Young Socialists Magazine 1913 July Dec.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1913 July Dec.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1913 July Dec.pdf


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I'\Vhen " "udent complctu • termor nnilht. a tour" in ..;y institutionof learninr he. h .... Il warrant ofhi, achiucmentl • promotion uttit1uteor diploma.1n our cue we have ntithtr.Yet we know that, we h,,,t pinedmort than the avttl&(. boy q(' air!,who spend their time in idle pl.y.,\hltnetl,. .pulcin,. we. have addtdbatt,rlc) to our intellectual powtrhoun-which.when called into actionwill nOt fail to respond.tel u. now Ice whertin we h.\,tnot betn lu('(udul and the C'UIe ~thertof. 1 must ..,. that the clubsuffered. rrut deal. due to the unloyaltyof lome of ill members andalso to lomt un. voidable nc.ligcntto n the part of 'your dircctor. who i.only a worker, and thirdly becau.eI!crtain condition. which arose in themother orl'lIniutioft have reacted onthe junior organbation in a mannerwhich w .. quite disagreeable.Howntr. theu an thingt of th epu t and ought to lerve as a warnin g:not to commit the tame erron in thefuture.Lei us, as I .uted btfore, dtdicattourstlves honeltly and tincere!y tothe Jolly purpose of raining know!­td,e, (or you nHut keep in mind th;1Iignoranct i. the mother of all nils-and the only safe and sound antitoxin alainn irnorance is kn owl·edle."He then pre.enttd hi, plans for theensuing three months, which arc as(ollows:For theoretical educa tion - :M or'.an', ';A ncient Society."For practical education-\'isits tvindu strial institution' with essayswritten on same.Provision. are tJllO made for ~odal(IItherinR's.The officers for the cosuiT\&' terman': Oraaniaer. hidor Markowitz ;Financial Secretary. hidor Fagan:.T~ .. urtr. Samuel Shenof(; Record ·Ing' Stcretary. David Abramoftky.Executive Committee : hidor Mark·nwitz, Isidor Fagan, Samuel Shenoft'.Dl\"id Abnmoftkr. Max Markowit z.Morris Sallman and Abraham We ber.Socialism and Libery.Continued from Pale' 2ing. Only in rare cases CAn theyfollow their own Inclinations, and('xpress their opinions witholltfur or fa,·or. Surely, none of themen here mentioned can in anytnle sense be said to be free.THE YOUNG SOCIALISTS' MAGAZIN~Xow let us consider the far·mers. In tinles of old, they werelooked upon as the "free and independentclass" par excellence.The present high prices for the~taple goods of the farmers have(or a moment relieved that class.They experience a temporaryprosperity. But let us recollectthe crisis of the nineties and themo urnful story of the presidentialelection of J8g6, when the poorfa rmers, burdened with debts andmisery. like a drowning manclutChing at the last straw. as aclass voted for "free silver." 11was IlIcky fo r the farmers morethan fo r anybody elie that they(li d not succeed at that time.But this present prosperity isonly temporary. The farmerswill det('riorate again. They arebound to deteriorate a5 long ast he present economk systemla~ts. The farmers are the serfsoi the trusts, the railroads and the.;pcculators. They a re not free.And how about the wageworkers? Are they free ? Wehard ly need to answer. Think oft he in security and dependencewhich day by day makes theworkman subject to his employ~ers favors. and tn every whim ofhi s. first in order to obtain hisdaily subsistence, and second, ino rder to retain it. And must nota wage worker gi"e up his identity?He must identify himselfwith his masters private interest,no mattt'r whether the master 1Sinferio r to him or not-nay, hemust help him and obey him e\'enwhen the master is a rogue whoadulterates goods. or in otherways carries on a warfare againstsociety.I n other words, the wage sys·tern poss.esses this miserable tea·ture which m~kes it so similaT _toa'ncient slavery, that the work·ttlan ~ i.s-\lsod.entirely ...for his .m&S~ter's private ends. This w as th..:definition of slavery.And how about those who haveNO work and clnnot find any ?Are they not in a still worse predicament? Are they free? Arethey not the slaves of misery.hunger and every other ill? Sure·1.\' no workman, whether em·played or not, can be called free.So to make a long story short.it is not so much the fact thatthere are rich and poor in theworld under the present system.but the fact that the poor have10 depend upon the rich for a li v.ing. that make! us all servantsand slaves. 1t is the terribleeconomic power of the capitalistdass that keeps tiS from becom·ing free. Only Socialism can helpus. And we shall become freeonly in the degree that we introduceSocialism and Social· Demo·cratic measures into our system.~j\\ME8Frnlch Blind Mo,.·s Bul! illSdlool-Roo,u.-One player is blind·folded and stands in front of thedass. The others are seated attheir desks. All of the players arenumbered. The one who is blindfoldedcalls two of the numbers :and the players whose numbershave been called stand up immedi~atel", and answer, " Here 1" Twomo;e numbers are called and theplayers so designated do the sameas the first two did. The one whois blindfolded then calls out, "Go I"At once the playeu who are stand·ing change places according to theorder in which tHey are cal1(.d, thefirst two changine witp. each otber,and the second two with each other.As they change, they pass .down the. ai ~d e~, and cross in front of thec1us, so that the one \vho' is blindfoldedmay have".J:ch.~e to catchone of them. 1£ h-e sycc,kos, theone who has been caught chancespJaces with him."Ich meld' mich ab!".Mit dies~n \\'orten vcr1ie ~,>l\t'eLers Hans das Zimmer.Meiers Hans gehorte sc.honjahn!lang al5 Mitglied unserm\"e'reine a ~ und war, wie man zu!'>Jgen .pAegt. ein ganz patenterHengel. Bei fest lichen Anlassen1rug er Couplets vor. rezitierte Ge­QI(:hte und haUe beim letztjithrigen~tiftungsfest die Hauptrolle il11Festspiel inne. Auf Touren un dAusfliigen wirkte sein ungezwungenerHumor und \Vitz immer CTheiternd~ uf die Teilnehmer. Andlkonnte er gut M undhamlOnika5pielen. Kurzum. er war einer un ·serer Schlager. Nur einen Fehlc,haUe cr. Er war ein unausstehlicherTrotzkopf. Fasste der Vertin einen Beschluss, der nichl gamin seinem Sinne war. dann spieltecr geradelu meisterhaft die grl-rankteLeherwurst und sein einziges\Vorl , das mall dann von ihm!loch hi:irte. war: .. 1t:h mel d'mich ab !.,So auch heute !In der \'ersanulliung haue mallcher den OsterausAug diskutien.Ein Teil schlug den Santis. e ini ~.~Redner wiederul11 den M"then al~Ziel der Osterwandcrung"v.or. 1:11

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