M a y 2 0 1 3 V o l u m e 1 2 8 • N u m b e r 5

May 2013 Volume 128 • Number 5 - Osman Shrine

May 2013 Volume 128 • Number 5 - Osman Shrine

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Continued from page 3<br />

celebrate together at the St. Paul Masonic<br />

Center on Plato. More information will be<br />

coming as the date gets closer.<br />

On the 15th, Tax day, Roger and John<br />

put together a circus workers appreciation<br />

party at the Osman Event Center that was<br />

almost as fantastic as the show they put<br />

together. The socializing and the story<br />

telling was going on to a point where they<br />

had trouble getting everyone settled down so<br />

we could start eating. We were all having so<br />

much fun I think Geri could have served<br />

hot dogs and beans and we all would have a<br />

great time. But in true Lost Spur style Geri<br />

and Chef Mike put out a spread that<br />

couldn’t be beat.<br />

But the Lost Spur/Osman Event center<br />

really shined the next night. The 16th was<br />

the 78th anniversary of the Lynnhurst<br />

Dinner. For those who don’t know what that<br />

is, don’t feel bad. I didn’t know a whole lot<br />

Membership Report<br />

e ree R’s of Osman<br />

e three R’s of Osman are<br />

Recruitment, Restoration and Retention.<br />

Osman has a membership of 1183<br />

Nobles, with around 130 who haven’t yet<br />

paid their 2013 dues. If you are first line<br />

signers for 2 new nobles of Osman this<br />

year 2013, your 2014 Osman dues of<br />

$55.00 will be paid all you have to pay is<br />

the Per-Capita and Hospital assessment of<br />

$20.<br />

My committee has challenged the<br />

about it myself. The Dinner was started as a<br />

celebration for the new incoming Minnesota<br />

Grand Master. It started as a turkey dinner<br />

with all the trimmings. I talked with some<br />

of the senior members from Lynnhurst<br />

Lodge and tried to get as much information<br />

as I could.<br />

Originally it was held at the lodge but<br />

when they suffered the fate of so many other<br />

lodges and sold their building they moved<br />

the event to Zuhrah Shrine Temple. After<br />

Zuhrah sold their temple the Brothers<br />

moved the event to a hotel in downtown St.<br />

Paul. I didn’t make it to that event but I was<br />

told by people that went last year that it was<br />

“a lot like our Hufli, only not as good”.<br />

Someone suggested that they try the Lost<br />

Spur and I think everyone was very pleased<br />

with the outcome. The staff at the Lost Spur<br />

served 30 tables of Master Masons and<br />

everything went great. I heard a lot of<br />

compliments and I hope they continue<br />

having the event at Osman. Lynnhurst<br />

Lodge has changed their name to Templar<br />

Divan of Osman to bring in 2 new<br />

Nobles each, and also each Club or Unit<br />

to bring in 2 new Nobles each.<br />

Remember to take advantage of Shriners<br />

Sunday Fun-day which are the 3rd<br />

Sunday of the month. Bring a new<br />

candidate for the Shrine for dinner and<br />

fun.<br />

Don’t forget the Spring Ceremonial at<br />

the Masonic center on Plato. Come in<br />

your Unit uniform and bring a candidate.<br />

The Membership committee.<br />

Lodge and I want to personally thank the<br />

planning committee for giving Osman an<br />

opportunity to shine.<br />

Lastly, I would like to remind everyone<br />

about our upcoming Ceremonial. Get your<br />

petitions in and our ceremonial team will<br />

put on a great show for the new nobles. May<br />

4th is the date and it will be at the Masonic<br />

center on Plato. While at the Lynnhurst<br />

dinner the new Grand Master, David E<br />

Olson, asked about possibly putting on<br />

another Big Tent Event, like last year. My<br />

counterpart from Zuhrah, Al, and I talked it<br />

over and we are going to see if we can make<br />

it happen. We’re getting a late start but I<br />

think we can make it happen. Thanks for<br />

everything.<br />

We sure are lucky to be Shriners.<br />

Es Selamu Aleikum<br />

Don Harmsen, Potentate 2013<br />



SHRINER?<br />

SEE PAGE 30<br />

P a g e 4 M a y 2 0 1 3

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