Lex Africa Guide 2012 Full - Afrer.org

Lex Africa Guide 2012 Full - Afrer.org

Lex Africa Guide 2012 Full - Afrer.org


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MOZAMBIQUECOUTO, GRAÇA & ASSOCIADOS, LDAFirm InformationWebsite address: www.cga.co.mzLanguages spoken: Portuguese, English, French, Spanish andTetumContact: Pedro CoutoTelephone: +258 84 33 33 340Fax: +258 21 486 441Email: pcouto@cga.co.mzCountry InformationMozambique has a 2 470 square kilometre coastline and a totalland area of 801 590 square kilometres. It is a tropical countrywith effectively two seasons, a hot and wet season from Octoberto March, and a dry season from April to September. Thecountry’s official language is Portuguese and it has an estimatedpopulation of about 23 million with a growth rate of 2.8%. Theofficial currency is the Metical but the U.S. Dollar, the South<strong>Africa</strong>n Rand and the Euro are widely used and accepted inbusiness transactions.Political SystemMultiparty Democracy.Latest GDP Figures6.7% (third quarter 2011).Inflation Rate5.46% (December 2011).Investment ClimateMozambique has enormous investment opportunities in varioussectors such as agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture, industry,tourism, public infrastructure, mineral resources and energy. Itstrongly encourages foreign direct investment. The investmentlaw, its regulation and the Code of Fiscal Benefits define theregulatory framework for national and foreign investments thatare eligible for government guarantees and fiscal incentives.The guarantees comprise:legal protection of private property and rights, includingintellectual property rights;no restriction on borrowings and payment of interestabroad;the right to transfer dividends and remittance of fundsabroad in connection with: (i) exportable profits resultingfrom investments eligible for export of profits under theprovisions of the Regulation to the Investment Laws; (ii)royalties or other payments for remuneration of indirectinvestment associated to the granting of transfer oftechnology; (iii) amortization of loans and payment ofinterests on loans contracted in the international financialmarket and applied in investment projects in the country;(iv) proceeds of any compensation by the Government; and(v) invested and re-exportable foreign capital,independently of eligibility if the investment project toexport profits under the Regulations to the InvestmentLaw;a specific framework for the realization in the Mozambicanterritory of ventures that involve national or foreigninvestments;dispute resolution by the International Centre for theSettlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) or theInternational Chamber of Commerce (ICC);services on issues related to investment risk insurance areavailable from the World Bank’s Multilateral InvestmentGuarantee Agency (MIGA) and the independent agency ofthe United States Government, the Overseas PrivateInvestment Corporation (OPIC).The following customs and fiscal benefits are provided to eligibleprojects depending on their value, location and sector ofactivity: a reduction of 50% on the real property transfer tax(SISA) on acquisition of immovable property for industry,including agribusiness, hotels and resorts, provided that theyare acquired within three years of the investment authorizationdate.Customs duties have been reduced and customs managementhas been streamlined and reformed. Other reforms include therevision of labour laws and the Commercial Code,comprehensive judicial reform and the creation of a commercialcourt to facilitate the settlement of commercial disputes, theliberalization of the financial sector (including the creation of anindependent central bank, the Bank of Mozambique), civilservice reform and improved government budget making, audit,and inspection capability.Although most sectors of Mozambique’s economy are open to100% foreign investment and foreign investors generally receivethe same treatment as domestic investors, some restrictionsremain. The private ownership of land is restricted and miningand management contracts are subject to specific performancerequirements. Foreign ownership or control of companies is,however, not restricted.The CPI, the Government’s Investment Promotion Centre,assists investors to obtain approvals from applicablegovernment authorities. A comprehensive investment guide isavailable on the internet at www.cpi.co.mz.Forms of BusinessPrivate or limited liability company;Close corporation;Joint venture;Government owned companies;Individual trader;External company (i.e. a branch or representative office ofa foreign company).Formation of a CompanyCompanies must:reserve the company’s name at the Conservatory of LegalEntities (to confirm that no other company has the samename);prepare a standard draft of the articles of the company;open a bank account with a local bank to deposit the sharecapital;execute a public deed of theincorporation and the articles of thecompany;formalize the company registration atthe Conservatory of Legal Entities55

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