TIBCO MDM Customization Guide - TIBCO Product Documentation

TIBCO MDM Customization Guide - TIBCO Product Documentation

TIBCO MDM Customization Guide - TIBCO Product Documentation


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Customizing Workitem Forms and Email Templates| 67Customizing Workitem Forms and Email TemplatesHow do Forms Work<strong>TIBCO</strong> <strong>MDM</strong> forms work using three basic components:1. A HTML template which is the work item form.2. An XML document: This is the source of data to be shown in the HTML form.3. An XML form: This is the XML file that maps data from the source XMLdocument to a Workitem or Email HTML template using an XPATH.HTML form is used to write a custom work item. The HTML form is used asinput to the XMLC tool. XMLC generates Java code and automatically compiles itto generate class file (we will refer to these files as XMLC component). EachHTML ID in HTML form is converted to Java variable and can be accessed usingXMLC APIs. Application uses XMLC APIs to get HTML IDs, set values, doHTML manipulation and finally generate HTML, which is ready to be displayedas work item.XML Form DefinitionAn XML form is used by the application to map data from source XML to thework item display. When the application displays a work item form or an Emailtemplate, it uses an XML form to get an HTML ID, and populates it with the valuepointed to by the XPATH.For example an entry in the XML form looks like:HeaderFirstShipDate/Message/Body/Document/BusinessDocument/CatalogAction/CatalogActionHeader/Date/Code/Normal[text()='FirstShipDate']/../../DateValue/Value/text()(//Form/Field/ID[text()='HeaderFirstShipDate'])/following-sibling::ValueThe XML form consists of fields defining specific data to be shown for an ID. Eachfield contains an 'ID' and an 'InputFrom' tag. The form can, optionally, have'OutputTo' and 'Value' tags.• ID: This tag maps to the ID in the HTML template.• InputFrom: This contains the XPATH from which the data is extracted and isshown at the given location identified by ID.<strong>TIBCO</strong> <strong>MDM</strong> <strong>Customization</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

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