M/s. Agrawal Minerals, Vill - Kharkena, Dist. - Bilaspur ... - Seiaacg.org

M/s. Agrawal Minerals, Vill - Kharkena, Dist. - Bilaspur ... - Seiaacg.org

M/s. Agrawal Minerals, Vill - Kharkena, Dist. - Bilaspur ... - Seiaacg.org


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$TATE LEVEL ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT AUTHORITYCHHATTISGARHGovernment of lndiaMinistry of Environment and Forests1-Tilak Nagar,Shiv Mandir Chowk,Main Road AvantiVihar,Raipur (C G )E-mail seiaaccg@gmaii comlo,M/s <strong>Agrawal</strong> <strong>Minerals</strong>Laxmi Niwas, Lajpatrai Nagar,Bitaspur (C.c )Works: <strong>Vill</strong>age - <strong>Kharkena</strong>,<strong>Dist</strong>rict - <strong>Bilaspur</strong> (C.G )sub: - Proposed. Doromite mining of 45,000 tonnes per annum capacity of M/s<strong>Agrawal</strong> <strong>Minerals</strong>_at <strong>Vill</strong>age - <strong>Kharkena</strong>. Tehsil - Takhatprr- tji.tri.t -<strong>Bilaspur</strong> (C.G ) - Environment Clearance Regarding.Ref.1- Your application no. Nil, dated 2sl0gl20og submitted to sEAC, cG,Raipur.2- This office tetter no. 377lsErAA-cc/Ec/Mining/Ryp/s9/09 Raipur,dated 31101t2009.3- Your letter" no. Nil, dated i2lau2oog and subsequentcorrespondence ending dated 2glOAZA0g.-0=0-The undersigned is directecJ to21l1al2(iA1. 29t1012008, 12tOZ-t2A0g andmentioned abcve.refer to i/our communication dated2810212009 regarding the subiectIt is noted that the prcposal is for grant of Environmentai Ciearance fors*fting up of a Dolomite mining of 60.361 TPA capacity in S 70g ha area at Khasrano. '1C30, i0E8, 1090, 1091, 1A92, 1094, .1 AB1n, iOgsir 1085/2, 1C78,1079, i080,1a73Q", 1i)77t?, 1ar7B, 1076, 1089, 1aBT,1oT7tj vtltage _ <strong>Kharkena</strong>, Tehsil _Takl-ratpur, Drstrict - [3ilaspur (C.G ) The totai lease area is S.708 ha in non - fore strevenue iand. Production capacity mentioned in approved minrng plarr is 49001 -lFA.Working permission has been tssuecl on 26112/1gb6 Mine has been started in 13riJanuarli 1$97. t\fiining Scheme for the pericti of 2008-20"i3 has been approved bylBh,4 r'ice irtt*r BLSj/DOLIMPLN-478/NGP c'ated 29t0s/2CC8. Eartier minl'pian n,asaDnroved ir]r +'fi7 ha irr"'lfiiv{ virie letter-nc. BLS/DCi-/Mpt-l'j-47'B dated ttlOflrgge.It l$ t,"tili-riii,,rii i:')i iill',l {or 5 7tl lia cn da:,;;u i-e,/0ii2004 Tire i:rccluction capacity of t.hei"niire v,';ji 1,s ['ierpi as 45,000 TpA (the produclion capacity, as per tire appr,:v*omirtirig sci'ir:i"Ie/pien). crusher"woulc not be installed in the mining iease area. lii:Natir:iiai Fari"li Wildlif* $anctuary etc. are located w,thin 10 knr radius of site. l',jial.$xt i:i ir;e pricjei;t ls Rs. 35.OCI iacs.iiv't1..!

T'he Siate Lerrel Hxperi r\i,t,i;iisel i61;11p1ili,;,r:, Clrhatttsgarh ccinsider-,cd th*prr:lect in the 20th,24t" ancl 30'r'iireeiing heid on ?-7lX?/20t1t],'i3i\7i21{-r9 antj08105i2009 respectiveiy. Pr,rjecr ;'irnsnert ,-:-rade rhe or*seirtaiian be;;re SEAC.Ci-rhattisgarh in 24th meeting heirl ,,l i:r/02/20'19 Based;n tl';e cc,nsi,lerattion cf tiiedr:c;umerrts submitiect, the presentaiion i:'racle anr} cjlscu:rsion i^i.ri'J iri iiilrh rneeting afSE,4\C held on ffB/05/2009, thr, $late l-evei Experr AprtrairaX {*lcirlrniitee,Cirhattisgarh recommended f,f r r.lrltii oi Invironmerital tii':ar:nce a$ per thepi"cvisions of Environnrental imp,:it Assessment hJr:tificatlon, 20C6 and ',lt*sL!osequent amendrnents.The proposal anci recoirinieridation of State Level Expefi AppraisalCornmittee, Chhattisgarh was consrijei-eci in the 10'h meeting ciSElAA. Chhattisgarirheld on 2210912009. The SEIAA tJhhatiisgarh glerused the inforrnaticnr'afflidavitsubmitted by project proponent. Aftei'delaiied deliberations. ihe SFIAA, Chhattisgarhdecided to accept the recommenCations of SEAC, Chhatttsgarlt. Accordingly, {iElAli,Chhattisgarh hereby accords Erivircniriental Clearance sui:ject io strict cornpltanceof the terms and conditions mentiorted below: -(i)(i i)(iii)Project proponent shall prr:vide adequate facility for proper treatrnent ofindustrial and domestic effluent. Prcject proponent shali provide effluenttreatment plant before commissicning of the plant. 'lreated/un-treatedeffluent collection pond sirall be lined suitably to prevent seepage in toground for avoiding grounC water contamination. All the effluent treatmentsystem shall be kept in good running condition all the iime and failure (ifany), shall be immediately rectified without delay othenryise simiiar alternatearrangement shall be made. Project proponent shall ensure the treatecieffluent qualily within standard prescribed by Ministry of Environrnent &Foresis, Governmeni of lndia.Any liquid effluent what so ever generated from industrial activities shaii notbe discharged into the river or any surface water bodies under anycircumstances, and it shall be reused wholly in the process/planiation" Allthe industrial effluent generated shall be re-circulatedlreused after propertreatment. Project proponent shall provide sewaEe treatrnent piant ofadequate capacity for treatment of domestic effluent generateci frorntownship. The un-treated/treated domestic effluent shall not be dischargeinto the river or any surface water bodies. The ireated domestic effiuentshall be used for plantation purpose after proper disinfection. lndustry shallmake proper arrangements of suitable drains/pipe networks to ensureadequate flow for utilization of treated effluent inside the premises. Theconcept of zero discharge'shall be maintained all the time excepi duringmonsoon. Arrangements shall be made that effluents and storm water donot get mixed.Projeci proponent shall provide adequate'nreasuring arrangements for themeasurement of water utilized in different categories and effluent generatedbefore commissioning of the plant.(iv)Project proponent shall provide adequate air pollution control arrangementsat all point and non point sourc€s for the control of emissions frornprocesses/operations and for the control of emissions during the handling &transportiation of raw materials/dolomite, rejects etc. shall be installed beforeD.$EIA 4S"{aigc tadrApsd t'5-a.:lD.lciE titit8 3l Q,361 T]P4bII/*L

commissioning of the plant and maintained in proper order during operaticn.Project proponent shall install suitable & effective air pollution controlequipments at all transfer points, junction points etc., also. All the conveyingsystem, transfer point, junction point etc. shall be covered.(v)(vi)(vii)(viii)(ix)ln case of transportation of other materials by road, the industry shallmaintain fugitive dust emissions to the minimum lerrel in the areas of roadtransportation routs to ensure National Ambient Air Quality Standardsprescribed including black topping/asphalting/concreting and maintenancewith requisite water sprinkling arrangements.All air pollution control systems shall be kept in good running conditions allthe time and failure (if any), shall be immediately rectified without delayothenrrrise similar alternate arrangement shall be made. ln the event of anyfailure of any pollution control system adopted by the industry, therespective production unit shall not be restarted until the control measuresare rectified to achieve the desired efflciency.Regular monitoring of ground level concentration of SOz, NOx, SPM andRSPM shall be carried out in the impact zone and records maintained. lf atany stage these levels are found to exceed the prescribed limits, the plantwill cease all operations till necessary control measures are provided. Thelocation of the monitoring stations and frequency of monitoring shall bedecided in consultation with Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation BoardRaipur. Periodic reports shall be submitted to ChhattisEarh EnvironmentConservation Board, Raipur, Regional Office, Chhattisgarh EnvironmentConservation Board, <strong>Bilaspur</strong>, SEIAA, Chhattisgarh and Regional Office,Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of lndia, Bhopal.Adequate number of permanent ambient air quality monitoring stations (notless than four) in the core zone as well as buffer zone for SPM, RPM, CO,NOx and SOz shall be set-up in the down wind direction as well as wheremaximum ground level concentratrons are anticipated in consultation withthe Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board. Monitoring net-workshall be designed taking into account the environmentally and ecologicallysensitive targets, land use pattern, location of the stacks, meteorologicalconditions and topographic features including existing ambient air qualitydata. The data so collected shall be properly analyzed and submitted to theChhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board, Raipur, Regional Office,Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board, <strong>Bilaspur</strong>, SEIAA,Chhattisgarh and Regional Office, Ministry of Environment & Forests,Government of lndia, Bhopal in every six months.Project proponent shall install separate electric metering arrangements withtime totalizer for the running of pollution control devices. Thesearrangements shall be made in such a fashion that any non-functioning ofpollution control device/devices shall immediately stop the electric supply tothe fuel supply system and shall remain tripped till the pollution controldevice/devices are made functional again/rectified to achieve the desiredefficiency,/l-VD\SEIA*SE ,:rSC L&{A€nwl I'hakJD!a.-a. -aa{frXln\lbIII

(x)(xi)(xii)(xiii)(xiv)(xv)Project proponent shall take effective steps for safe disposal of solid wastesand sludge. Project proponent shall obtain authorization from Board formanagement and handiing of hazardous materials as per Hazardous wastes(Management, Handiing and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008.Ail the internal roads shail be made pucca before commissioning of theplant. The project proponent shall adopt good house keeping practices.Froject proponent shall take proper action to control the noise pollution.Project proponent shall insiall appropriate noise barriers lcontrol measuresincluding acoustic hoods, silencers, enclosures etc. on all sources of noisegeneration to control the noise. Earplugs/ear muffs etc. shall be provided tothe employee working in the area of generator halls and other high noiseareas. Leq of /noise levels emanating from turbines shall be limited to 75 dB(A). The noise level shall not exceed the limits 75 dB (A) during the day{imeand 70 dB (A) during the night-time within the factory premises. Projectproponent shall take adequate measures for control of noise level below 85dB (A) in the work environment. Workers engaged in noisy areas such asturbine area, air compressors etc. shall be periodically examined to maintainaudiometric record and for treatment for any hearing loss including rotatingthem to non-noisy/ less noisy areas.Project proponent shall provide appropriate arrangements to avoid airpollution, water pollution, noise pollution etc. during construction phase andduring transportation of plants/machineries/equipments/constructionmaterials etc. to the propose site. For controlling fugitive dust duringtransportation and construction works, regular sprinkling of water in villageroads'and other vulnerable areas of the plant shall also be ensured. Theemission from vehicles engaged for transportation of plants/machineries/equipments/construction materials etc. to the site shall be ensured withinprescribed vehicle emission norms. First aid and sanitation anangementsshall be made for the,drivers and other contract workers during constructionphase.The construction of effluent treatment plant and installation of air pollutioncontrol equipments shall be taken up simultaneously with othercivil/mechanical works at the propose site. The progress of the activitiesrelated to the project shall be submitted periodically to ChhattisgarhEnvironment Conservation Board, Raipur, Regional Office, ChhattisgarhEnvironment Conservation Board, <strong>Bilaspur</strong>, SEIAA, Chhattisgarh andRegional Office, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govemment of lndia,Bhopal.Project proponent shall provide adequate number of influent and effluentquality monitoring stations/points in consultation with ChhattisgarhEnvironment Conservation Board. Regular monitoring shall be canied outfor relevant parameters. Regular monitoring of surface and ground waterquality including heavy metals (l-lg, Cr, As, Pb) shall be undertaken aroundproject area to ascertain the change in the water quality, il any, due toleaching of contaminants from disposal arealproject area. Result and datacollected shall be analyzed to ascertain the status of water quali$ andfindings shall be submitted. Continuous monitoring of ground watet level andIV/14-

quality shall be carried out by establrshing a network of existing wells andconstructing new piezomeiers at suitable lJcaticns at the proponent,s cost inand around project area in consultation with Regional airector, CGWB,central Region, Bhopai. Project niop"";;; shail instail at least fourobservation wells around the prbject area(xvi) Adequate safety measures -shailbe provided in the prant area tocheck/minimize spontaneous fires in rrui yrrj, especiaily during summerseason' copy of the these measures witl-r full details ri6"g *iti, locationplant layout shall be submitted to chhatGg;;l Environment conservationBoard' Raipur, Regional 9I1.", cnr,ritirg"rlrr Environment conservationBoard, Biraspur, sE|AA, chhaitisgart"n-JRegionar office, Ministry ofEnvironment & Forests, Government of lndia, Bhopal.(xvii) At-least 33%,,of the project land area shail be developed all along theboundary of the plant premises for,green-n"ivplantation. ns rai as possiblemaximum area of open spaces shilt be utilized for plantation purposes.Project proponent shall abide uv ine-o".ilionr taken by l\4inistry ofEnvironment and Forests, Government of lndia/central Governmenu centralpotution contror Board from time to time in tn" iegaro.(xviii) Project proponent shall provide garland drains with appropriate check damsall along the fuel, dust / reject st-orage .iuur !i. to avoid any possibility oferosion (wearing away) during rain. badano oiain 6i.", g;di&i-i tength;and sump capacity shall be desig.ned L""pirg 5o% safety margin over andabove the peak sudden rainfa-ll .no -nirtirrr discharge in the areaadjoining the project site. Surnp r"p".'tv' rnlrr also provide adequateretention period to allow proper settling or sin material. sedimentation pitsshall be constructed at the corners of fie garland drains. project proponentshall provide adequate collection and trJaiment anangement for propermanagement of storm water- The surface run-off shail bE oe-siiteo'througha series of check dams and drains.(xix) Project proponent shall adopt rainwater-harvesting techniqueareain the projectand residential area for recharge or giouno water.harvestingThe rainwater-technique shall be incorporiteJrig";t';ror tfrestructures' design stageProject proponent of allshatl'develop i"in*.ter-harvestingto harvest the structuresrainwater for utilization in'tne iean season asrecharge weilthe ground as towater table. A detailed i"n.r" for rainwaterto rechargenarvestingthe ground water.fg.qifer rn.lf u"'pr"prr"o in consuttationcentrar Groundwithwater Authorityistate ciouno'wit.,same shall;;; of thebe submitted within three rontnrEnvironmentto '"il. the cnn-Jttisgarnconservation Board,. n31pii, n"gionarEnvironmentoffice, chhattisgarhconservation Board, gii;;rr,-"sErAA,Regionar office, chhattisgarhMinistry of andEnvironment a-iorests, GovernmeniBhopat. No ground of rndia,watei shail be ,ruO foi *y iuipor".(n) Adequate funds shall be allocated for undertaking csR activities(community welfare, environmental oevetopment activities apartfromcommitted plantation) and in any case it shalr'noibe less than Rs. 01 lakhsper year vntr 100/o annuar increa-se in suosJquunl-y""ru.;it1rtDI,F,A,Crela.a;Dg'|tu |W.. . a,a@,xl TpAl.&/Wii l:l iilliilitt

.-i.-(xxi) Project proponeni shall estabiisi-r an environrnental management ceil tocarryout function rqlating to environmental managemeni undet ti-resupervision of senior execuiive who will directly report to ihe head of<strong>org</strong>anization. A full-fledged laboratory with qualified technicallscientific staffsto monitor the influent, effluent, ground water, suriace water, soil, stackemission and ambient air quality etc. shall be provided.(xxii) Project proponent shall also ensure the availability of adequate pastuielandfor cattle feed after acquisition of land for plant. Project proponent shall aisofacilitate the respective Gram Fanchayats for development of altei"natirteposture land for cattle feed in the villages as per demand of concerningGram Panchayat.(xxiii) The issuance of this environmental clearance does not convey any propertyrights in either real or personal property, or any exclusive privileges, nordoes not authorize any injury to private property or any invasion of personalrights, nor any infringement of Central, State or Local laws or regulations.(xxiv) SEIAA, Chhattisgarh reserves the right to amend/cancel any of theconditions and add new conditions and make further stringent theemission/effluent limit as and when deemed necessary in the interest cfenvironmental protection, change in the project profile or non-satisfactoryimplementation of the stipulated conditions etc.(xxv) To ensure the generation of employment in the local areas, recruitment shallbe done by inviting applications first from the local residents of theChhattisgarh State. ln case of non-availability of suitable candidates forcertain post in the flrst attempt, the project proponent may call theapplications as second call not only from local residents of the ChhattisgarhState but also from other State.(xxvi) The project proponent should explore the feasibility of laying a railway sidingfor the transport of raw material. Hence, rail transport should be attemptedas per priority. Road transport should be carried out only if the rail transportis totally unavoidable. ln case of road transport, transportation should be incovered trucks.(xxvii) Provision shall be made for the housing of construction labour within the sitewith all necessary infrastructure and facilities such as fuel for cooking,mobile toilets, mobile STP, safe drinking water, medical health care, crutchetc. The housing may be in the form of temporary structures to be removedafter the completion of the project.(>o

the vernacular language of the locality concerned within seven days fromthe date of this tleaiance tetter, informing that the project has beenaccorded environmentai ciearance and copies of clearance letter areavailable with the Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board and mayalso seen at Website of the Ministry of Environment and Forests atwww.envfor.nic.in and website of SEIAA, Chhattisgarh at www.seiaacg.<strong>org</strong>.(xxxi) Half yearly reporl on the status of implementation of the stipulatedconditions,' monitoring data atong with statistical interpretation andenvironment safeguards shall be submitted to the Chhattisgarh EnvironmentConservation Boird, Raipur, Regional Office, Chhattisgarh EnvironmentConservation Board, <strong>Bilaspur</strong>, SEIAA, Chhattisgarh and Regional Office,Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of lndia, Bhopal.(xxxii) Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment and Forests at Bhopal willmonitor the implementation of tne stipulated conditions. A complete set ofdocuments including Environment lmpact Assessment Report andEnvironi-nent tr,{anagernent Plan along with the additional informationsubmitted from time to time shall be forwarded to the Regional Office fortheir use during monitoring.(xxxiii) Full cooperation shall be extended to the Scientists/Offlcers from the SEIAA'chhattisgarh, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government oflndia/Regional Office, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government oflndia, Bhopal/the CPCBAhe innattisgarh Environment Conservation Board,who would be monitoring the compliance of environment status.(rc

Boundary Movement) Rules, 2008 and its amendments, the Public Liabilitylnsurance Act, 1991 and its amendments.(xxxix) Any appeal against this environmental clearance shall lie with the NationalEnvironment Appellate Authority, if preferred, within 30 days as prescribedunder Section 1 1 of the National Environment Appellate Act, 1997.Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter.Endt. No.t/Copy to:-'//'For & on behalf ofState Level Environment lmpactAssessment Authority, Chhattisgarh.noVutrKgo\MembAr SecretaryState EIS Authority, ChhattisgarhaRaipur (C.G.)/S EIM-CG/EC/Mini ng IBSP n 21 09 Raipur, oale lLltO 12009The Secretary, Ministry of Power, Shram Shakti Bhawan, RafiMarg, New Delhi- 110 001.The Secretary, Department of Environment, MantralayaChhattisgarh, Raipur492 001The Chairn:lr, Clnt:el ilectriciq- A';thcri$, S*'-va that'ran, R.K.Puram, New Delhi- 110 066The Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board, Parivesh Bhawan,CBD-Cum-Office Complex, East Arjun Nagar, Delhi- 100 032.The Chairman, Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board, 1-Tilak Nagar, Shiv Mandir Chowk, Main Road Avanti Vihar, Raipur(c.G.).Director, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govemment of lndia,Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.The Chief Conservator of Forests (C) Regional Office WZ), Ministryof Environment & Forests, Kendriya Paryavaran Bhawan, LinkRoad No.-3, E-5, Arera Colony, Bhopal.o/tktqMember Secretarystate t9{:,r;l(t !ln'tti'' "n/+*D\SE! A-SE 6€Cltdtatill ft*]tDdof.liir€.ttffi '36lTPAltbVIII'8.I!sH&

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