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Essar Steel Trading FZECash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 March, 2008 1 April 2007 14 June 2006toto31 March 2008 31 March 2007OPERATING ACTIVITIES Notes USD USDProfit (Loss) for the year/period 1,851,197 (157,936)Adjustments for:Interest expense 4 2,946,394 342,155Interest income 3 (1,2<strong>65</strong>) (284)4,796,326 183,935Working capital changesAccounts receivable and prepayments (49,895,726) (4<strong>65</strong>,130)Due from a related party (80,787,513) (25,518,836)Accounts payable and accruals 936,039 345,580Cash used in operations (124,950,874) (25,454,451)Interest paid 4 (2,946,394) (342,155)Net cash used in operating activities (127,897,268) (25,796,606)INVESTING ACTIVITYInterest received 1,2<strong>65</strong> 284Net cash from investing activity 3 1,2<strong>65</strong> 284FINANCING ACTIVITIESProposed increase in share capital 8 1,000,000 816,727Term loans 130,000,000 25,000,000Net cash from financing activities 131,000,000 25,816,727INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 3,103,997 —Cash and cash equivalents at 1 April 20,405 —CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT 31 MARCH 7 3,124,402 20,405Statement of Changes In EquityRetained earnings/Year ended 31 March, 2008 Share (accumulatedcapital losses) TotalNote USD USD USDIssued during the period 816,727 — 816,727Loss for the period — (157,936) (157,936)Balance at 31 March 2007 816,727 (157,936) <strong>65</strong>8,791Proposed increase in share capital 8 1,000,000 — 1,000,000Profit for the year — 1,851,197 1,851,197Balance at 31 March 2008 1,816,727 1,693,261 3,509,988The attached notes 1 to 14 form part of these Financial Statements.60

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