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Hams in Space! - Free and Open Source Software

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Ox<br />

Bob W<strong>in</strong>o WSKNE<br />

'!t> Q RZ OX<br />

eo.Box832205<br />

Richa rdson TX 75083<br />

VK9 Norfolk Island:<br />

Ham Radio and Stamp<br />

Collect<strong>in</strong>g<br />

The Norfolk Island Philatelic<br />

Bureau has announced the issue<br />

01 th ree stamps commemoratmg<br />

ham radio. The set of stamps Will<br />

be issued Aprit 9. 199 1. The stamp<br />

designs feature dillerent maps of<br />

the island and the callsigns of the<br />

island's l ive amateurs: V K9J A.<br />

VK9ND, VK9NI, VK9NL and VK9NS.<br />

V alues: 4 3 C, $1 .0 0 and $1.20,<br />

A fir st day c over will cost $2.83<br />

(Au stralian $). Additional Into rm a­<br />

tion may be obta<strong>in</strong>ed from (or orders<br />

mailed to) Philatelic Bureau, Norfolk<br />

Island 2899, Au stralia. T han ks ,<br />

VK9NS .<br />

TN6PG and TN6PG!02<br />

The ope rations by TN6PG and<br />

TN6PG/D2 a re thought to be the<br />

work of a pirate. The operator is sec<br />

to O SL via G30 CA, who knows<br />

noth<strong>in</strong>g about these stations.<br />

Number 23 on your FeedbKk u rd<br />

<strong>Hams</strong> Around the World<br />

more successful attempt was made<br />

to land on a neighbor<strong>in</strong>g rock called<br />

Pengu<strong>in</strong> Island. The weather was<br />

excettent and the land<strong>in</strong>g area<br />

seemed much more favorable, but it<br />

was situated on the wrong side ct tne<br />

rock, which blocked an unobstructed<br />

shol at me northern sector, and<br />

blocked all 01the U .S. and Japan on<br />

long path.<br />

To avoid any unpleasant surprises.tbe<br />

group brought more Ihan one<br />

mile 01 RG8IU eoa .. to reac h the<br />

hlQMSl tiPcnre island. and to have<br />

the beams out <strong>in</strong> Ihe clear. They<br />

spent one whole day under <strong>in</strong>tense<br />

-<br />

sun conditiOnS. carry<strong>in</strong>g and moontjog<br />

a eo-toot Rohn with a Hy-Ga<strong>in</strong><br />

THS on top. Another tower supported<br />

a Hy-Ga<strong>in</strong> 103SA, while Butternut<br />

verticals were used lor the lower<br />

bands. We s<strong>in</strong>cerely hope that Ihe<br />

ZS9Z1ZS1 signals proved worthy of<br />

that effort .<br />

Some 33.200 OSOs were made<br />

dur<strong>in</strong>g the six daysof operallng. Two<br />

ICOM IC·735s with amplifiers were<br />

supplied with 6 kW ofgeneratorpower.<br />

The flrst days and the weekend<br />

were spent on se lected bands to<br />

provide everyone with at least one<br />

contact . Some Rny and WARC<br />

band operat<strong>in</strong>g was launched lor me<br />

first time from Pengu<strong>in</strong> , and a brief<br />

ZS9Z111990 DXpedit ion<br />

to the Pengu<strong>in</strong> Islands<br />

shOW<strong>in</strong>g was made on 80/160 touxoeomcoe<br />

don 't jusl happen, wardtna very end.<br />

and they are not necessarily vaca- Facilities on the island were hig hly<br />

lions, A successful DXpe dition re- lim ited , and the operat<strong>in</strong>g was done<br />

quires detailed plann<strong>in</strong>g, log istic al from the rema<strong>in</strong>s of a guanocommusuppo<br />

rt, re search , and ded icated nity Ihat had existed there a long<br />

operators. The follow<strong>in</strong>g DXped ition lime ago. The birdS were relatively<br />

report. provided by N7NG , tellS part agressive, and there were nests evolthe<br />

story of the second DXpedition erywhere. The conditions were next<br />

to the Peng u <strong>in</strong> Isl andS of South to hazardoUS, and the smell was her-<br />

Alrica.<br />

rible. All the nests <strong>in</strong> the viC<strong>in</strong>ity of<br />

The South Al rican (RSA) Pengu<strong>in</strong> the operat<strong>in</strong>g SIte and on the way to<br />

Islands are located off the coast of the towers were protected by marX-<br />

Namibia, with Namibia left <strong>in</strong> be- <strong>in</strong>gs.<br />

twee n as an " <strong>in</strong>terven<strong>in</strong>g DX CC Despite many rumors to the<br />

country," thus q ualify<strong>in</strong>g the Pen- contrary, land <strong>in</strong>g permissions were<br />

gu<strong>in</strong>s as a separate DXCC country o n hand lor both Seal and Penqu<strong>in</strong><br />

under Po<strong>in</strong>ts 1 and 3 01 the DXCC Islands . A South Afric an (RSA)<br />

country criteria, An application for delegation from the Department of<br />

separate DXCC status is pendi ng. Nature and Environ mental censerand<br />

a DXCC vote is e xpected vation landed dur<strong>in</strong>g the operation<br />

momentarily.<br />

to make sure that the ecological<br />

ZS9ZfZSl o p era tors N7NG, balance on the island was not dis-<br />

OH2BH , OH2RF and ZS6BCR rupted.<br />

arrived on the coast of Namibia The lastlO hours of the operation<br />

November 27 and made their first used Butternut verticals only. and<br />

attempt to land on Seal Island lhat theoperatlOfl wound up immediately<br />

same day. Theonly POSSible landmg after sunrise on December 6. 1990.<br />

site was battered by Mavy seas, so Many logistical phases had 10 be<br />

it was impossible to move a large successl ully completed to secure<br />

quantity 01 DXpedltion gear. Some this uxpeoutc o. De re k Moore<br />

operators were put ashore, and they V5 1DM played a major role <strong>in</strong> providfound<br />

traces of the orig <strong>in</strong>al German <strong>in</strong>g assist ance and supplY<strong>in</strong>g a mas-<br />

DXpedition to that island.<br />

tar cable to reach the top 01 the is-<br />

On Wednesday, November 28. a land, and <strong>in</strong> plac<strong>in</strong>g his ueet of air<br />

80 73Ama leur Radio Today . March, 1991<br />

rene at the disposal of this DXped<strong>in</strong>on.<br />

Tha nks are also due to Harold<br />

Lund ZS6WB <strong>in</strong> Pretoria lor loan<strong>in</strong>g<br />

US the ge ne rat ors, a nd for coord<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g<br />

and support<strong>in</strong>g ra ilway<br />

conterer shipments through South<br />

AtriCa and provid<strong>in</strong>g a tour-.....heel<br />

drive vehicle with a trailer lor nonstop<br />

dflv<strong>in</strong>g from ZS6 to the coast of<br />

Namibia, a 3O-hour drive. And , we<br />

wish to credit Ian Sutherland ZS9A<br />

a SLRo utes<br />

4M 1G<br />

4M3B<br />

4M5T<br />

4M5Y<br />

4N 1A<br />

4N4C<br />

4N4W<br />

4N7M<br />

4N7ZZ<br />

6FXBCS<br />

9M6ET<br />

9M600<br />

9 M8ZR<br />

AnT<br />

ATtIlV<br />

CEeZZZ<br />

caSASM<br />

CT2A<br />

D68GA<br />

DX1A<br />

DX8A<br />

ED3MM<br />

HB0IHB9AON<br />

HG 1S<br />

HG1W<br />

HG4P<br />

HGSA<br />

"A INOG<br />

IQJA<br />

J4JA<br />

J6LRU<br />

JTlT<br />

KP2A<br />

L4D<br />

aSLNotes<br />

Via YV 1CLM<br />

Via YV3BKC<br />

Via YVSJB I<br />

ViaYVSLAS<br />

Via YU 1FJK<br />

Via YU3EZC<br />

ViaYU4GYZ<br />

ViaYU7KMN<br />

ViaYU7FIJ<br />

ViaVE7DP<br />

Via WB2KXA<br />

Via N200<br />

ViaWA2HZR<br />

ViaKE3A<br />

ViaVU2CVP<br />

Box 13312.<br />

santiago. Chile<br />

Via CT1 ASM<br />

Via CT1BQH<br />

New Add ress :<br />

Don Jones, N6ZV.<br />

1605 Avenue Q.4.<br />

Palmdale, CA 935S1<br />

Via DU1AU<br />

P.O. Box S616,<br />

Higan City 9200,<br />

Philipp<strong>in</strong>es<br />

Via EA3BOX<br />

ViaDJ2YE<br />

Via HA1KSA<br />

Via HA1YA<br />

Via HM ZZ<br />

Via HA7RY<br />

Via l1RBJ<br />

VialKIGPP<br />

Via 13MAU<br />

Via SV3AOR<br />

ViaW81LC<br />

Via JT1 KAA<br />

Via W3HNK<br />

Via LU4DCK<br />

lor offer<strong>in</strong>g highly valuable assistance<br />

<strong>in</strong> plann<strong>in</strong>g the land<strong>in</strong>g and<br />

the setup on Pengu<strong>in</strong> Istand. A major<br />

local organiz<strong>in</strong>g burden was borne<br />

by Chris Burger ZS6BCR. one of tM<br />

operators.<br />

The cost of logistics for an operationofthis<br />

magnitude was extremely<br />

high, but many <strong>in</strong>stitutional and private<br />

parties have moved <strong>in</strong> to offset<br />

the logistical expenses.<br />

Please note thai V5 1Z (CO WW CW contest only) and Ihe Pengu<strong>in</strong> Island<br />

DXpedition will be OSLed via Martti La<strong>in</strong>e OH2BH. The rescheduled ZS9Z<br />

operation Irom Walvis Bay (active dur<strong>in</strong>g mid·December) will OSL via<br />

ZS6BCR.<br />

LweDX<br />

LX90D<br />

lZSA<br />

lZSZ<br />

LZ6W<br />

LZ6Z<br />

LZ9A<br />

OOSIM<br />

ODS YU<br />

OR4EEC<br />

OTSLO<br />

P40A<br />

PJ2IOH9RP<br />

SNJA<br />

SN50<br />

T30X<br />

T32Z<br />

T33A<br />

T33T<br />

T33WV<br />

T33X<br />

V2IG600<br />

V850M<br />

WN4KKNfZPS<br />

YJ0ARW<br />

YP0A<br />

YT2B<br />

YT2R<br />

YT3M<br />

YT3T<br />

YT4T<br />

YT5R<br />

YT7A<br />

YT"A<br />

YW3A<br />

YW5Y<br />

YW6W<br />

YZ4Z<br />

YVV<br />

Via LU4HH<br />

Via LX1GQ<br />

Via LZ 1KGB<br />

Via LZ1KOP<br />

VI8LZ2KSQ<br />

Via LZ2HKM<br />

Via LZ2KTS<br />

Via F6CYU<br />

with 41RCs<br />

Via KC4DWI<br />

Via ON bureau<br />

Via ONSLO<br />

ViaN1GL<br />

ViaOH9RP<br />

ViaSP3GEM<br />

Via SP6PAZ<br />

Via OJ6S1<br />

VI8 N7YL<br />

VI80 H3GZ<br />

ViaOH3G.Z<br />

Via OK2WV<br />

Via DJ6S1<br />

ViaG6QQ<br />

Via N200<br />

Via AASBT<br />

Via ZL1AMO<br />

Via Y09HP<br />

Via YU2KDE<br />

ViaYU2CAT<br />

Via YU30JK<br />

Via YU3ELJ<br />

Via YU4ECJ<br />

Via YUSGBC<br />

V18 YU7GMN<br />

ViaYT3AA<br />

Via YV3A2.C<br />

Via YVSLAJ<br />

Via YV6CAX<br />

ViaYU4EXA<br />

ViaYU7ECD<br />

ZL1BOD still has togs open for the follow<strong>in</strong>g operations:<br />

FK0RR New Caledonia September 1981<br />

VK9NR Norfolk Island January 1982<br />

3D2RJ Fiji september 1982<br />

ZL8BO D Kermadec Islands March 1984<br />

ZL1BO DfKH6 Hawaii Octcoer 1985<br />

SWl FP Western samoa March 1986<br />

ZK3RR rceieu Island March 1986<br />

ZL9BOD Auckland Islands Fabruary 1988<br />

3D2RJ Rotuma August 1989<br />

And , he is the manager for ZL0A.JW/8 and 3D2AH (Rotuma). OSL to Roly<br />

Runciman ZL1BOD. 36 Card ilf Rd., Paluranga, Auckl and 1706, New<br />


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