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Download eBook (PDF) - Red Gate Software


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1 – Understanding Sensitive Datarepresentatives from American Express, Discover Financial Services, MasterCard, Visa and JCB International. The businesses and organizations that acceptand transmit credit card transactions are subject to these standards.Within these standards the following data is considered sensitive:• Card holder's name.• Expiration date.• Service code.• Primary account number (PAN).• Validation codes.• Personal identification number (PIN).According to the PCI Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) a portion of thissensitive data, specifically the PAN, is explicitly required to be encrypted,hashed or truncated if stored. Other data such as the PIN, and the entirety of thecontents of the magnetic strip upon the credit card, are not permitted to bestored beyond the duration of the transaction.Trade SecretsTrade secrets are an important aspect of corporate competition. It may be thequality, or design, of a product that gives it an edge over similar products in themarket. The formula for the syrup used in Coca-Cola is a trade secret. Due tothis unique formula it has a distinct flavor which is different than Pepsi Cola orRC Cola. Depending upon your taste preferences, it is this trade secret that maydraw you to purchase Coca-Cola over the other brands, and develops consumerloyalty.In the United States, there is a law called the "Uniform Trade Secrets Act"(UTSA), designed to provide some uniformity to the definition of a tradesecret, as well as provide some guidelines around what constitutes themisappropriation of trade secrets. This law defines a trade secret as:"... information, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program device,method, technique, or process, that: (i) derives independent economicvalue, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and notbeing readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who canobtain economic value from its disclosure or use, and (ii) is the subject ofefforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain itssecrecy."In addition to the UTSA law there is the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 thatmakes the disclosure of trade secrets to unauthorized parties a federal crime:31

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