May-June 2013 Annual Subscription `80/- - Baps.org

May-June 2013 Annual Subscription `80/- - Baps.org

May-June 2013 Annual Subscription `80/- - Baps.org


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HEALTH: Dr Nalin R. Dhamecha, BDS MFGDP, UKDental HealthDental Diseases and TreatmentPart 2Dental disease is disease of the teethand gums. Tooth decay (dental caries)and gum disease (periodontal disease)can exist independently or in combination.Dental diseases can also affect other areasof the mouth and the severity can range from asimple mouth ulcer or a small cavity in a toothto the more serious mouth cancer.Dentists and other dental health professionals,such as dental hygienists, provide treatmentand advice to help prevent dental disease. Specialistdentists provide specific types of dentaltreatment on teeth and gums. For example, endodontistscarry out root canal treatments andperiodontists carry out gum treatments.Although other dental diseases exist, cariesand periodontal disease are by far the most commondental diseases. The most common causesof tooth loss are tooth decay and gum disease.Tooth StructureA tooth is composed of a hard outer layercalled enamel, and a softer inner layer calleddentine. In the centre of the tooth is the pulp.The pulp contains the nerves and blood vessels.Enamel is the hardest substance in the humanbody (of similar hardness to diamond). Itis brittle and can fracture when the underlyingdentine is weakened by decay (caries).Dentine constitutes the bulk of the tooth. Itis softer than enamel and is darker than enamel.The dentine is sensitive to hot, cold and sweetsubstances. Cementum covers the root surfaceof the tooth. It is of similar hardness to bone.The cementum has fibres (the periodontal ligament)running from it to the bone and this helpsattach the tooth to the jaw bone.The pulp is a soft tissue within the tooth. It isfound in the centre of the tooth and in the rootcanals of the teeth.Dental CariesDental caries, also known as tooth decay, ora cavity, is the breakdown of the dental hardtissues. It is a bacterial infection. Specific typesof bacteria produce acid in the presence of fermentablesugars, such as, sucrose, fructose andglucose. The acid attacks the mineral content ofthe enamel causing demineralization and subsequentdestruction of the hard surface of thetooth. This can eventually lead to a hole or cavityin the tooth. The extent of caries can varydepending on the type of tooth and where thedecay develops. Early caries can be undetectedas it may not cause any pain. If the caries becomesextensive, then it may cause toothache.Other signs of caries include change in toothcolour, tooth crumbling or breaking away andfoul breath.Regular dental check ups can detect earlysigns of caries and provide preventive advice.Diet, in particular sugar consumption in variousforms, is associated with the development ofcaries. The frequency of sugar consumption is54 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

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