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Easy-Load Desktop-Thermal Printer

Easy-Load Desktop-Thermal Printer

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1 2O pe ra tio n: In se rt in g Pa pe r • B at te rie s6 O pe ra tio n: In se rt in g Pa pe rThe closed printer is pr otected against staticdischar ges in accor <strong>dance</strong> with the EMC guidelines.Since the user may come in contactwith parts that ar e electrically sensitive, whenthe printer is open (like the print head duringcleaning, or the electr onics during a batteryexchange), the user should make sur e that allpossible static char ges ar e dischar gedthr ough suf ficient gr ounding of the body before touching the printer (e.g. by touchinggr ounded objects like radiators), in or der tosafely avoid damage to the printer .Replacing the PaperInserting the Paper Roll1. Unwind about 10 cm of paper fr om the r oll. Hold thelayers tightly wound, and open the lid of the printer byslightly pulling the LEVER inside it upwar d.2. Put the paper r oll in the paper compartment makingsur e that the outside is tur ned towar d the printermechanism.3. Close the lid by pr essing on it. It will audibly snapinto place, so that the paper can be tor n of f at the tear -of f edge without the lid opening up, and without thepaper sliding thr ough the print head.Wh ich side of the the rma l pap er can be prin -ted on?Usu ally , the prin tab le side of a ther mal pap er r ollis on the outs ide.See Err or Det ecti on and Rec ove ry on pag e 22.Which thermal paper can be used?The printer is specified for a paper width of 57.5 ±0.5mm, a r oll diameter of 31 mm, and a paper thicknessof 60 g/m2. The matching paper r olls GPR-T01-057-031-007-060A (quality: 5 years) ar e available fr omGeBE. Other papers might cause failur e.Other Paper A vailable fr om GeBE:High T emperatur e Paperis a paper that will not start to tur n black befor e 100°C(standar d app. 70 °C).This makes it ideal for applications like parking tickets.T wo-ply Paperprints two layers.The first layer can be taken up) with the paper r ewinderoption.Adhesive Labelsar e connected thr ough perforation. Ther e is a blackmark between the labels for corr ect positioning. This isthe only type of labels that can be printed with theGeBE-FLASH ® .long pr eservation Paper for Documentsis a paper that pr eserves its printed image for at least15 or 99 years, if stor ed dark and dry .T wo-Color Paperprints r ed with normal heat setting, black with higherheat setting. The heat setting can be selected by command. BE E + F Gm bH • ww w .oe m- pri nte r .co m • SM AN -E- 471 -V2 .3 • The rm al Pri nte r GPT -43 78 / 437 9

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