Webmaster Newsletter #1 2015
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<strong>Webmaster</strong><br />
Table of Contents:<br />
1. District Director of Technology<br />
Introduction<br />
2. Social Media<br />
3. Club <strong>Webmaster</strong> Announcement<br />
4. Club Use of Technology Ideas
Hey Key Clubbers!<br />
My name is Mikaela Hanrahan and I will be serving as your District Director of Technology<br />
for this <strong>2015</strong>-2016 Key Club year! I look forward to meeting all of you this upcoming year<br />
and working together to make a positive impact in our district!<br />
I am currently a junior at St. Mary?s Springs Academy, where I am an active member in our<br />
school. I am currently involved in Vocal Jazz, Choir, Math Team, Chess Team, NHS, ASTOP<br />
(Assist Survivors Treatment Outreach Prevention) Committee, Music Liturgy, Theater, and of<br />
course, Key Club. In my free time I enjoy reading, writing, and singing. I live with my sister,<br />
parents, and my dog, Maggie. Key Club has been a majorly significant part of my life since<br />
freshman year. It has allowed me to become part of a community that shares my passion for<br />
service. This past year, I served on the 2014-<strong>2015</strong> District Board as Director of Technology.<br />
That experience enabled me to grow in my understanding and love of Key Club. This year, I<br />
hope to surpass last year?s accomplishments and lead you all through a successful year of<br />
service!<br />
As District Director of Technology, I would like to make a point to reach out to clubs and<br />
encourage them to create a club website, because it can be a very beneficial resource for<br />
interdivisional communication. Also, I would like to publish four newsletters this year which<br />
will include helpful tips for club webmasters to enhance their use of technology as well as<br />
information about what we have been doing in our district on a technological scale. An<br />
obvious goal of mine would be to efficiently keep updating the district website. I hope to<br />
make it an easier and more widely used tool throughout our district. I look forward to serving<br />
you on the District Board this year and cannot wait to see how we can make a difference<br />
together. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me anytime!<br />
Yours in service,<br />
Mikaela Hanrahan<br />
Contact Information:<br />
Cell Phone: 262-888-2712<br />
Email: mikaelahanrahandot@gmail.com
Social Media!<br />
How to Use Social Media in Your Clubs:<br />
1. Promote Events on Facebook or Twitter to encourage members to attend<br />
2. An Instagram page would be a great option to visually show your<br />
members what Key Clubbers are like in action<br />
3 . Added humor or some kind of incentive can be beneficial in your posts,<br />
because they will encourage members to continue reading them.<br />
4. If your club is just beginning to use social media as a method of<br />
communication, I would recommend starting with Twitter or Instagram.<br />
Facebook can be more difficult to keep up to date if you are just starting out.<br />
5. Featuring members on social media, such as a Member of the Week, can<br />
be a great way to keep your members engaged in their service<br />
6. Instead of addressing your Facebook posts and tweets to only members,<br />
it would be best to encourage nonmembers to join Key Club as well through<br />
your posts.
Attention Key Clubbers!<br />
At ICON, the club and district <strong>Webmaster</strong><br />
position w as made an official position,<br />
recognized by Key Club International. I w ould<br />
encourage all clubs interested to elect a club<br />
<strong>Webmaster</strong> this year or the next. I w ould be<br />
happy to help and provide guidance in anyw ay<br />
possible. Further information regarding this<br />
position can be found on the district w ebsite<br />
(w w w .w iumkeyclub.com), including the<br />
recently created Distinguished Club <strong>Webmaster</strong><br />
criteria and form for DCON.<br />
Yours in service,<br />
M ikaela Hanrahan
How to Use Technology<br />
In Your Clubs<br />
1. Start a club website!<br />
- Although this may seem like a difficult task,<br />
it is definitely worth the effort, and with the right<br />
tools it is easier than you think. I would advise<br />
using Weebly, which is what the district website<br />
was created with. It is a very easy tool that is<br />
perfect for both the advanced website creator<br />
and the beginner. You would also be eligible for<br />
the Club Website Award at DCON. :)<br />
2. Social Media<br />
- As it is the 21st century, social media has<br />
become a major source of communication<br />
between teens. As a Key Clubber, the use of social<br />
media is "key" to the success of your club. You<br />
can use various social media outlets to promote<br />
upcoming events, reminders, and even to<br />
encourage nonmembers to attend a meeting.
Announcement!<br />
If any Key Clubber would like to write an article<br />
for this new <strong>Webmaster</strong> newsletter, you can send<br />
it directly to my email:<br />
mikaelahanrahandot@gmail.com and CC:<br />
wiumkcexec@gmail.com.<br />
*The first person to submit an article gets a very<br />
exciting prize :)
Contact Information:<br />
Dist rict Governor<br />
Joshua Dvorak<br />
governor.wium@gmail.com<br />
Direct or of Technology<br />
Mikaela Hanrahan<br />