May-June 2013 Annual Subscription `80/- - Baps.org

May-June 2013 Annual Subscription `80/- - Baps.org

May-June 2013 Annual Subscription `80/- - Baps.org


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1948, pp. 140-141).The report stated that on hearing this fromShastriji Maharaj, the devotees were delighted.Even though he had suffered a severe heartattack, Shastriji Maharaj showed his enthusiasmto build a mandir in Shahibaug.On the morning of 10 February 1948, ShastrijiMaharaj sat in Revashankar Trivedi and Sheth’scar to visit the land in Shahibaug. At the time,even the registered deed for the land had not beenmade. But, Shastriji Maharaj enthusiasticallyvisited the land with the devotees from Africa– Maganbhai, Harmanbhai, Tribhovandas,Ambalal, Chunibhai and other devotees. Heshowed them the land and declared his plansfor the future mandir (Swaminarayan Prakash,March 1948, p. 138).There was a bungalow on this sanctified landin Shahibaug. Shastriji Maharaj’s fervent wishto purchase it was fulfilled on 8 March 1948 –marking the first step in the mandir project.The news was noted in SwaminarayanPrakash, “The deed of the bungalow purchasedto build a mandir in Ahmedabad has beenregistered. To celebrate, muktaraj Ashabhaiand Harmanbhai distributed pendas. Seniordevotees of Ahmedabad – Champaklal Shethand Bhogilal Chokshi – performed pujan ofSwamishri. Chimanbhai Dalal, Maganbhai,Kothari Babubhai and others presented garlandsto him. Everyone appreciated the services of ShriHirabhai and Shri Mathurbhai in preparing thedeed. Everyone was overjoyed” (SwaminarayanPrakash, March 1948, p. 142).Shri Bhogibhai Chokshi’s role in acquiring theland was pivotal and the enthusiastic support ofSheth Champakbhai Banker, Babubhai Kothariand others was outstanding.Shastriji Maharaj was delighted at havingacquired this sanctified land and sent devoteeswho came to meet him for darshan there.For example, on 5 <strong>May</strong> 1948, ShastrijiMaharaj travelled by train in the third classcompartment from Rajpur to Ahmedabad. Thatday, Kuberbhai of Bhavnagar had also come toAhmedabad. On seeing him, Shastriji Maharajinstructed him to go for darshan of the sanctifiedland in Shahibaug (Swaminarayan Prakash, <strong>May</strong>1948, p. 186).Shastriji Maharaj often said, “This placeis sanctified by Bhagwan Swaminarayan. TheHarililamrut describes that when BhagwanSwaminarayan went with the sadhus to bathein the Sabarmati at Narayan Ghat, there was agarden on the way where he rested. This is thatgarden sanctified by Maharaj.”The bungalow on the sanctified landbecame known as ‘Akshar Bungalow’. From 5to 17 August 1948, during the holy month ofShravan, Shastriji Maharaj held a parayan there.The learned Shastri Purushottamcharan Swamigave discourses on the Satsangijivan (ThirdCanto) and Shrimad Bhagvat. Shastriji Maharajattended every assembly, granting darshan toall and addressing the gatherings also. YogijiMaharaj and Nirgundas Swami also discoursedto the assembly. The report in the SwaminarayanPrakash states, “Daily, the assembly was packed.Diwan Bahadur Lakhia and other respectedguests came for darshan. Sheth NandubhaiManchharam and other devotees also frequentlyattended. Nirgundas Swami pleased all byhis discourses and the reading of his inspiringletters to the devotees of Africa. On the eveningof Ekadashi, Swamishri went to Narayan Ghatwith the sadhus and bathed in the Sabarmati.Swamishri was seated in a Victoria buggy. Thesadhus and devotees were singing kirtans andjoyously walking along with him. It was 15August [a public holiday] and so thousands ofpeople had Swamishri’s darshan. At 6.00 p.m. onMonday 16, a public assembly was held. Manyof the city’s leading mahatmas and dignitarieshad been invited. Shastri Vishwanathbhai,Shastri Narmadashankar, Shastri ChimanlalYagnik, Professor Bambhaniya Maneklalbhai,<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 51

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