May-June 2013 Annual Subscription `80/- - Baps.org

May-June 2013 Annual Subscription `80/- - Baps.org

May-June 2013 Annual Subscription `80/- - Baps.org


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the throng of devotees may damage the treesand hence it would not be appropriate to useit for accommodation. He felt it would not beright if even slight damage occurred to the place.Shri Hari inspected the Andhari Garden nextto the mansion. Here, there were many sitafaltrees and since they may also be damaged, ShriHari decided not to use it. Then Kubersinh ledShri Hari to all the places around the mansionwhich Mr Dunlop had permitted for use.” 37 So,as a result, Shri Hari walked around extensivelyand sanctified Shahibaug once more.During Shri Hari’s stay in Ahmedabad duringFebruary-March 1825 ce Maha and Fagan ofV.S. 1881, the account of the Fuldol celebrationis well-known throughout the Sampradaya.After the celebration, Shri Hari came via theDelhi Gate to Shahibaug to bathe, “Shri Hari37. Ibid. pp. 217-218.walked towards the Padshah Vadi and exitedthe city through the Delhi Gate. The group ofaccompanying devotees stretched for one gau.All felt that Shri Hari was walking with them.On the way, Shri Hari was eating a pomegranate.“The procession proceeded from the DelhiGate, past the Hathisinh Temple towards theDariyakhan Ghummat. To the left, a little ahead,was a banyan tree where everyone noticed a mandressed as a fakir. He prayed to Shri Hari, whogave him half the pomegranate and blessed him.Shri Hari said to Muktanand Swami, ‘That wasDariyakhan. When you stayed at the DariyakhanGhummat, by your association he developedfaith in me. So I have granted him liberation.’ 38(Contd. on pg. 43)38. Ibid. pp. 326-327. Note: The descriptions suggestthat this area later housed the Advance Mill. At presentthis area is part of the Shahibaug Mandir complex.BY WHICH ROUTE DID SHRI HARI ENTER AHMEDABAD?Despite the changing rulers and thefluctuation between honour and insult,Bhagwan Swaminarayan visited Ahmedabadabout 26 times over a span of 19 years. But, bywhich route did Bhagwan Swaminarayan enterand exit Ahmedabad?Ahmedabad can be entered through 21 gates.However, Bhagwan Swaminarayan mainly usedthe following three: Delhi Gate, Raipur Gateand Jamalpur Gate.The usual route for his entry and exitwas as follows: Dandhavya (North Gujarat)– Ahmedabad – Dashkroi (Aslali, Jetalpur,Vahelal, etc.). As an exception, on two occasions,Bhagwan Swaminarayan arrived from Anandvia Sarkhej – that is from the southeast.Whenever he came from or went towardsNorth Gujarat, he always passed Shahibaug.Whenever he came from or went towards Aslalior Vahelal, he mostly came through the RaipurGate or another gate in the east of the city.Only on two occasions did he come toAhmedabad from Saurashtra, passing Sanandand Sarkhej. At that time, there were no bridgesor roads from the gates in the west leading intothe city. So, from Sarkhej, he crossed the riverat Shahbari and entered the city through theJamalpur Gate. An analysis of the maps androutes indicates that Bhagwan Swaminarayanvery frequently used the Shahibaug-Delhi Gateroute and so sanctified it.<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 17

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