
Marine - part 1 (PDF 960 KB) - Rio Tinto Alcan

Marine - part 1 (PDF 960 KB) - Rio Tinto Alcan

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Rio Tinto AlcanEnvironmental Impact StatementSouth of <strong>Embley</strong> ProjectQUIKS0AT NRT Winds 070205 ascendingo pi ?Sr 20/- /251 X. - 3..f X157 45 >5D knot7r7r- 17n- 1,ir- A;___r %4%1.r-.A1/rrA71 y 4,17, /ft-+5'-P7-- er-n-- ?)--- r r, :Fp " ,,.._-..- 0- sr-- r, -'-ft' '.5, ",r"4-7.-.nr- ,',...N., 1,,f7pH,,,l-fp-- ,,, [1: ,r.,. r5s- *,1/-- /Tr-. :0--,--- 4,-, ''.1- 1, r -in-,- .2.,, -2, ,.... :..k_ -., .2,, .,...54r., ..5:,..e>... 2',, 'A''. `'.. 'r-, 'Z_'''' .7:-'t''-'4.- N\'...7,".4--'' r ,,,- -9.'-- ..5,-. -"'''': '',--:,7 ''>.'. tr..'aril rirrrarrir-'77:: 1.N.4, t,4 4 rm- t,,,.;.: ,:, 94 4 1'%.Fr- gr--...:lki'i, -.., -i.\,,x...:\?i, -,,, '-', ,-,, '-',t,.-,,'%',.--, \,,,...1 x,,::;\ 41 .0.0,,,,. \ ,..., ,,,,1,0, "...fi: \'' ...-;..k%.,,')--..41.--..7-. ,,,._.'''''k75- r-r rr-.".4.,.1_. ..-'" r FirT '''.. \ A'V- F-0---rr-P-- ''\ 'R) - _.iii-ii _I,`,--a Ju_u -I'-I)t.e.-Alj _i! ,_ii4 -ii J.iery '120 12,5 130 135 140145 lal20:47the at IDS.3)111,103 C.1.117.- IS L4 MEI For 11,,JJ 4101[1., 1.19,3 111[11..I13 pass:L.1e ruin OVICINT1111.1011NOWNESDIS/Offae of Research and ApplicationsFigure 6-12 Tropical Cyclone Nelson Wind Field 5 February 2007A Holland wind model and a SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore) wave model were used tosimulate 15 historical events and to obtain a time series of wave parameters at the study sitefor inclusion into the coastal process models used to assess shoreline changes. A regular gridwas developed, with a mesh resolution of 2km to suitably resolve the wind field. Wind fieldsused to generate waves acting on the study site can be of a regional scale and, to representthese, the model extents included the whole of the Gulf of Carpentaria, as shown in Figure6-13.Coastal processes were modelled by using wave height, period and direction informationextracted from the wave model results at the proposed port site.Modelled wave heights were compared with the actual DERM wave buoy measurements (nondirectional)located in Albatross Bay. As shown in Figure 6-14, the relationship is reasonablylinear. However, wave heights at the buoy site are limited by depth.The relationship between modelled mean wave direction at the proposed port site and at theDERM wave buoy site is shown in Figure 6-15. Wave refraction in the shallower water ofAlbatross Bay accounts for differences in mean direction.Figure 6-16 indicates that for the wave events modelled, directions were predominantly fromthe north-west, west, and south-west sectors. More of the large waves occur in the south-westand west sectors shown in Figure 6-16, resulting in higher sediment transport up the coasttowards Boyd Point. As the alignment of the shoreline between Pera Head and Boyd Point isapproximately 210°N, waves from the north-western sector tend to arrive at the shorelinesquare-on, resulting in minimal longshore movement.Section 6 Marine Page 6-12

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