Teacher_Book - General - Draft 23 - 2015

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Questions<br />

1. What does the abbreviation C.I.T.E.S. stand for?<br />

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (of Wild Fauna and Flora)<br />

2. What is the Zimbabwean governments stance on the rhino horn trade ban?<br />

Zimbawe’s stance on wildlife trade (especially the rhino horn) is mixed. On the surface, Zimbawe’s government supports the<br />

CITES ban & has national laws to protect wildlife from poachers. Yet, it will counter their own laws by killing the wildlife<br />

for celebrations & blocks CITES sanctions. Zimbawe wants the ban lifted with Asia. In addition, despite Mugabe evicting<br />

white land holders, Zimbabwe permits USA hunters (for a fee) to kill the wildlife in various parts of Zimbabwe.<br />

3. Describe how governments have affected game rangers and the anti-poaching industry.<br />

Zimbawe’s government negative actions towards wildlife and the white community has resulted in the national parks<br />

department being under-funded with wildlife enforcement budgets cut from US$24 per square meter to US$2.63 per square<br />

meter (1988 - 1993) for the task of patroling extensive areas of game parks from This has caused the anti-poaching industry<br />

to become highly fragmented and isolated, game rangers suffer from low morale, low wages (less than $150 per month), no<br />

equipment or operational support. Game rangers have become distrusting and non-effective.<br />

4. Describe the IAPF approach to the anti-poaching industry.<br />

The IAPFs approach to the anti-poaching indsutry has been immediate and direct response to stop the haemorage of<br />

damage. The IAPF are on the frontlines with the game rangers and addresses the global community with boards in South<br />

Africa, Australia, USA and soon to be the UK.<br />

The IAPF began in 2009 with a training academy in Zimbabwe. It had game rangers from a variety of national parks in<br />

Africa train for 3-4 months on the ground with IAPF CEO Damien Mander for free on location, free medical help and<br />

accommodation. The rangers were taught a series of skills: ambush tactics, search and arrest, navigation, are and grid<br />

referencing, operational security, tracking formations and tracking. The training concluded with days of mock-poaching<br />

simulations and scenarios with the rangers out in field to successfully catch our ‘poachers’.<br />

During that time, the IAPF began the work of gaining the first ever anti-poaching qualification in Africa, however ongoing<br />

red-tape has slowed the progress and resulted in one level of the qualification being created: Train the Trainer.<br />

In more recent times, the IAPF has been confined to training trainers only (not permitted to train any game rangers directly<br />

due to government red-tape and corruption to slow the inroads being made), equiping the game parks with specialised<br />

patrol and tracking equipment kits, medical kits and is working towards the drone (RPAS) technology fleet. The IAPF liases<br />

with a variety of NGOs domestically and internationally such as the Thin Green Line, Save the Rhino, Jane Goodalls Institute,<br />

National Geographic, The Australian Rhino Project, and Conservation Guardians to name a few to equip the reserves with<br />

the necessary kits and training. In addition, the IAPF have numerous projects of anti-poaching underway including: the<br />

Greater Lebombo corridor (Mozambique side of Kruger National Park), Bumi Hills (Zimbabwe) and Niassa (Mozambique) the<br />

current hot spots for poaching of rhino and elephant. With more funding, the IAPF will secure the first ever antipoaching<br />

training academy online (called Command and Control) for any game park or game ranger to access for their<br />

ongoing education and cutting edge tactics to counter well armed highly organised criminal foreign syndicates and rebels<br />

using poaching as a means to fund terrorist activities. The online academy will be able to counter corrupt governments.<br />

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