Young Socialists Magazine 1913 July Dec.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1913 July Dec.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1913 July Dec.pdf


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l'MILWAUKKilPlan! lor grutet' I!o-optration be.twun the god,lI,t 'OURIl tleople l • or­,anlutlon. and the Sod.I·Dentocratic.patt1 'Wltl be .,tt.ented to the nutmutlnr ot the tount¥ organlutlon . a~the .... ult ot I dilcussioh of thispro~l.m b, lh. Iilount,v ~xecuth'e commltt~t.It I. "'Iilognl.. d th.l the faun. I>eopit:lH I lIt'owlng factor In the So'cMi1l1t lUov,ment In MiI",au.ke~ coun.tt and that the S>att,. thould take10m. dennlt. ''Iltlon to let that thework 01 the youn, I. dir.ct.d alongthe S>rop.t channel.,Th. quutlon 01 ullnl them toluater advanta.e In carry in. on lh.prop,randa of lh. part)' will aho b.dl.culled,Th. I:Ollnl), executive committee intaklna \lp the dlvilion at profitt fromthe alate picnic to b, held <strong>July</strong> ~dtclded that .. J pet cent, wu to goto the Soctal-Democratlc PublishingCOml)ant. pubUlhtu of ail the party·owned Socl.lill p"pcn, -45 per cent, 10the Mllwauket County ofllanlutionand 10 per cent, to the Ilate organintlon,It wu provided that out of the"S pct cent, to ao to tho Soda listprt ... the per c~nt, each be given tothe Poli.h Ilnd German SodaliSfw .. kliu.Thl' y, 1', S. L, of Milwaukee can·sists of our branchu l oca~ed one onthe North. onc on the South, one onIh9 Eut and one on the Wut Side ofIhe city. Also under way of organ­Iz.ti/)n al prelent arc " Polish andJ~wi5h branch. The different bun\'he,(j( the organization arc known a.,Club •• nch Club having its officer,and dele,atet to the Central organjutionknown a. the <strong>Young</strong> People',\Velfare Commiuion. Thi. Welh.reCommission is appoiated by the PartyI'D YOUNG aooIA.LD'!I' ...... A.UlI:aploy~. He said it wu often impos-­ and thereb, the , workln,. of thesible for, the . r~portu to .Iet the ,I.: <strong>Young</strong> People are in aec~rd.nce withh9rtf'''t aide of the p:pqtl, in ~tbe nent Uu~ Part' iRonment:of .It p.rr"tl .. aUI ifter the . repor~ EacH Chlb i. orpnlacd under Ii\nt atal~ therdorq 'bi DC'!'; I. 't-cri Oarter I"tt~cl ~ lhe Social DWle~1ik~'.f ~d be r,vonltle to the "essd tor.lIe: Partrand,\utfnora.b1e t9 the wqrl.ef4:'the IlIl~rti'trs hbtf • bl .. lnAucndovu the poliC=1 of the paper becauscof the ract tbat the income of tbe~r.tt I. mdnl, duincl (rent .~'U.r: Loa ANGELBS. ~ALtl, at.Ort Thtluda;i Junt 215, i9h11. twi,li,ht"" 'l Ot Falk inoted the Iot.ltt;with twd trlcetion. on tbe ():.nD\ and haJ '~r'ie l , faded when the lI.uleMin M\ \v.nach tendered l \ooeal knot ~f tagef bn~~ began fJtpanding,,ot~ helk oi which ,,'cre appreel.tedIn !Spite of tbe rain. large numberbt the mem\.tr',of hlemben, ladiu and lIentleme~,showed bp to cut their 'Yotu .t theirIi. It.!;eml-annual elcetion which was heldat thl! lut meeting In lune, Br !iI•.1do'clock Ihe I.'rush was ucilln;, 'rht'officers elected arc! Organlur\ NathanUucllOlt:r1 Athletic Department,il~" DL:ci:~t ~~~~~fc g:p:~::::~tBUIllIl Martini Educatlonar DepAf'~Inent, S. Hahn I Enterlainment De­I)a rtmenl, Mre. C. J. Earlel Headquartersl)epartment, Harrt RichmondlUhrary Department, Mildred'rrtvu I Muslu Department, L, Pow.~ral Publldl), DepartnlCnt. Will 1...l>ollard I Chairman. Hynlln LevIn:V l c~-Chai rman, Ted Por~lh I Record­InA' Secretary. Gertrud. Lcvlni FinantialSecretary, Charlel Earlet Treat­Ilru, Sam Harrl"Comrade M, Lusdl. o rganiz.er 01the Y. p, S. L. o f San FrandlCo, h ..been In town during the week justr,.ued to study the tondilionl ex.ht ~ng In our league. and to inveltlgatethe poulbility of organiz.in, a Stateleague, Comrade LUltig ."y. thatthey ha\'o a m~mbenhip of about onl!hundred and fifty young people InSan Fundlco. and that the league IIRrOWU,j', A, yel Ihe )'oung peopleha ve not ,ecured permanent headquarter!.but expect to leale a hallloon, Prospectl lIeem.iood for a liveleague in the northern dty, and we ofthe Los Angelu y, p, S, L. wilh ourSan Fr .... ncisco comradu all the IUC­CUI in the wortd,BUFFALO. N. Y.A special rnert;ng of the y, P. S. L.was held on Tuuday, <strong>July</strong> I, to electdeleg&tCl to the 'tate convention andafar the usual preliminariu, Comrade.,Aluanderson, Hainrs and Warkwerc electrd ... ,. Again we wantto urge upon the Comrades the necu·tity of joining the y, p, S, L, It youfcel- tllot you arc 100 old to assod;I!""ith the ,oung (olkl, join anyway andhelp them b, p,a,ing dues. ~ is the,ounB' people of to;-4a, wPio wm UlherIn th~ eo.operatl.e tIlmmonwulth,and un.iu, ,ou prep.Fe them .tor it.thet will be URal td !!:epe with theproblems which II .rlse, Join the.league, work for e league. and thushelp in this gloriou, work of edue:!·lion for emandpation:NEW "lORK STATE CONVEN­'1'101'1'fhe VOlInA' Soe/alist.! of New YorkState are calling it convention tor the~u,pose of lormlng a State Federatlort,Th. Buffalo Lugue I, havln.th,rge 01 the calling of It, while IheSchenectady Club, In whose city it\TIll he held. Is having charge of thereceh·lni and II ceemodating ut thedeleg'ilte8.The convcntlon will last three day •.beginnlnll with Sunda1, August 10th.and ,endi nA' Tuelda1, August 12th'Th, Soci.lill IJarty will be representld by a membet of the StaleCorumit\ee, whil e e;lc h of the dulu..... iII ha\'e three ddegatC!l a piece.Six citiu ha\', already signified theirInt~ntion oE bein&' repruented, amoni'which the <strong>Young</strong> People's SocialistFederation of Now York is the larg­Cit ,inille organi:u.tion.'The convention wilt elect St4te 0('ficen, adopt 'a State constitution.and will transact othet bus inc II suitablefor the character of the con\'enlion,The con\'ention Is expected to bea tremendous lueceu, as over onethousand <strong>Young</strong> <strong>Socialists</strong> will berepresented by their delegates, :\few cities, and large counties likeKinKS and Oueens ha\'( as yet notbeen hurd from, but it is expectedthat they will also be represented.Any New York: tlubs desirinr informationr~garding the convention.hould write to Frank Shulman, 116Ludlow Street. New York City, whoi. Ibe apecial Publicity Agent forKew York Citr,Fraternally youn,Fn.nk Shulman,Publicity ABent ~r N. Y.To YOtllfG 1OOIALIa'H' JlAG.uun:OIl NIMMER RAST[NDE SONNEVon August" LilicnthalEs ilt Hoch50mmtr, Eine son·nig.t I.andschaft breitet 5ich "o.>rschneebedeckter Alpenkettc all~.1m \Viesengrunde leuchtcn dieBlumen im Sonnenschein lindbieten ihre susse Gabc dem ~ i cumschwarmenden Volk e der Bie·nen, Falter und summenden Kaferdar. Auch dort tiber die wciteilKomfelder giesst die Sonnt: ihrcStrahlcnfiille, 11m die Reife tiergoldenen Aehren zu "ollcnden.Auf den platscherndcn Welle'ldes Baches, dtr am ,Viescnrant!zwischen Steinen cilig hi nabrallscht,der sonnendunstigcnEbt:nt: entgegen, spiden

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