TIBCO MDM Customization Guide - TIBCO Product Documentation

TIBCO MDM Customization Guide - TIBCO Product Documentation

TIBCO MDM Customization Guide - TIBCO Product Documentation


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76 Chapter 2 Customizing User Interface|15. Add an entry in WORKFLOWFORM table in application database. Theattributes of this table and the value they take are:— ID: Primary Key, provide a unique number— VERSION: Default value. For example, 1.— OWNERORGANIZATIONID: Default value is 1 for all organizations.Otherwise, provide specific organization ID.— NAME: Custom form name.— DEFINITION: XMLC generated class name.— ACTIVE: Set to 'Y'.— MODMEMBERID: Default value is 101.— MODDATE: Provide current date.— MODVERSION: Default value is 1.— TYPE: EMAIL/TASK, depending on your form type. Use TASK for workitem and EMAIL for Email.— ACTIONABLE: If form has some action, set to 'Y', otherwise 'N' fornotifications.For example:INSERT INTO WORKFLOWFORM (ID, VERSION, OWNERORGANIZATIONID,NAME, DEFINITION, ACTIVE, MODMEMBERID, MODDATE, MODVERSION,TYPE, ACTIONABLE) VALUES (MQ_SEQUENCE_1.nextval, 1, 1, 'MyCustom Form Name','com.tibco.mdm.ui.workflow.engine.workitem.template.My<strong>Customization</strong>', 'Y', 101, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 1, 'TASK', 'N');Gathering Inputs from a User Using the Workitem Form1. Define an HTML input element. You can use any type for input element.2. Assign the input element an 'ID'. For example, 'ID=myuserinput'.3. Set an 'OutputTo' XPATH in the XML form being used by the work item. Forexample:(//Form/Field/ID[text()='myuserinput'])/following-sibling::ValueThe work item generates two outputs, one is the result XML, and the other is amerged document.• Result XML: This is a copy of the XML form. The difference being, any userinputs given are part of it.<strong>TIBCO</strong> <strong>MDM</strong> <strong>Customization</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

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