Manual Unheated - Applications for 1K High Viscosity Products

Manual Unheated - Applications for 1K High Viscosity Products

Manual Unheated - Applications for 1K High Viscosity Products


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PRACTICAL INFORMATION:METRIC - ENGLISH CONVERSIONCONVERT FROMCentimetersCentimetersCentimeters/min.Centimeters/sec.Cubic centimeters.TOfeetinchesfeet/min.feet/sec.cubic feetMULTIPLY BY0.032800.39371.96840.032813.5314 x 10 –5CONVERT FROMGallonsGallonsGallonsGallonsGallons/min.TOcubic cmcubic inchesimperial gallonscubic feetcubic feet/min.MULTIPLY BY3 785,432310,832680,133680,13368CONVERT FROMCubic centimetersCubic centimetersCubic feetCubic feetCubic feet/min.TOouncesliquid gallonsliquid gallonscubic inchesgallons/min.MULTIPLY BY0.0330.00026427.48051.7287.4805CONVERT FROMInchesInchesInchesInchesKilogramsTOfeetmetersmillimetersmilspoundsMULTIPLY BY0,0833330,25425,400051 0002,2046CONVERT FROMCubic inchesCubic inchesCubic inchesCubic metersCubic metersTOgallonscubic centimeterscubic feetliquid U.S. gallonscubic centimetersMULTIPLY BY0.00432916.3870.0005787264.171 x 10 6CONVERT FROMKilogrammes/cm 2Kilogrammes/mm 2LitersMetersMetersTOpsipsigallonsfeetinchesMULTIPLY BY14,22331 422,330,2641783,280839,37CONVERT FROMCubic metersCubic metersFeetFeetFeet of waterCONVERT FROMFeet of waterFeet/hourFeet/min.Feet/min.Feet/sec.TOcubic feetcubic inchescentimetersmetersatmosphèreTOpsimiles/hourmeters/min.miles/hourmiles/hourMULTIPLY BY35.3161,023.3830.480060.30480060.02949MULTIPLY BY0.4430.000189330.30480.011360.681818CONVERT FROMPoisePints of waterPSIInches 2Inches 2Inches 2Millimètres 2daNTOcentipoisegallonsatmosphère (bar)cm 2feet 2mm 2inches 2KilogramsMULTIPLY BY100,00,119850,068046,45160,006944645,1630,00154991.0• For the diameter of a circle, multiply the circumference by 0.31831.• For the circumference of a circle, multiply the diameter by 3.1416.• For the surface of a circle, multiply the diameter² by 0.7854.• For the surface of a sphere, multiply the diameter² by 3.1416.• To find the side of a square that has the same surface area of a circle,multiply the diameter by 0.8862.• To find the number of cubic inches in a sphere, multiply the diameter by 0.5236.• To find the number of gallons inside a pipe or cylinder, divide the volume in liters by 231.• To find the cubic volume of a cylinder or pipe, multiply the section area by the length.64GUIDE KREMLIN FR GB DER OK.indd 64 17/05/11 09:53

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