Lex Africa Guide 2012 Full - Afrer.org

Lex Africa Guide 2012 Full - Afrer.org

Lex Africa Guide 2012 Full - Afrer.org


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BOTSWANAARMSTRONGS ATTORNEYSFirm InformationWebsite address: www.armstrongs.bwLanguages spoken: EnglishContacts: John Carr-Hartley and Sipho ZigaTelephone: +267 395 3481Fax: +267 395 2757Email: john@armstrongs.bw and sipho@armstrongs.bwCountry InformationBotswana is a landlocked country with a population of2 038 288. The urban population accounts for about 50% of thetotal population.Type of GovernmentBotswana is a stable multiparty democracy.Latest GDP FiguresReal gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 12.4% in thesecond quarter of 2011 from 4.2% in the same quarter of 2010.The increase mainly resulted from the construction and miningsectors, which increased by 28.3% and 23.7% respectively.Inflation RateThe average year on year annual inflation rate as at October2011 was 8.8% compared with 8.2% in 2009.Investment ClimateBotswana is a stable democracy with an open economy.Implementation of the 2002 Southern <strong>Africa</strong>n Customs Union(SACU) Agreement and the Southern <strong>Africa</strong>n DevelopmentCommunity (SADC) Free Trade Area (launched in 2008) willcontinue to be pursued, including the establishment of thenecessary institutions and harmonization of industrial and tradepolicies. The SADC Free Trade Area involves zero tariff levels for85% of all goods traded among member states. Liberalization oftariffs on the remaining 15% of goods (considered to be sensitiveproducts) is expected to be completed in <strong>2012</strong>. TheGovernment is making substantial efforts to create a favourableclimate for private and foreign investment by imposing minimalrestrictions on foreign investors and the privatisation of stateentities.The Botswana Export Development and Investment Authority(BEDIA) was established to operate a one-stop investor servicecentre to assist investors with permits, licences, utilitiesconnections, land and provide assistance with other regulatoryissues.BEDIA continues to seek export markets for locally producedgoods and to promote investment opportunities in Botswana.BEDIA has selected niche industries such as manufacturing oftextiles and garments, jewellery, tannery and leather products,glass and IT products, as these can be undertaken using locallyavailable raw materials. BEDIA procures factory shells and landto accommodate investors in such industries.Forms of BusinessPrivate or public limited liability companyExternal company (branch of foreign company)Company limited by guaranteePartnershipCommon law trustSole proprietorshipSocieties being associations of persons.The Companies Act provides a simplified framework for theincorporation of companies and other legal entities (like closecorporations) and imposes strict obligations on corporategovernance.Formation of a CompanyNon-residents may hold shares in a Botswana company. Twoshareholders are required and one may be a nominee for theother. One resident director is required for a private companyand two resident directors for a public company. The registeredoffice must be in Botswana. Auditors are required and must becertified public accountants practising in Botswana. Companysecretarial duties are performed by secretarial servicescompanies, most of which are attached to accounting firms.Companies are usually registered within 4 weeks.Exchange ControlsBotswana has abolished all exchange control regulations andforeign investment is welcomed. Dividends and capital gains onequity investments received from a foreign source are, subjectto tax being paid, freely remittable out of Botswana in foreigncurrency. Interest on and capital of foreign loans is freelyremittable in foreign currency. Upon disinvestment, a nonresidentmay remit capital in foreign currency. Foreign currencycan be held and earn interest with a bank in Botswana.Botswana securities denominated in a foreign currency may bepurchased using a foreign currency without converting thatforeign currency into Botswana Pula and the proceeds of suchBotswana securities may be received in foreign currency andfreely remitted anywhere in the world without notification tothe Central Bank.TaxationTax is levied on income that is actually derived or deemed to bederived from Botswana sources.Foreign source dividends and interest are deemed to be from aBotswana source and are taxable on accrual. A long awaitedsimplification of the tax system which involves the abolition ofthe two-tier corporate tax system came into effect on 1 July 2011and introduced a single corporate tax system with a flat tax rateof 22%, effective from the <strong>2012</strong> tax year.The 2011 tax year will be the last year that companies maygenerate any Additional Company Tax (ACT). The singlecorporate tax rate of 22% (with no set off ofwithholding tax on dividends againstcorporate tax) will apply in respect of the<strong>2012</strong> tax year and all future tax years. All ACTmust be utilised before 30 June 2011, afterwhich any unutilised ACT will fall away.7

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