M/s. Orient Ispat Private Limited, Tedesara, Dist ... - Seiaacg.org

M/s. Orient Ispat Private Limited, Tedesara, Dist ... - Seiaacg.org

M/s. Orient Ispat Private Limited, Tedesara, Dist ... - Seiaacg.org


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STATE LEVEL ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT AUTHORITYCHHATTISGARHGovernment of lndiaMinistry of Environment and Forests't-Titak Nagar,Shiv Mandir Chowk,Main Road AvantiVihar,Raipur (C.C.yE-mail: seiaaccg@gmail.comWebsite _ www. seiaacg. <strong>org</strong>Noi.$'t /SETo,Sub: -Ref: -M/s <strong>Orient</strong> lspat <strong>Private</strong> <strong>Limited</strong>,Village-<strong>Tedesara</strong>, Post-Somni,<strong>Dist</strong>rict- RajnandgaonExpansion in existing. rolling mill by installing additional rolling mill ofcapacity - 36000 TPA by M/s orient tspat Frivate <strong>Limited</strong> at" Village_<strong>Tedesara</strong>, Post-somni, <strong>Dist</strong>rict- Rajnandgaon - Environment clearanceRegarding.Your letter no. Nil, daied 07l11l20}g and subsequent correspondenceending dated 21l14l20t0.-0-0-The undersigned is directed to refer to your communication dated07111120A9' 21lU12A10, 2310112010, 1710312010 and ZB/04t2010 regarding thesubject mentioned above.It is noted that production capa.city of existing rolling mill is 36000 TpA, projectproponent has proposed another rolling^millof capacity soooo TpA. Total capacityafter expansion would be 72000 TPA. At present, rehLating furnace of 1a TpH isrunning and reheating furnace of one additional 1o TpH would be installed underexpansion project. Production from each reheating furnace would be 120 TpDProject proponent had earlier applied for environirental clearance for proposedinduction furnace with CCM of capacity 66000 TpA. Site is located ai village-<strong>Tedesara</strong>, post - S9m1i, <strong>Dist</strong>rict- Rajnandgaon. Project proponent has acquired 4 04ha (10 acres) land. No forest tand is involved in the acquired site. There is nopurchase of additio_n"j Jgngfor the expansion project. lt is reported that there are noNational Parks, Wild Life Sanctuaries, Bird Sanciuaries, protected Areas under thewild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, Notified Eco-Sensitive Area, Critically polluted Areaas identified by CPCB, lnter-State border within 1O km. Total water i"qrir"*ent forrolilng mill of expansion project is 14KLD (Domestic - 3.0 KLD, cooring _ io.o xr_o& Wet scrubber - 1.0 KLD). The source of water is qround water. Water drawlpermission is already obtained from CGWA vide letter no. gs-UhJCcRA/oL-vl-101gdated 0811212009- Total dornestic effluent generation would be 2,4 KLD which wouldbe treated for septic tanks and soak pits & cooling water would be recycling throughsettling chamber. Furnace oil 6.60 KLD would bJused as a fuel in proposed rollingmill' Flue gas coming from reheating furnace would pass tnrough packed type wetC \i) lh\e\l{ilnore, SrrilljtAl. StiAC\,\L'tU!:fttja (tj6 .rccrilg)v:tjcn1 t$il t}nirc J.imn.J(kU- I d(EIi€{f,

scrubber and vented in atmosphere through stack having height of 37 meters. solidwaste mill scale (4 TPD from existing and 4 TPD from proposed) would be sold tosinter plant/ ferro alloys casting units- and "no.ittings (B TpD from existing and BTPD from proposed) would be used in induction-irrni.u unit. Extensive green beltwould be developed in an area1.41 ha 1a.s acies gsz ortotal land). All the internalroads would be,asphalted. Project proponent has made budgetary allocation for8?:l[,"'ru deveropmeni. The proposed cost of the expansion project is Rs 5.0The state Level Expert Aopraisal committee, chhattisgarh considered theproject in the 46th, s0th and 56th meeting herd on 3ar11/0g,21/01r2Q10 and07/0512010 respe-cttvely Proiect proponent made the presentation before 5EAC,chhattisgarh in 56th meeting-or senb, Ornattrslarrr Jn 0710s/2a10. Based on theconsideration of the documbnts submitted, the-"pi"r*-t"tion made and discussionheld in 56th meeting of SEAC, citrttttirgarh on 6ttoihot0, the state ieuer ExpertAppraisar committee, chhattisgarh considered the expansion project as ,Bz,category and recomrnended foi grant of Environmental clearance as per theprovisions of Environmental lmfact n.r".rru"nt "Notification, 2006 and thesubsequent amendments.The proposal and recommendations of state Level Expert Appraisalcommittee, chhattisgarh was considered in the lsil r;'"ting of sEIAA, chhattisgarhheld on 3010612a10' The SEIAA cl-rhattisgarn purru"l' the information/documentssubmitted by project proponent. After detair6o oerineirtionr, the sErou, chhattisgarhdecided to accept the recommendations of sEAC, crrrraitrsgarh. Accordingly, sElAA,chhattisgarh hereby accords Environmental clearance for expansion in rtging mi'by installing addiiional rolling mitt or capacity - aoooo-TpA (Total capacity afterffi[::!;.,lil:: rPA) subject to strici compriance or the ternri anJconoitions1' Project authority shall not utilize coal in any form as a fuel for reheating furnace,il?::t";i3,,,,3?*,li'nace oir or sood arrtitv ,nrlio" used as ruer in iehearing2' Project authority shall provide adequate facility for proper treatment of industriaieffluent and domestic effluent. Domestic"iflt.i",it',r,urr be treated in welldesignedseptic tank and.soak pits.,ln ."." or.nv failure of effluent treatmentarrangement' it shall be immediately rectified ot. ,ur" alternate arrangementshall be provided Treated effluent'rh;il- ;; riiri# either in process or forplantation purposes within plant premises. Any liquid effluent what so evergenerated from industrial activities and un-treatei/trJated domestic effluent shallnot be discharged into the river or any surface water bodies unJ", ,nycircumstances The treated domestic erfiuent snatt be used for plantationpurpose after proper disinfection. Project auirror;tv'lnutt make arrangement ofsuitable drains/pipe networks to ensure adequaie flow for full utilization oftreated effruent,inside the premises. The .on.upi-or zero discharge shal bemaintained alr the time except during ,onroon. lqrlng*n..,*nts shari be madethat effiuents and storm water oo noi get mixed. nro;"rt authority shag ensurethe treated effluent quality within standalrd prescribed"fy Ministry of Envrronment& Forests' Government of lndia. lndustiial *r.[*uter shall confornr to thestandards prescribecr under GSR 422 (E) dated rg6'Muv 19g3 and December,'1993 or as amencjed form time to time.C iD lh\!ill!rhore- str\\l,tAA-SIjAC\SJilii{:C.!:(.rI ith ,{chnE),( )ndl IWt! Jtr\!lr I_u,:rcd(ldr,_ t.do.IIffi

?Eproject authority shall provide adequate measuring arrangements for themeasurement of water utirized in difrerent ;"t"g;;i;J ano effruent generatedbefore commissioning of the plant with expqnJ"Ji"p_"it'crosed cycre cooring system sha, be provided. Minimum water for makeuppurposes shall be ensured.Total water requirement shall not exceeq 28 KLi Day in existing and proposedrolling mill. Total water requirement aftei n".[*"rj u..,iulrrii* ""iinin' ofinduction furnace unit and this expan.ion p.;".1 oi'ilrlr:ng mi1 shal not exceed112 KL/ Day' To reduce the load on ground *ut"r, ,r*"ot surface water sourcesshall be explored within three years.Project authority shall provide adequa_te air polrution control arrangements at allpoint and non point sources packed,bd il;;'r,JJi'r.ruOber of adequatecapacity and high efliciency shall be instailel irilorrinJ riil reheating furnace toensure outlet dust (particulate matter) emission l"rJ tr..,rn St;;r"t\;i'Jj tn"time. Low NOx burners shall be installeO , i"n""trg frrn"." of rolling mill.packed bed type wet of adequate capacity ."ji,ig;;iil.i*n"y shalt be instailedin the existing reheating furnace of ,rolling *iri. "pr";"ct authority shall installsuitable & effective air pollution control"qrii*untruilJritunsfer points, junctionpoints etc. also. All the conveying systerp, tl"'nir"i ffii junction point etc. shailbe covered' Adequate provision shall be rnade ror rpiinr.iing of water at strategiclocations to ensure dust does not get.uir. nornu.-For.ontrolling fugitive dust,regular sprinkling of water in vulnerablu aru., of tne itant shall be ensured.Proper ventilation shall also be provideo in-Lrring'mltt"ptant,The emission ofpoilutants from any point source shail not exceeJ tni ioiio*ing rimit. _Particulate Matter50 mq/Nm"Fifty Milligr"r pJr. Normat Cubic Meter7.RProject authority shall provide properl$ce provision for further retrofitting of airpollution control systems in case of further .tnn!"n.y of particulate matteremission limit: Height of the stack of existing r"orring;;,ti ihall be increased to 37meters and height of stack of rolling mitt uiOer"iprnrtnshall be not be lessthen 37 meters.The gaseous emissions from various processes units shall conform to theloadlmass based standards notified by^this M;;ilt Jf i"nuironrent and forests,Government of lndia on lgthMay, lggs anJ sir"niuii.-prescribed form time totime. The chhattisgarh Environment conservation Board may specify morestringent standards for the relevant parametersk""Ji.gl" view the nature of theindustry and its size and location. At no time the"rnitJionlevel shall go beyondthe prescribed standards. lnterlockingl_acitities rr.rrii o" piovided so that processcan be automaticaily stopped in case emission r"*r"*.!.ds the rimit.secondary fugitive emissions shall be controlled and shall be kept within theprescribed limits and regularly monitored. CuiCelinelrcoJ" of practice issued bythe cPCB in this regard shall be tolioweo. Fto;".t "rtrorityshall maintainfugitive dust emissions to the minimum levet in th;;;;; of road transportationrouts of raw material, product to ensure Nationai n*ni# Air euality Standardsprescribed including black topping/asphalting/con"i.t,ng and maintenance withrequisite water sprinkling arrangements.C:tl l;i \ eUUd!{r_ -\n!51;iAA-SliAnSIt tMI:C!:C { tith ,)rudgt\{ hrcDr lspl thrrc L,mildtI{N! I d{rIII{&t

9 All air pollution control sYstems,shall betime !ept in goodandrunningfailure (if any),conditionsshallall thebe,immediatetysimilar re"ctiileoalternate withoutarrangement delay otherwiseshall n"poilutionr.o'..'rn"tn"contror eventsystem of any failure of any"dol,t_"-gby tnu- pror""t authority, .the respectiveproduction unit shall not be restarted until theachievecJntrotthemeasuresdesired areefficiency.rectified to10. Regurar monitoring of ground rever concentration of So2, Nox, spM and RSpM(PM10, pM2.5) at at_least four stations shall ne carrieO out in the impact zoneand records maintained' lf at any stage these tevels are found to exceed theprescribed limits, the plant shatl cea-se urr-opl,..tions tiil necessary contrormeasures are provided rhe location of the mon'rtoring stations uno-rr"qruncy ofmonitoring shall be decided in consultation with chhattisgarh Environmentconservation Board Raipur. The data so cottecied shall be properl y analyzedand periodic reports shall be submitted*-tJ' cr,r,rttisgarh Environmentconservatron Board, Raipur, ne^olg1ai onirL, chhattisgarh Environmentconservation Board, Durg-g6i1ri, s"rtRR, cr..lriu'tiirg_rrh and Regionar office,Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government or'inora, Bhopar.11' Project authority,shall.install separate electric metering arrangements with timetotalizer and interlocking arrangement for the running of pollution controldevices' These arrangements stratt oe maoe''in" sucrr a fashion that any nonfunctioningof pollution control device/devi.ornrrilmmediately stop the etectricsuppry to the fuer/raw materiars suppry system ,no ,r,rtt remain tripped til thepollution control device/devices are made functional again/rectified io achievethe desired efficiency." :$iff:tuthority shall utilize the fly ash bricks/brocks erc in ar construction13' Project authority shall take effective steps for safe disposal of solid wastes ancJsludge. End cuttrng from roiling mill shall b; ;;; l. r.r* materiat in inductionfurnace units Mill scales shall 5e sold to sinteipLntT r"rro alloys/ casting units.oily sludge shalr be sold to authoriz"o t*.yjos"/ re-proc";;";.;;; properdisposal through incineration Project"rth;;iy;r,"att ontain authorization fromBoard for management and handlin g or na;aiioJrln"t"riars as per l-lazardousHtrl:: |Til T;I en t, H a n d I i n g a nirra ; ;;; ;i;;'M o ve m e nil- {, ru.,' i o 0 B (a s" firtl"-::"r;ffi fiXX;*'rr be made pucca project aurhority shari adopt soodl5 Proiect authority sha,ll take proper action to control the noise pollution. projectauthority shall install appropriate noise barriers /control measures includingacoustic hoods' silencers, enclosures etc. on ail sources of noise generation tocontror the noise. Earprugs/ear m^uffs"t. Jrir"Je provided to tte emptoyeeworking in the high noiselteas' Leq of /noise reueL'emanating from machinesshall be limited to 75 dBA' The noise ievel shatl not exce"o ffritimits zs oe rnlduring the daytime and z0 dB (A) during il" nigit time within ine ractorypremises. project authority shail iake "o"q-r"t"',.nu'rrrr", for contror of noiselevel berow Bs dB (A) in the work environment worilrs engaged in noisy areasshall be periodically examined to nraintain rrJion "iri.record and for treatmentfor any hearrng ross incruding rotating them to non_noirvr ress noisy areas.C:11)llrlctltrrijni! StrlsiilAA,SIjAC\StjtAAiljC{.ajtjltDNru.ql\lrjc|rt$[lti\rl.i.rn!r(driiMr.t{irIV

16. Project authority shall provide appropriate arrangements to avoid air pollution,water pollution, noise pollution etc. during construction phase and duringtransportation of plants/machineries/equipments/ construction materials etc. tothe site. For controlling fugitive dust during transportation and construcgonworks, regular sprinkling of water in village roads and other vulnerable areas ofthe plant shall also be ensured. The emission from vehicles engaged fortransportation of plants/machineries/ equipments/construction materia-ls-etc. tothe site shall be ensured within prescribed vehicle emission norms. First aid andsanitation arrangements shall be made for the drivers and other contract workersd uring construction phase.17. The construction of effluent treatment system and installation of air pollutioncontrol equipments shall be taken up simultaneously with other civil/mechanicalworks of expansion / backward integration unit. The progress of the activitiesrelated to the project shall be submitted periodically to Chhlttisgarh EnvironmentConservation Board, Raipur, Regional Office, Chhattisg jrh EnvironmentConservation Board, Durg-Bhilai, SEIAA, Chhattisgarh and' Regional Office,Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of lndia, Bhopal.18. Adequate safety measures shall be provided in the plant area to check/minimizespontaneous fires. Copy of the these measures with full details along withlocation plant layout shall be submitted to Chhattisgarh e nviro"nmentConservation Board, Raipur, Regional Office, Chhattisgarh EnvironmentConservation Board, Durg-Bhilai, SEIAA, Chhattisgarh anJ Regional Office,Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of lndia, Bhopal.19. Disaster Management plan shall be prepared to meet any eventuality in case ofan accident taking place. Mock drills shall be conducted iegularly and based onthe same, modifications required, if any shall be incorporated in the DMp.20' As far as possible maximum area of open spaces shall be utilized for plantationpurposes. Project authority shall abide by the decisions taken by Ministry ofEnvironment and Forests, Government of lndia / Central Government/ CentralPollution Control Board from time to time in this regard, Tree density of .1S00-2000 irees per hectare (600 nos. of plants per acre) wittr tocat broad leaf speciesshould be maintained. A wide green belt of broad leaf local species shall bedeveloped in at least 1.41 ha (3.5 acres 35% of total land) of the project area.Central Pollution Control Board guidelines shall be followed in planning anddeveloping green belt and selection of species etc.21' Proiect authority shall provide garland drains with appropriate check dams allalong the raw materials storage areas etc. to avoid any possibility of erosion(wearing away) during rain. Garland drain (size, gradlent'a lengihl and sumpcapacity shall be designed keeping 50% safety maigin over and Jbou" the peaksudden rainfall and maximum discharge in the arei adjoining the project site.Sump capacity shall also provide adequate retention period to allow propersettling of silt material. Sedimentation pits shall be constructed at the corners ofthe garland drains. Project authority shall provide adequate collection andtreatment arrangement for proper management of storm water. The surface runoflshall be de-silted through a series of check dams and drains.22. Proiect authority shall adopt rainwater-harvesiing technique in the pro.lect areafor recharge of ground water^ project authority shall deveiop riinwater_harvesting structures to harvest the rainwater for utiltzation in the lean season aswell as to recharge the ground r,vater table. A detailed scheme for rainwater

harvesting to recharge the ground water aquifer shall be prepared in consultationwith Central Ground Water Authority/State Ground Water Board. A copy of thesame shall be submitted within ihree months to the Chhattisgarh Environmentconservation Board, Raipur, Regional office, chhattisgarh Environmentconservation Board, Durg-Bhilai, sElAA, chhattisgarh and Regional office,Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of lndia, Bhopal.2324Provision shall be made for the housing of construction labour within the site withall necessary infrastructure and facilities such as fuel for cooking, mobile toilets,mobile STP, safe drinking water, medical health care, crutch etc. The housingmay be in the form of temporary structures to be removed after the completion ofthe project.Occupational Health Surveillance of the workers should be done on a regularbasis and records maintained as per the factories Act.25. The project proponent shall also comply with all the environmental protectionmeasures and safe guards recommended in the Environment lmpactAssessment ReporV Environment Management Plan.26. Project authority shall establish an environmental management cell to carryoutfunction relating to environmental management under the supervision of seniorexecutive who shall directly report to the head of <strong>org</strong>anization. A full-fledgedlaboratory with qualified technical/scientific staffs to monitor the influent, effluent,ground water, surface water, soil, stack emission and ambient air quality etc.shall be provided.27. Recommendations made in the CREP for the steel plants shall be implemented.28. Adequate funds shall be allocated for undertaking CSR activities (communitywelfare, environmental development activrties apart from committed plantation)and in any case it shall not be less than Rs. 05 lakhs per year with 10% annualincrease in subsequent years. Project authority must undertake socio-economicdevelopment activities in the surrounding villages like community developmentprogrammes, educational programmes, drinking water supply and health careetc. Details of activities shall also be submitted to Chhattisgarh EnvironmentConservation Board, Raipur, Regional Office, Chhattisgarh EnvironmentConservation Board, Durg-Bhilai, SEIAA, Chhattisgarh and Regional Office,Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of lndia, Bhopal. The fundsearmarked for the environment protectlon measures shall not be diverted forother purpose and year-wise expenditure should be reported to the ChhattisgarhEnvironment Conservation Board, Raipur, Regional Office, ChhattisgarhEnvironment Conservation Board, Durg-Bhilai, SEIAA, Chhattisgarh andRegional Office, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of lndia,Bhopai. Local laboures shall be given employment during construction andsubsequently absorbed in the plant.29. The issuance of this environmental clearance does not convey any propertyrights in either real or personal property, or any exclusive privileges, nor doesnot authorize any injury to private property or any invasion of personal rights, norany infringement of Central, State or Local laws or regulations,30. SEIAA, Chhattisgarh reserves the right to amend/cancel any of the conditionsand add new conditions and make further stringent the emission/effluent limit asand when deemed necessary in the interest of environmental protection, changeL\l)lh\tut,rlrofu_Str\slilAA,SIjAClSlllAATlCrl,i(l,iUBclrin8){\lnrlstril,i\ilrcl.tnrrcdi,th{),d({VI

in the project profile or non-satisfactory implementation of the stipulatedconditions etc.31. The Project authority shall ensure the generation of employmeni in the localareas, recruitment shall be done by inviting applications first from the localresidents of the Chhattisgarh State. ln case of non-availability of suitablecandidates for certain post in the first attempt, the Project authority may call theapplications as second call not only from local residents of the ChhattisgarhState but also from other State.32. The Project authority shall advertise in at least two local newspapers widelycirculated in the region around the project, one of which shall be in thevernacular language of the locality concerned within seven days fronr the date o{this clearance letter, informing that the project has been accorded environmentalclearance and copies of clearance letter are available with the ChhattisgarhEnvironment Conservation Board and may also seen at Website of the Ministryof Environment and Forests at wvvw.envfor.nic.in and website of SEIAA,Chhattisgarh at wvwv. seiaaca. <strong>org</strong>.33. Half yearly report on the status of implementation of the stipulated conditionsand environment safeguards shall be submitted to the Chhattisgarh EnvironmentConservation Board, Raipur, Regional Office, Chhattisgarh EnvironmentConservation Board, Durg-Bhilai, SEIAA, Chhattisgarh and Regional Office,Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of lndia, Bhopal.34. Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment and Forests at Bhopal shallmonitor the implementation of the stipulated conditions. A complete set ofdocuments including Environment lmpact Assessment Report and EnvironmentManagement Plan along with the additional information submitted from time totime shall be forwarded to the Regional Office for their use during monitoring.35. The project authorities shall inform the Regional Office as well as the SEIAA,Chhattlsgarh regarding the date of financial closure and final approval of theproject by the concerned authorities and the dates of start of commissioning ofplant with expanded capacity.36. Full cooperation shall be extended to the Scientists/Officers from the SEIAAChhattisgarh, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of lndia/RegionalOffice, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of lndia, BhopalltheCPCB/the Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board, who would bemonitoring the compliance of environment status.37. ln case of any deviation or alteration in the proposed project from thosesubmitted to this SEIAA, Chhattisgarh for clearance, a fresh reference should bemade to the SEIAA, Chhattisgarh to assess the adequacy of the condition(s)imposed and to add additional environment protection measures required, if any.No further expansion or modifications in the plant should be carried out withoutprior approval of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government ofI ndia/SElAA, Chhattisgarh.38. The project authorities must strictly adhere to the stipulations made by theChhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board (CECB) and the StateGovernment.39. The above stipulations would be enforced among others under the Water(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention and Controlof Polluiion) Act, 1981, the Environment (Protection) act, 19BG and rules ihereCTJIh'.\lUrhifu sdst,lAA-sliAL',sLlA4\llc\jctl5frnrdiilEi!htorllsi'1r!rl.l-rrr{.d&!11'l&rvll

4041.under, Hazardous- -Wastes(Management, Handling and Trans BoundaryMovement) Rules, 2008 and its amendments, the Public Liability lnsurance Aci,1991 and its amendments.The above conditions would be enforced inter-alia, under the provisions of thewater (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1 974,Ihe Air (Prevention & Controlof Pollution) Act. 1981 the environment (Protection) Act. 1986 and the pubticliability insurance Act, 1991 along with their amendments and Rules. Theproponent shall ensure to provide for the costs incurred for taking up remedialmeasures in case of soil contamination, contamination of groundwater andsurface water, and occupational and other diseases due to the miningoperations.Any appeal against this environmental clearance shall lie with the NationalEnvironment Appellate Authority, if preferred, within 30 days as prescribed underSection 11 of the National Environment Appellate Act, 1gg7.Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter.For & on behalf ofState Level Environment lmpactAssessment Authority, Chhattisgarheli^^_ffnK*6\qroMemQer SecretaryState El,ftAuthority, Chhattisgarh''Raipur (C G )Endt. No.E€ slsrtnn-cGiEC/roiling miil/RJN/1 66Raipur, Date { I f: tz01lCopy to.-2.5The Principal secretary, Department of Environment, MantralayaChhattisgarh, Raipur- 492 001 .The chairman, central Pollution control Board, parivesh Bhawan,CBD-Cum-Office Complex, East Arjun Nagar, Dethi - 100 032.The chairman, chhattisgarh Environment conservation Board, 1-Tilak Nagar, shiv Mandir chowk, Main Road Avanti Vihar, Raipur{c.G ).Director, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of lndia,Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.The chief conservator of Forests (c) Regional office (wz), Ministryof Environment & Forests, Kendriya paryavaran Bhawan, LinkRoad No.-3, E-5, Arera Colony, Bhopal. n l)/fi1"Yt\Member Hecretary/ L State EtA,:Authority, Chhattisgarh'-Raipur (C.C Iry4{=C \l) lh*ilbrh..c_ Su\SlJiA-SllACiSIjtM\ltC[C( Lih nreeln!]!hent tnRr l]Fntc l,imicdtttML J d..VIII

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