TIBCO MDM Customization Guide - TIBCO Product Documentation

TIBCO MDM Customization Guide - TIBCO Product Documentation

TIBCO MDM Customization Guide - TIBCO Product Documentation


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92 Chapter 3 Customizing Repository|To determine which relationships are shown for an item:1. For each relationship type you include for an item, define a constraint in thecatalogvalidation.xml file. This file shows relationships for items in allrepositories.2. To include a relationship type that is different from relationships in the rest ofthe repositories, add a constraint (specific to the repository) to theCatalogValidation.xml file. The file is located in the MQ_COMMON_DIR//catalog/master/ directory.3. To define this constraint:a. Declare a variable named RELATIONSHIP_LIST, with the usage attributedeclared as "output".RELATIONSHIP_LISTb. Declare a variable named RECORD_ACTION.RECORD_ACTIONc. In the element of the constraint, name the type of relationship youwant to include. In the description element of the constraint, enter adescription.d. Define a condition element, similar to other conditions defined for otherconstraints in the Rulebase.e. To show a different relationship list for RECORD_ACTION, define a separateconstraint. The possible values for this RECORD_ACTION constraint are ADD,EDIT, and COPY. Optionally, you can use record attributes to control the listof valid relationships.f. Define an action element for this condition, to assign the"RELATIONSHIPLIST" output variable. The following code sample definesa constraint for the 'Contains' relationship. You can add constraints for allof the relationships that you want to include for an item.containsDefault relationship if Record Actionis"ADD" or "EDIT" or "COPY"<strong>TIBCO</strong> <strong>MDM</strong> <strong>Customization</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

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