May-June 2013 Annual Subscription `80/- - Baps.org

May-June 2013 Annual Subscription `80/- - Baps.org

May-June 2013 Annual Subscription `80/- - Baps.org


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Vinubhai Saheb and other leading scholarswere present. They addressed the assembly andpleased Swamishri” (Swaminarayan Prakash,August 1948, pp. 252-257, p. 264).On this occasion, the distinguished ShrimadBhagvat scholar, Vishwanath Shastri, said,“What Swamishri speaks always become true.That is my experience. And that is why I firmlybelieve that a grand marble mandir will be builthere in a short time.”Shankarlalbhai opined, “In accordance withSwamishri’s principle, if we want to become aksharswarup[brahmarup] then we must have anideal aksharmurti before us. For this, Swamishritolerates many hardships and gives us the trueknowledge of the form of Mul Aksharmurti GunatitanandSwami. Also, so that this upasana issustained forever, he has built grand mandirs.And now it is Ahmedabad’s great fortune thathe has acquired this site to build a mandir. I havecomplete faith that an incomparable grand marblemandir will be built here in no time” (SwaminarayanPrakash, August 1948, pp. 255-256).In short, due to Shastriji Maharaj’sinspiration, everyone was motivated to build amandir on this sanctified land.From 24 September to 1 October 1948, ShastrijiMaharaj was in Ahmedabad. During this time,he stayed at the Akshar Bungalow in Shahibaugfor three days. There, thousands of aspirantscame to witness Shastriji Maharaj granting samadhito many and to listen to his discourses. Likethey had done in the other suburbs of Ahmedabad,Champaklal Sheth and Vasantray Pandyaarranged a samadhi assembly in Shahibaug.Swaminarayan Prakash reports, “Thousandsof aspirants from throughout Ahmedabad weredelighted to witness the samadhis. Devoteesof different faiths had darshan of their chosendeity” (Swaminarayan Prakash, October 1948,p. 22).On 12 November 1948, when ShastrijiMaharaj again visited Ahmedabad, a satsangassembly was held at the Akshar Bungalow inShahibaug. Swaminarayan Prakash reports,“Over a thousand devotees crammed into thebungalow’s main hall. Swamishri observedeveryone with an eagle eye… Yogiji Maharajspoke in the assembly and the atmospherewas filled with joy” (Swaminarayan Prakash,November 1948, p. 47).On 14 January 1950, Shastriji Maharajcelebrated the Uttarayan-Jholi festival inAhmedabad. At 5.30 p.m. on 15 January, he heldan assembly at Akshar Bungalow and blessedeveryone” (Swaminarayan Prakash, February1950, p. 30).On 2 February 1950, Shastriji Maharaj againvisited the Akshar Bungalow in Shahibaug andblessed everyone (Swaminarayan Prakash,March 1950, p. 134).In <strong>May</strong> 1950, Shastriji Maharaj againsuffered from a heart problem in Ahmedabad.On 10 <strong>May</strong> 1950, when his health wasabnormal, he stayed at the Akshar Bungalowin Shahibaug. On 18 <strong>May</strong> 1950, GulzarilalNanda came from Delhi for Shastriji Maharaj’sdarshan and even requested Shastriji Maharajto come to Delhi. However, Shastriji Maharajsaid, “Now take Yogiji Maharaj. My health isnot good. Then Swamishri narrated to Nandajithe stories of Sadguru Bhai Ramdas Swami,Bhai Atmanand Swami, SwayamprakashanandSwami, Nishkulanand Swami, AdbhutanandSwami, Vignananand and other paramhansas.Finally, he said, “‘I have decided to appointShastri Narayanswarupdasji in my place asthe president of the Sanstha.’ The assemblycontinued until 1.00 a.m. and Swamishri said,‘Nandaji has come here from Delhi so we shouldwelcome him. So, these talks I have given are hiswelcome’” (Swaminarayan Prakash, July 1950,p. 276, Title 4).In 1950, Shastriji Maharaj also arrangedfor the Sanstha’s newly appointed president,Pramukh Swami Maharaj, to deliver a parayan52 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

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