Young Socialists Magazine 1913 July Dec.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1913 July Dec.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1913 July Dec.pdf


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THE YOUNG SOCIALISTS' MAGAZINEKARL MARX AND FRBDERItK ENGELSThere is not a chapter in thehistory of the Socialist movementmore beautiful than the onewhich tells of the friendship ofKarl Marx and Frederick Engels.In Stuttgart. Germany, "herewas published a short time a~oa collection of letters which werewritten by Marx and Engels dllr~i llg the years which the formerspent in exile in Germany.Karl ~larx had been exiledfrom Germany because of hisrevolutionary activity there andafter traveling with his wife andchildren from place to place.hounded by the German governmentthey finally found a refugein the worst district of London.lIere :Marx tried to support hi:;fa mily by "'riling. articles forpapers and periodicals. hy all.;orts of odd literary jobs whichca me his way. Dut his revolutionaryarticles were but little indemand and were poorly p:'Iill.The famitv of )'Iarx lived in hitlerwant 'for 1ll:lnr years. lIi

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