November 2011-January 2012 - Wisconsin National Guard ...

November 2011-January 2012 - Wisconsin National Guard ...

November 2011-January 2012 - Wisconsin National Guard ...


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157th MEB Soldiers to serve KFOR mission at NATO headquarters in Bosnia, KosovoContinued from Page 4have been helping keep the peace in Kosovo and Bosnia.“This is the United States of America honoring itscommitment,” Dunbar said. “In World War I and WorldWar II, in that very part of the world, millions of peopledied in bloodshed. And since we stepped in, a fewhandful have died. We’ve been keeping the peace.”Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch recognized the Soldiersfor their service.“I am thankful that the brave men and women of the157th MEB are prepared to ensure peace in all waysin Bosnia and Kosovo as guardians of freedom andambassadors of our great country,” she said. “It is withcourage and with pride that they protect a people, makepermanent a calm, spread goodwill, and continue to sowthe seeds of liberty.”She presented Lt. Col. Chris Klatt, officer in charge ofthe deploying Soldiers, with a state flag.“I hope you will fly it with great pride so that theworld knows that champions from <strong>Wisconsin</strong> don’t justplay in Lambeau [Field],” she said. “They also defend usevery single day in the <strong>Wisconsin</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>.”Klatt thanked the Soldiers taking part in thedeployment and the people of <strong>Wisconsin</strong> for theirsupport. He also thanked the families of the Soldiers.“They serve right along with us,” he said.Brig. Gen. Mark Anderson, commander of the<strong>Wisconsin</strong> Army <strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>, agreed.“When we talk about the <strong>Guard</strong> family, we talkabout not only those in uniform, but the families andthe children that serve right alongside our Soldiers,” hesaid. “I want to say thank you for your love and supportfor your Soldiers. I know full well, and you know, thatthey could not do what they have done up to this time,and what they are about to embark upon again, withoutyour support, without your love, and without yourcommitment. And my commitment to you and to theSoldiers is that we are not only here for the Soldiers, butwe are here for the families.”Dunbar said that the <strong>Wisconsin</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> has arobust family support network.“I’m giving my personal pledge that everybody athome is here for your family, so that you can focus onyour mission,” he told the troops. “I want the families toknow that there’s nothing too big, nothing too small thatwe won’t give you everything we have. We are a familyand we’re here for you.”Anderson said the deployment experience of the@easeExpressLt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch speaks with members ofthe <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Army <strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>’s 157th ManeuverEnhancement Brigade following a sendoff ceremonyNov. 3 at the Richards Street Armory in Milwaukee.Kosovo-bound Soldiers would serve them well. StateCommand Sgt. Maj. George Stopper urged the youngerSoldiers to draw on the deployment experience aroundthem.“Let them guide you through those instances thatyou’re going to come up against,” he said. “The firstbirthday away from home, the first anniversary awayfrom home. They’ve been there, they’ve done it —they’ve made it through. They’ll guide you, also.“I ask you to do what we do best as <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Army<strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> Soldiers,” Stopper continued. “Go forthand show the rest of the country exactly what you’remade of. Show the world just how phenomenal it is tobe a Soldier in the <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Army <strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>.The approximately 30 Soldiers will deploy to Bosniaand Kosovo to serve in NATO headquarters supportingthe peace-keeping mission. <strong>Wisconsin</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>photo by 1st Sgt. Vaughn R. LarsonGo forth and be great representatives to the rest of theworld.”The 157th MEB has already mobilized approximately180 members for a different role in the KFOR mission.The brigade’s Headquarters Company and members ofthe 32nd Military Police Company left <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Sept.16, and members of Company F, 2nd Battalion, 238thAviation Regiment and the 248th Aviation SupportBattalion followed Sept. 24. Those Soldiers are trainingat Camp Atterbury, Ind., and at the Joint MultinationalReadiness Center in Germany, in preparation for theirdeployment, where they will serve as the brigadeheadquarters unit for Multi-<strong>National</strong> Battle Group East,also referred to as Task Force Falcon.5 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>January</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

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