TSCHS Journal Summer 2015

TSCHS Journal Summer 2015


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training programs for law firm associates that will be available beginning in spring 2016.In addition to the Women in Law Institute, CWIL has offered at least twenty-four student programs. Theseprograms have taught students skills, provided access to role models, and fostered important relationships. AsCWIL’s Executive Director, I also teach a class at Texas Law that uses the lens of leadership theory to explorethe gap between the number of women law school graduates and the number of women who occupy leadershippositions.Moreover, with the goal of increasing the number of women in the pipeline to general counsel, CWILoffers coaching for in-house counsel. The program is led by CWIL founder Catherine Lamboley, retired SeniorVice President and General Counsel of Shell Oil Company, and provides participants with the opportunity to learnfrom their shared experiences and advance their skills in a collaborative, confidential environment.From Chief Justice Ward to CWIL’s founders, Texas women lawyers have shown time and time again theirability to bring about important changes in the legal profession and society as a whole. By encouraging womento play active roles in the legal profession in Texas and elsewhere, CWIL founders seek to ensure that womenlawyers have a bright future and continue to advance meaningful change in the profession. To learn more abouthow you can get involved in this effort, visit www.centerforwomeninlaw.org.LINDA BRAY CHANOW has served as the Executive Director of the Center for Women inLaw since 2009. A leader in the national and local conversation on gender equity in the legalprofession, Ms. Chanow has authored or coauthored numerous reports on women in the legalprofession.Return to Journal Index102

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