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New YorkAn Iran Nuclear Deal That Reduces theChance of War“The final deal with Iran announced by the United States and other major world powersdoes what no amount of political posturing and vague threats of military action hadmanaged to do before. It puts strong, verifiable limits on Iran’s ability to develop anuclear weapon for at least the next 10 to 15 years and is potentially one of the mostconsequential accords in recent diplomatic history, with the ability not just to keepIran from obtaining a nuclear weapon but also to reshape Middle East politics. Thedeal, the product of 20 arduous months of negotiations, would obviously have providedmore cause for celebration if Iran had agreed to completely dismantle all of its nuclearfacilities. But the chances of that happening were effectively zero, and even if all ofIran’s nuclear-related buildings and installations were destroyed, no one can erase theknowledge Iranian scientists have acquired after working on nuclear projectsfor decades.”– New York Times, 7/14/15The Deal Provides Some Hope Of Preventing Iran From Becoming A NuclearNation That Could Threaten The Middle East And, With That, The World“Here is the fundamental question regarding the nuclear deal struck this week withIran: Are the United States, Israel and the rest of the civilized world better off with itor without it? Upon reflection the answer seems clear: The deal provides some hope ofpreventing Iran from becoming a nuclear nation that could threaten the Middle Eastand, with that, the world. It is not in any way guaranteed to do that and no one shouldexpect that it will without rigorous enforcement of all its moving parts. To paraphraseone of Ronald Reagan’s most famous aphorisms: Don’t trust; verify. An agreementlimiting Iran’s nuclear capability offers the only path – short of military action – to whatall say they want, which is to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of a governmentthat has repeatedly shown itself to be erratic and untrustworthy.”– Buffalo News, 7/17/15

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