November 2011-January 2012 - Wisconsin National Guard ...

November 2011-January 2012 - Wisconsin National Guard ...

November 2011-January 2012 - Wisconsin National Guard ...


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Samantha Czerkas of Cross Plains, Ryan Skiff of Mauston, Samuel Puchalla ofSheboygan, Taylor Maciosek of Milladore and Starr Spencer of Eau Claire — allDec. 18, 2010 graduates from Class 25 — completed 10 months of service withthe AmeriCorps <strong>National</strong> Civilian Community Corps Nov. 17. <strong>Wisconsin</strong> <strong>National</strong><strong>Guard</strong> photoFive graduates from the <strong>Wisconsin</strong><strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> Challenge Academycompleted 10 months of service with theAmeriCorps <strong>National</strong> Civilian CommunityCorps (NCCC) Nov. 17.Samantha Czerkas of Cross Plains,Taylor Maciosek of Milladore, SamuelPuchalla of Sheboygan, Ryan Skiffof Mauston, and Starr Spencer of EauClaire — all Dec. 18, 2010 graduatesfrom Class 25 — completed variousprojects across the Midwest ranging frombuilding and restoring homes, managinginvasive species, mentoring youth,engaging in disaster response, developingtrail systems, and restoring parks andrecreational facilities.All five earned the CongressionalAward for their achievement in publicservice, personal development, physical@easeExpressMeritorious servicefitness, and exploration activities. Inaddition, Czerkas, Maciosek, Puchallaand Spencer also achieved the PresidentialAward for completing 100 independentservice project (ISP) hours and leadingan ISP. All five also earned a $5,350educational award to use for highereducation.The <strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> Youth ChallengeProgram and AmeriCorps NCCChave developed a partnership with thehopes that more cadets will transitioninto service to community work withNCCC. Currently, there are 15 ChallengeAcademy graduates from Class 22 throughClass 26 who are serving at AmeriCorpscampuses around the country. In addition,16 cadets from the Class 27 residentialclass are preparing to begin their servicein February <strong>2012</strong>.<strong>Wisconsin</strong>’s first provost marshall honoredMaj. JosephAdamson, policechief with theHoricon PoliceDepartment, wasrecently recognizedfor his efforts inestablishing aprovost marshaloffice in the<strong>Wisconsin</strong> Army<strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>.A provostmarshal is a militaryofficer in chargeof military policeor, in this case,installation security.Specifically,Adamson’sresponsibilitiesincludedantiterrorismoperations, physicalsecurity operations,operationssecurity and lawenforcement liaison.“I took a militaryleave of absencefrom my civilianjob to stand up theprovost marshal office,” he explained.“<strong>Wisconsin</strong> was the 14th state or territoryto establish a full-time provost marshaloffice.”“I can’t thank you enough for allyour hard work,” Lt. Col. David May,deputy director of domestic operations,plans and training with the <strong>Wisconsin</strong><strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> Joint Staff, wrote on aplaque presented to Adamson Oct. 21.“Your accomplishments for the state areimmense and lasting. You leave a void onthe full-time staff that will be extremelyhard to fill anytime soon.”During his time as provost marshal,Adamson coordinated and executedsecurity for the <strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>Brig. Gen. Scott Legwold, director of the <strong>Wisconsin</strong> <strong>National</strong><strong>Guard</strong> Joint Staff, presents a provost marshal seal to Maj.Joseph Adamson, the <strong>Wisconsin</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>’s first provostmarshal, during an Oct. 21 ceremony. Adamson returned tohis civilian job as Horicon Police Chief after helping stand upthe provost marshal office. <strong>Wisconsin</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> photoAssociation of the United States annualconference Aug. 26-29 in Milwaukee.The security detail included members ofthe <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Army <strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>’s32nd Military Police Company, the<strong>Wisconsin</strong> Air <strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>’s 115thSecurity Force Squadron and 128thSecurity Force Squadron, the MilwaukeePolice Department and the <strong>Wisconsin</strong>State Patrol. Adamson also planned andexecuted the first validation exercise forthe <strong>Wisconsin</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>’s ReactionForce.The 28-year military veteran hasreturned to his duties as police chief,which include oversight and managementof the Horicon Police Department.43 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>January</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

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