Young Socialists Magazine 1913 July Dec.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1913 July Dec.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1913 July Dec.pdf


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a. ":I... _YOtJlfO aooauaTl' JU.G.t.zl:lB' 1A BIT OF SOCIAL PHILOS.OPHY.There is, nonnally, alwaysabout so much kicking-power inthe wurld. A scientist n;ight callit human kinetic energy.It. i!',like all (or(.'e, excellent; but its('x('cllen('c depends largely oh thedirection in which it is exerted.All of tiS must have. noticed. atone time or another, quantitiesof good, vigorous protest whichwere going to waste for the wantof the right thing against whidlto fulminate-sturdy fists whichseemed I1c\'er to find just the rightsolar plexus. It was 0\ sad sight.Splendid folk-they could ha\'eIt'd a carmagnole or heaped a barril"adehad they been born intothe right nation and age. and nowhere they are wasting their gunpowder,slHlttcring and scolding.If the ('hurch, or t.h e faJ11i1y unit,o r the milk inspection, or Anglomania,('or marriage, or the declineof tht' lIr:lma. or anything highhrowand IIl1iml)Ortant. All thi!t~ plendid energy and nothing iorit to do; wheels and shaftingdrintl fl1 11 :;;.peed and not a belt inthe i:tctory.; propellers madlyIhr:t~hit1g and th(' \,('silel in dr.,',dock.Dn·-c1o(,·k. This is where so·~'ictr' get~, onc(' in ~ often, An('ce!!'ary sojourn, no doubt. forscraping and , painting, but wehave fancy names for it which deceivepeople who should kilOWhetter. One favorite descriptionis: "An era of unparalleled materialprosperity:' meaning thatofficers and crew are lazing, eatingdOllhle rations, and growing'lotally unnt for. besides disinclinedto, acti\'e sea duty.RCglllarl)'. you will find by ~glance at history, human so('ietycomes to a point where it is heart.ily sick (If rotting at the wharf.\\' hat if the o ld hulk be crazy?.' Iake her sink or sail. \Vhat ifofficers and crew are wheezy anddoped? ~Iake them get on their:iea legs once more. " Launch Olllinto Ihe deep." Away with allIhese smooth and plausible for.llIulre-the dead inheritance of anage that is scarcely 1110re deadt han oms, Away with thebOllsted perfection of the presento rder,-Oullook,THE FINEST INCENTIVEI f we were a .. ked. what wa:­the strongest and finest incentin'fo r the human heing' next to' th('innate desire to aCl'omplish :lg reat r,iece oi work. we wonldsay it was thC' desire to obtainthe beautiful and pleasant thingsfor as many people as possible.You may notice that the \~retchedInoney incenti"e very rarely getsa man these beautiful things. IfYO II take 3. census of the menwho ha\'e kept the mon('y rewanlbefore them and ha\'e :lchievedtheir encl. you will find that mostof thcm do not even possess thefaculty for enjoying beauty.lIow can a man cnjoy the beauliesof Iht" world when he haskept his eyes glued to the mone~'bags all his life. Whenevera standpatter brings forward hissiaic talk aholl t incentive, justth in k o\'er the number of menYOII know who have made moneyIhtir incenti\'e throughout life:111(.1 then think over the men whohave di

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