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(Part 1)<br />

By Ha d hrat Mau lan a Ab dur Rau f S ufi (D. B)<br />

We Will Be Accountable For Every Blessing Given By Allah<br />

It is a great blessing and grace of Allah - towards us that He<br />

has endowed us with the greatest gift of Imaan and has<br />

caused us to be born into Muslim families. Verily, Allah -<br />

increases His favours upon us when we give thanks for the<br />

favours which we have already received from Him. Allah -<br />

Himself proclaims in the Noble Qur’an:<br />

“If you express gratitude, I shall certainly give you more...”<br />

(Surah Ibrahim: Verse 7)<br />

We should obviously offer thanks to Allah - with our<br />

tongues orally, however, in reality being thankful is to utilise<br />

each blessing of Allah - for the purpose that it has been<br />

given to us. Our eyes, ears, tongue, hands, feet and our brain<br />

are all great blessings and we should employ these according<br />

to how Allah - has commanded us. Similarly, money,<br />

wealth and possessions are also blessings of Allah -. Hence,<br />

we should consider them to be blessings and utilise them for<br />

permissible things.<br />

Our most honourable prophet has informed us to the<br />

nearest meaning, “On the day of Qiyaamah, a person will not<br />

be able to move both of his feet (from the place of reckoning)<br />

until five things have been questioned and their satisfactory<br />

answers are given: 1) How has one spent his life? 2) How has<br />

one spent his youth 3) Where was wealth earned from? 4)<br />

Where was it spent? and 5) How has one acted upon one’s<br />

knowledge?” (Fadhaa’il e Sadaqaat)<br />

Hence, Allah - will present everyone with these five<br />

questions. Two of these questions will be about wealth. How<br />

had one earned his wealth? By lawful means or unlawful<br />

means? Halal or Haraam? Where was this wealth spent?<br />

Upon lawful things or unlawful things? There can be millions<br />

of different things which we could do with some money; but if<br />

a person does not have money at all then how could he ever<br />

spend or distribute it anywhere? This can only become<br />

possible by attaining the pleasure of Allah .Therefore, we<br />

must focus on the fact that money can also become the<br />

means of attaining the happiness and pleasure of Allah ;<br />

and for this reason, we must pay attention to our daily<br />

dealings such as how we are earning our money and how we<br />

are spending it.<br />

Thus, for us, there is restriction with regards to earning<br />

wealth and also restriction with regards to spending wealth.<br />

This wealth of ours is a trust given to us by Allah - and He<br />

will surely ask us to give an account of this trust. It is not<br />

considered to be our own. If it was our own then we would<br />

be able to spend it as we please. The point is that we should<br />

spend our wealth where Allah - has permitted and<br />

commanded us to spend it and not spend it where permission<br />

has not been granted or where He has said it is unlawful and<br />

Haraam to do so. We will be accountable for every penny or<br />

portion of our wealth. Spending it accordingly will render it<br />

into an act of worship). It should not be done for fame or<br />

ostentation and in fact, the pleasure of Allah - should be<br />

aimed for at all times.<br />

Wealth and Possessions Are Also Blessings from Allah<br />

Amongst the countless blessings which Allah - has blessed<br />

us with, there exists one great blessing of wealth and<br />

possessions. Our elders have concluded that saving money is<br />

not generally a bad thing and is permissible. If it had been<br />

deemed to be unlawful and bad to save money then the rules<br />

(Masa'il) regarding Zakaah would not have existed. These<br />

rules pertaining to Zakaah are actually for those who have<br />

had wealth in their possession for one whole year. If gold,<br />

silver, cash, stock etcetera stays in one’s possession for a year<br />

then Zakaah will become compulsory (Fardh) upon that<br />

person. Therefore, from this it can be deduced that it is not<br />

Haraam but is in fact permissible to keep wealth.<br />

Furthermore, if it has been earned in the correct manner and<br />

has been spent in the correct manner then this will render it<br />

into an act of worship. Such a person will gain the same<br />

reward as that earned through other forms of worship<br />

because the commands of Allah - are fulfilled. Similarly,<br />

earning an income will not be classed as worldly in this case.<br />

It will only be considered to be worldly if a person is not<br />

mindful of Allah - and wealth is earned in such a manner<br />

that the commands of Allah - are not adhered to.<br />

May Allah - enable us all to earn and spend in a manner<br />

which He has commanded us to do so and help us to earn His<br />

pleasure in every possible way. Aameen<br />

To read more discourses of Hadhrat visit:<br />

www.maseehulummat.com<br />



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Issue 48 www.rabetah.org July / August 2013 13

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