Lex Africa Guide 2012 Full - Afrer.org

Lex Africa Guide 2012 Full - Afrer.org

Lex Africa Guide 2012 Full - Afrer.org


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CHADJOHN FFOOKS & CO PROJECT FINANCE AND NATURALRESOURCES ADVISORY FIRMFirm InformationWebsite address: www.jwflegal.comLanguages spoken: English, Malagasy, FrenchContacts: John Ffooks and Richard GlassTelephone: +261 20 224 3247Fax: +261 20 224 3248Email: chad@jwflegal.comCountry InformationChad is a landlocked country in north central <strong>Africa</strong> measuring1 284 634 square kilometres (roughly three times the size ofCalifornia). It is bordered by Libya, Sudan, the Central <strong>Africa</strong>nRepublic, Niger, Cameroon and Nigeria. Most of its ethnicallyand linguistically diverse population lives in the south. Thecapital city of N’Djamena, situated at the confluence of the Chariand Logone Rivers has a population of about one million.Chad has a population of 11 274 106 divided between 200distinct groups. It is estimated to be growing at an annual rate of2.6%. More than half the population (55%) is Muslim, the rest isdivided between Christianity (35%) and animist (10%). 43% ofthe population is over the age of 18. Women represent 53% ofthe total population. The official languages are French andArabic. The urban population is 27% of the total population(2008) and the rate of urbanization is 4.7% (2005-10 estimate).The population of N’Djamena is 828 000 (2010 estimate). Thelanguages are French and Arabic (official), Sara (in the south),Sango and more than 120 indigenous Chadian languages anddialects. There are 200 distinct ethnic groups. Approximately1 000 French citizens live in Chad. About 80% of the Chadianpopulation is rural. The currency is FCFA.Natural resources: Petroleum, natron (sodium carbonate),kaolin, gold, bauxite, tin, tungsten, titanium and iron ore.Political SystemChad is divided into 22 administrative regions. A strongexecutive branch headed by the president dominates theChadian political system. The president has the power to appointthe prime minister and the Council of State (or cabinet), andexercises considerable influence over appointments of judges,generals, provincial officials and heads of Chad’s parastatal firms(owned or controlled wholly or partly by the government).According to the 1996 Constitution, National Assembly deputies(unicameral) are elected by universal suffrage for 4-year terms.Despite the Constitution’s guarantee of judicial independencefrom the executive branch, the presidentnames most key judicial officials. TheSupreme Court comprises a chief justice,named by the president, and 15 councillorschosen by the president and NationalAssembly. Appointments are for life.22Latest GDP FiguresGDP: US$8.6 billionGDP per capita: US$837GDP (PPP): US$17.36 billionGDP per capita (PPP): US$1 921.Inflation Rate (2011)3%.Investment ClimateThere are no restrictions on foreign investments in Chad. Foreigninvestors are afforded the same treatment as domestic ones.Foreign direct investment represents more than half the totalcapital invested in Chadian firms. France leads the way with anestimated 50% to 60% of the total. Other sources of foreigninvestment include Italy, Taiwan, the US, Japan, Saudi Arabia,Libya, the United Kingdom, South Korea, the Netherlands, Egyptand Sudan. In 2004 a consortium including Chevron, Exxon Mobiland Malaysia’s Petronas completed a pipeline from the Dobabasin to the coast of Cameroon.There has been instability in the form of internal rebellions andconflict with neighbouring Sudan.Forms of BusinessThe Organisation pour l’Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit desAffaires (OHADA) has a Uniform Act on Companies which setsout various forms of businesses available to domestic andforeign investors, such as a société en nom collectif (generalpartnership), a société en commandite simple (limitedpartnership), a groupement d’interêt économique (economicinterest grouping), a société à responsabilité limitée (limitedliability company) and a société anonyme (specific limitedliability company).The following are the most attractive for investors:a société anonyme (SA) is a limited liability company witheither a board of directors or a unique shareholder. Theminimum share capital required is at least CFA 10 000 000(approx. US$21 000). Share transfers to third parties areunrestricted unless otherwise stated by the company’sstatutes which may require either the consent of the boardof directors or of the general assembly of shareholders;a société à responsabilité limitée (SARL) is administered byone or more directors called ”gérants”. The minimum sharecapital required is at least CFA1 000 000 (approx.US$2 100). Share transfers are regulated by the companystatutes. This may be performed freely betweenshareholders but share transfers to third parties require theprior consent of the majority of shareholders;Joint ventures are also performed in the oil sector.Formation of a CompanyBelow are the required procedures and costs (if any) needed toincorporate a company in Chad:opening a bank account, investing capital and receiving theevidence of deposit;checking the company’s name and collecting theregistration form of the company;notarization of the Articles of Association and CompanyDeeds;obtaining a medical certificate (charges FCFA1 200 percopy);providing a background criminal record check (chargesFCFA1 500);registering a certified and signed copy of the company

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