former government monopolies due both tonew technologies, that weaken or destroy the verybases of these monopolies, and to their partial ortotal privatization.Although people in the labour movementmay tend to see a worldwide plot behind thesechallenges orchestrated by governments andemployers’ groups, the fact remains that greatercompetitive pressures resulting from globalizationof markets, new technologies (in information,communications and production) and theinternationalization of cultures have been a majorsource of effectiveness, efficiency, gains in wellbeingand declines in poverty in every country andregion that has adhered to these developments byfavouring a better balance between flexibility,adaptation and security, accountability, and goodgovernance in private and public institutions.This will have to be the same for Quebec ifit truly wishes to reverse its current trend towardmarginalization. A first step would includeoverhauling its legal framework in labourrelations, first by establishing mandatory votingby secret ballot, open to all members of the unitconcerned, for union <strong>certification</strong> and votes onstrikes or employers’ offers, followed by theestablishment of greater worker democracythrough recognition of other forms of representation.Such an overhaul is likely to enable Quebeccompanies to compete on a <strong>level</strong> <strong>playing</strong> <strong>field</strong>with firms in competing jurisdictions inattracting investment and favouring job creation.Montreal Economic Institute35

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