Course Catalogue 2012-2013 - University of Maine at Presque Isle

Course Catalogue 2012-2013 - University of Maine at Presque Isle

Course Catalogue 2012-2013 - University of Maine at Presque Isle


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g e n e r a l i n f o r m a t i o nAdmissionsSt<strong>at</strong>ement <strong>of</strong> PrincipleThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Maine</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Presque</strong> <strong>Isle</strong>(UMPI) invites applic<strong>at</strong>ions for admissionfrom academically qualified students <strong>of</strong> allages and backgrounds. The academic credentialsand life experience <strong>of</strong> each applicantare considered on an individual basis.The <strong>University</strong> prefers th<strong>at</strong> all applicantshave a college prepar<strong>at</strong>ory backgroundand show other indic<strong>at</strong>ions <strong>of</strong> ability tosucceed in college.Campus VisitsThe Admissions Office strongly encouragesapplicants to visit the campus. Duringthe visit the student will have anopportunity to speak with an admissionsstaff member, tour the campus, meet withcurrently enrolled students, talk with afaculty member, talk with a financial aidstaff member, and sit in on a class. Visitscan be arranged by calling the AdmissionsOffice <strong>at</strong> 207.768-9532.Applic<strong>at</strong>ion Procedures for all Students✓ Each applicant for admission is requiredto submit a completed <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Maine</strong> System Applic<strong>at</strong>ion Form accompaniedby a $ 40 non-refundable applic<strong>at</strong>ionfee (U.S. funds). Applicantsshould apply electronically on-line <strong>at</strong>www.umpi.edu and can pay by credit cardon-line when applying. Each applicantmust arrange for the forwarding <strong>of</strong> secondaryschool transcripts to the AdmissionsOffice.✓ Applicants with a record <strong>of</strong> <strong>at</strong>tendance<strong>at</strong> a post-secondary institution mustrequest the forwarding <strong>of</strong> their <strong>of</strong>ficialtranscripts from each institution <strong>at</strong>tendedfor all work undertaken.✓ Letters <strong>of</strong> recommend<strong>at</strong>ion and abrief essay are required from traditionalage students just gradu<strong>at</strong>ing from highschool. Recommend<strong>at</strong>ions and an essaymay be required from all other students.Required DepositsUpon acceptance, all students are requiredto pay a $ 50 tuition deposit. ResidenceHall students must submit a $ 100deposit with their signed room and boardcontract. The tuition deposit is credited tothe student’s first semester bill. The $ 100deposit for room and board is held for lostkeys and room damage. At the end <strong>of</strong> theacademic year, the deposit less charges(damages and unreturned keys) will be refunded.A deposit equal to one month’srent will be required for family housing.This deposit will be due <strong>at</strong> the time housingis assigned.ReadmissionDegree students who have withdrawnfrom UMPI and who have not <strong>at</strong>tendedany post-secondary school since withdrawingmay return to degree study by applyingthrough the Admissions Office, using aspecial readmission applic<strong>at</strong>ion form.There is no applic<strong>at</strong>ion fee for readmission.Students seeking readmission to the <strong>University</strong>must be in good academic standing<strong>at</strong> the time <strong>of</strong> applic<strong>at</strong>ion.Students who have taken a course orcourses from another post-secondaryschool following withdrawal must applyfor regular admission through the AdmissionsOffice.Applic<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> Credits from PriorEnrollmentUpon re-admittance, courses th<strong>at</strong> aremore than seven years old will not autom<strong>at</strong>icallybe applied to the major. Acourse-by-course analysis will be made bythe appropri<strong>at</strong>e department to determinewhether the course content is still appropri<strong>at</strong>eand meets program requirements.The Admission Decision✓ Applicants are evalu<strong>at</strong>ed for admissionon the following criteria: (a) strength <strong>of</strong>high school academic curriculum andgrades achieved; (b) rank in class; and (c)academic and personal recommend<strong>at</strong>ions.✓ UMPI oper<strong>at</strong>es on a rolling admissionpolicy. Applicants are notified <strong>of</strong> the admissiondecision a short time after it hasbeen made.✓Admission to the <strong>University</strong> is contingentupon the s<strong>at</strong>isfactory completion <strong>of</strong>all secondary school and post-secondaryschool courses in progress when the acceptanceis given.✓ The <strong>University</strong> reserves the right torescind the acceptance <strong>of</strong> any applicant.✓ Freshmen, transfer and readmitted studentsare accepted by the <strong>University</strong> for eitherthe fall or spring semester.Regular Admission Standards forTwo-Year and Four-Year ProgramsCandid<strong>at</strong>es must be gradu<strong>at</strong>es <strong>of</strong> approvedsecondary schools or hold a HighSchool Equivalency Diploma or GED certific<strong>at</strong>e.The following program <strong>at</strong> the secondaryschool level is recommended for regularadmission:High School Prepar<strong>at</strong>ion(college track)UnitsEnglish 4M<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>ics 3Science with lab 2Social Studies 3Electives 2Foreign Language 2TOTAL 16InterviewsStudents whose previous work does notqualify them for regular admission may beasked to come to campus for an interview.This interview consists <strong>of</strong> meeting with arepresent<strong>at</strong>ive from the Admissions Office,Student Support Services, and a facultymember in the student’s area <strong>of</strong> interest.The interview will give the student an opportunityto discuss his or her overall academicrecord and why he or she is readyfor the college experience. The faculty andstaff members involved in the interviewwill ask questions pertaining to the student’srecord for the purpose <strong>of</strong> making adecision on admissibility. If admitted, certainrequirements may be added to thestudent’s program or certain restrictionsplaced upon it.Transfer PolicyFrom within the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Maine</strong>SystemAn internal transfer student is defined asa transfer student whose most recent collegi<strong>at</strong>ework has been within the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Maine</strong> System.2 university <strong>of</strong> maine <strong>at</strong> presque isle ✩ c<strong>at</strong>alogue <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>2013</strong> ✩ Nor th <strong>of</strong> Ordinar y

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