Lex Africa Guide 2012 Full - Afrer.org

Lex Africa Guide 2012 Full - Afrer.org

Lex Africa Guide 2012 Full - Afrer.org


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category;termination benefits ranging from 25% to 55% of theaverage monthly salary.Where the termination is found by a court to be wrongful, theemployer will be required to pay damages in addition to theabove. The amount of damages shall not be less than theequivalent of three months salary.There are many job placement agencies in Cameroon that canfacilitate the outsourcing of labour and the recruitment of bothpermanent and temporary staff.Expatriate Staff and FamiliesAlthough the government will encourage companies doingbusiness in Cameroon to give as much priority to Camerooniansas possible if they have the required qualifications, foreignersare permitted to work in Cameroon. A foreigner who comes toCameroon for an assignment not exceeding six months will notrequire a work permit. Applications for work permits must bedirected to the Ministry of Labour.In Cameroon there are different categories of foreignersincluding private visitors, tourists, missionaries, businessmen,investors and medical expatriates. The conditions for obtainingentry visas, residence permits and long term residence identitycards are laid down by Decree. All resident foreigners above theage of 18 must have residence permits. Resident foreignersinclude contractors or consultants (businesspeople fall underthis category), private employees, interns on longer stays,students, family members of the worker and refugees. Theyshould have entry visas valid for 6 months issued by theCameroonian diplomatic mission in their country of origin whichcan be obtained after 48 hours once the application andsupporting documents have been submitted. Residence permitsare issued by the competent immigration services onpresentation of the required documents and payment of therequired charges. The applicants must present valid passportswith corresponding visas. The permits have a validity period of 2years renewable on justification. Foreigners whose residencepermits have been renewed for a third consecutive time or whohave completely settled in Cameroon and plan to reside therepermanently may apply for resident identity cards. These cardsare issued after assessment of supporting documents and areissued for a period of 10 years.18

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