May-June 2013 Annual Subscription `80/- - Baps.org

May-June 2013 Annual Subscription `80/- - Baps.org

May-June 2013 Annual Subscription `80/- - Baps.org


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was the best place to visit in Ahmedabad. Overtime, the beauty of Shahibaug declined dueto the actions of kings, princes, subas (localadministrative heads), Marathi officers, Britishofficers and businessmen. Still, up to the middleof the 20th century, the Shahibaug suburb wasregarded as one where the wealthy lived.The history and sacredness of Shahibaugwas enriched by the frequent visits of BhagwanSwaminarayan around 230 years ago.In 1804, when Bhagwan Swaminarayanfirst visited Ahmedabad, he also sanctifiedShahibaug. Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s excursionsthrough the Delhi Gate to the Sabarmati Riverin the north of the city are described in thesampradayic texts, “After bathing and dressing,Shri Hari, on invitation by the Suba 27 , went to hismansion (Shahibaug Mahel) on the banks of thenearby Sabarmati River. The Suba respectfullywelcomed Shri Hari, performed his pujan andarti and presented gifts. Seeing the beauty of thetrees, flowers and birds on the riverbank, ShriHari profusely praised the city and river. Afterseeing the heavenly structure and splendour ofShahi Mahel, Shri Hari mounted on elephant…and returned to his lodgings in Navavas.” 28Thus, on his first visit to Shahibaug, Bhagwan27. At that time, Suba Kakasaheb Raghunath ruledAhmedabad. He did not oppose Bhagwan Swaminarayan.Kakasaheb’s senior administrator was Mallaba.Mallaba’s nephew (brother’s son), Chimanraoji,was also a respected administrator of the city.Through Khushal Bhatt (later, Gopalanand Swami),Chimanraoji became a satsangi and developed faithin Bhagwan Swaminarayan. Due to his associationwith Chimanraoji, the Suba also respected BhagwanSwaminarayan. Chimanraoji has asked questions toBhagwan Swaminarayan in Vachanamruts Vartal 6and 7 (Ahmedabadma Bhagwan Swaminarayan, pp.28-29).28. Mahant Shastri Ghanshyamswarupdasji, AhmedabadmaBhagwan Swaminarayan. AhmedabadSwaminarayan Mandir, Kalupur, 1978, p. 36.Note: This book has been prepared from varioussources of the Sampradaya. But, since these originalsources have not been referenced in the book, onlythis book is referenced here.Swaminarayan was given a grand welcome.Thereafter, whenever he visited Ahmedabad hewould visit Shahibaug – whether going to theSabarmati to bathe or travelling to and fromNorth Gujarat (Dandhavya Pradesh). In thisway, he had constantly sanctified Shahibaug.Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s arrival inAhmedabad via Motera in Samvat 1862 isdescribed in the sampradayic texts, “After wakingup early and completing his morning routine,Shri Hari left for Ahmedabad. He came in frontof the Padshah Vadi (in the precincts of whichwas the Shahi Mahel) and crossed the river. For90 minutes, he bathed and played watersportswith the sadhus and devotees. While bathing,Shri Hari remained in the upstream waters andhis sadhus and parshads stayed downstream. Andhis devotees stayed even further downstreamsince they understood the glory of Shri Hari andthe sadhus.” 29After bathing, Bhagwan Swaminarayanproceeded towards Delhi Gate to enter thecity of Ahmedabad. When Shri Hari was nearthe city, the Subo came to welcome him. Thesampradayic texts note, “Everyone garlandedShri Hari, gifted coconuts and other items andoffered sashtang prostrations to him. Then,under the shade of an a tamarind tree, a seatwas prepared and an assembly was held. ShriHari sat there…. The Subo said, ‘It is my greatfortune that I have had darshan of you and thesadhus. This association is not possible withoutfate…. Those who have your darshan are freedfrom the cycles of birth and death.’ Shri Hariwas pleased to hear the Suba.“Then Shri Hari mounted an elephant andalso sat the Suba with him. With a goldenstick in hand, Motiram and Kubersinh loudlyproclaimed Shri Hari’s glory.“On both sides of the road, there were immensecrowds of city residents standing for Shri Hari’sdarshan… En route countless residents garlanded29. Ibid. p. 77.<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 13

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