Key to Caring Volume 1
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<strong>Key</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Caring</strong><br />
Issue 1, May 2016<br />
Official Bulletin of WisconsinUpper Michigan <strong>Key</strong> Club<br />
In this Issue:<br />
Successful Service Projects<br />
Committee Information<br />
District Board Introductions<br />
District Project<br />
& much more!<br />
Find us on Twitter and Instagram!<br />
In this Issue...<br />
Governor's Introduction<br />
International Trustee's Introduction<br />
District Goals<br />
Featured Service Projects<br />
Committee Updates<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club Partners and Charities<br />
District Project Information<br />
Upcoming District Events<br />
DCON Recap<br />
District Board Introductions<br />
Contact Information<br />
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Hello Wisconsin-Upper Michigan <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers,<br />
Welcome <strong>to</strong> the very first <strong>Key</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Caring</strong>! This publication will be released quarterly throughout the year <strong>to</strong><br />
keep you updated with the District Board and provide resources <strong>to</strong> help your club succeed! My name is<br />
Taylor Hurst and I will be serving as your District Governor for the 20162017 <strong>Key</strong> Club year. I’m super<br />
excited <strong>to</strong> work with all of you <strong>to</strong> make this year the most successful one ever!<br />
First off, I’d like <strong>to</strong> tell you a little about myself. I am currently a junior at Kimberly High School. Aside from<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club, I take part in many activities in my own school, including Life Force, Cross Country, Link Crew,<br />
National Honor Society, the United Way Youth Board, and the Fox Cities Dance Marathon Planning<br />
Committee. I absolutely love getting involved, especially when I can work with kids, which is a huge part<br />
of my life! I aim <strong>to</strong> go on <strong>to</strong> college <strong>to</strong> complete my Master’s Degree in either Early Childhood Education<br />
or Elementary Education. Outside of school, I enjoy being with my friends and family. I do my best <strong>to</strong><br />
spend time with them as much as possible; while I make my schoolwork a priority, I do my best <strong>to</strong> have<br />
some fun every once in a while, usually by watching a romantic comedy or going on a hike with whoever<br />
wishes <strong>to</strong> join me!<br />
Introductions aside, there is a lot I would like <strong>to</strong> accomplish with your help this year. I would like <strong>to</strong> put an<br />
emphasis on communication between clubs and the District Board so that we can eliminate any gaps<br />
between us and strengthen our unity. It never fails <strong>to</strong> put me in awe how much we can do as a unified<br />
District, and by contacting one another face <strong>to</strong> face and through platforms such as email and social<br />
media, I know that we will be able <strong>to</strong> increase our impact on our homes, schools, and communities as<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Clubbers!<br />
Another goal I’d like <strong>to</strong> accomplish is <strong>to</strong> give back <strong>to</strong> two organizations that have supported our District for<br />
years. Camp Wawbeek in Wisconsin and BayCliff Health Center in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan do<br />
incredible things each year when they open their gates <strong>to</strong> campers who have been mentally and<br />
physically challenged throughout their lives. These two camps are equipped with phenomenal staff that<br />
helps their campers reach new heights and defeat any predispositions that may have held them back. It is<br />
my honor <strong>to</strong> announce that these camps will be the District Project! There are a plethora of ways <strong>to</strong><br />
support these camps through fundraisers and service projects, and I truly believe that if we are able <strong>to</strong><br />
work <strong>to</strong>gether, we can change the lives of countless children and adults who are faced with disabilities<br />
and confirm their beliefs that they are capable of doing anything.<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club has had an enormous influence on me; I have<br />
become close with so many people from every corner of the<br />
world, and I have truly learned <strong>to</strong> lead and serve my home,<br />
school, and community. Now, I have the opportunity <strong>to</strong> lead<br />
and serve the entire WisconsinUpper Michigan District, and<br />
I am so thankful for this opportunity. Please don’t hesitate <strong>to</strong><br />
contact me with any questions, comments, or suggestions<br />
that you have throughout the year! Together, we will propel<br />
the WisconsinUpper Michigan District <strong>to</strong> new heights!<br />
Yours in service,<br />
Taylor Hurst<br />
A message from our<br />
International Trustee...<br />
Hey there, WIUM <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers!<br />
I'm sure many of you guys are wishing the last day of school came faster.<br />
And just because the end of the school year is coming, that does not mean<br />
service has <strong>to</strong> come <strong>to</strong> an end! Some of the most efficient service projects<br />
and fundraisers happen during the summer, but most clubs do not take<br />
advantage. The key club website has <strong>to</strong>n ideas on service projects for all<br />
levels of difficult and size so make sure <strong>to</strong> check it out!<br />
I had an absolute blast attending District Convention in Green Bay in early<br />
March. It was incredible <strong>to</strong> see how two states can come <strong>to</strong>gether <strong>to</strong> perform<br />
a huge convention. I was pleasantly surprised of how much enthusiasm and<br />
love for service everyone I met there had. And speaking of conventions, if<br />
you haven't already don't forgot <strong>to</strong> looking in<strong>to</strong> attending this years<br />
International Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. The International Board has<br />
been working tirelessly <strong>to</strong> make this convention a unique and unforgettable<br />
experience. I would love <strong>to</strong> see my favorite group of northerners down in my<br />
part of the south.<br />
If you have any questions about<br />
anything <strong>to</strong> don't be afraid <strong>to</strong> contact me<br />
at: I hope<br />
<strong>to</strong> see a bunch of you in Atlanta!<br />
Yours in service,<br />
International Trustee<br />
Kacie Hines<br />
District Goals<br />
1. Raise $12,000 for the District Project<br />
How can you help? It's easy! Plan fundraisers with your<br />
club <strong>to</strong> raise money for the District Project.<br />
2. Have 900 DCON Attendees<br />
How can you help? Talk <strong>to</strong> your club about registering for<br />
DCON 2017 which is March 25 and spread the word!<br />
3. Charter 10 New Clubs by DCON<br />
How can you help? Find schools who would be interested in<br />
chartering a <strong>Key</strong> Club or Builder's Club and contact your LTG.<br />
4. Have 60% MRF Submission by DCON<br />
How can you help? Have your club fill out Monthly Report<br />
Forms due the 5th of each month, and remember it's not<br />
<strong>to</strong>o late <strong>to</strong> fill out any MRFs for previous months! Click<br />
here for the link!<br />
5. Increase membership by 10% and<br />
have 50% membership dues turned in<br />
by DEC. 1st<br />
How can you help? Recruit, Recruit, Recruit! Hold member<br />
drives and promote <strong>Key</strong> Club through social media <strong>to</strong><br />
spread the word! Contact your LTG for more ideas.<br />
Featured Service Projects<br />
Writing Articles for the <strong>Key</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Caring</strong><br />
Hey there! Want <strong>to</strong> share about an accomplishment your club has had<br />
for the <strong>Key</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Caring</strong>? If so, please submit an article about it! These<br />
articles can be about anything in <strong>Key</strong> Club from outstanding individuals<br />
<strong>to</strong> successful service projects. It is a great way for members all over the<br />
WisconsinUpper Michigan District <strong>to</strong> read about what other <strong>Key</strong> Club<br />
members are accomplishing. If you have any questions or want <strong>to</strong><br />
submit an article, please find the submission form on the District<br />
Website or contact Liberty Moore at<br />
Fox Cities Dance Marathon!<br />
On April 23rd, <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers from all over Division 7 came <strong>to</strong>gether <strong>to</strong><br />
attend the Fox Cities Dance Marathon, benefitting the Children’s Miracle<br />
Network. The Planning Committee worked extremely hard all year <strong>to</strong><br />
plan this event. Without a doubt, this was a night <strong>to</strong> remember. There<br />
was so much <strong>to</strong> do including music <strong>to</strong> dance <strong>to</strong>, cards <strong>to</strong> write <strong>to</strong> the<br />
children and games <strong>to</strong> play in the gym! At the <strong>to</strong>p of each hour we had a<br />
morale dance which included every participant, and following the morale<br />
dance we had different patients tell their s<strong>to</strong>ries regarding how<br />
Children's Miracle Network has saved their lives. Together, we raised<br />
nearly $5,000 for the Children’s Miracle Network! This event truly shows<br />
that <strong>to</strong>gether, we can make a difference.<br />
Abby Dollevoet: Lt. Governor Division 7<br />
Committee Updates<br />
District Project Chair: Ben Lilleskov<br />
This year I am really excited <strong>to</strong> foster the support of Wisconsin's Camp Wawbeek and the<br />
Upper Peninsula's BayCliff Health Center! It is my goal <strong>to</strong> get as many clubs as possible<br />
raising a grand <strong>to</strong>tal of $12,000 for these camps and <strong>to</strong> get people fired up about helping<br />
and learning about these amazing organizations. I hope <strong>to</strong> encourage and inspire many<br />
clubs by sharing and providing fundraising ideas <strong>to</strong> ensure that these camps get the<br />
support and assistance that they need. I am very excited <strong>to</strong> work with these camps this<br />
year and I cannot wait <strong>to</strong> work with all of you!<br />
KFamily Relations Chair: Charlotte Strom<br />
The purpose of the KFamily Relations Committee is <strong>to</strong> act as the liaison between <strong>Key</strong><br />
Club and the other branches of the KFamily. This committee is in charge of helping clubs<br />
get in contact and work with their local KFamily counterparts and <strong>to</strong> help promote K<br />
Family events throughout the year. My goal as KFamily Relations Chair is <strong>to</strong> increase<br />
membership <strong>to</strong> KFamily Events and <strong>to</strong> create a resource that directly helps the members.<br />
There are plenty of clubs out there who are not in contact with their sponsoring Kiwanis<br />
Club, which is a big problem. I plan on making it easier <strong>to</strong> work with your Kiwanis Clubs by<br />
creating a booklet for Club Presidents and Advisors. From reestablishing weekly contact,<br />
<strong>to</strong> planning a new service project, <strong>to</strong> asking for sponsorship requests, everything will be<br />
included in this booklet. Our Kiwanis Clubs are here <strong>to</strong> help us, but they can’t help us if<br />
they don’t know who we are!<br />
Membership Development Chair: Ethan VanEnkevort<br />
There is no secret formula <strong>to</strong> membership development. This position takes work,<br />
determination, creativity, and enthusiasm. But, more importantly, it takes a little bit of<br />
planning. That is why our WisconsinUpper Michigan <strong>Key</strong> Club Governor, Taylor Hurst,<br />
has appointed me <strong>to</strong> this position. The membership development committee, of course,<br />
have many goals for this <strong>Key</strong> Club year. One of our District Goals is <strong>to</strong> increase<br />
membership by 10% and you can help make this happen! It is our goal <strong>to</strong> make <strong>Key</strong> Club<br />
bigger and better this year by creating membership recruitment materials as well as<br />
resources <strong>to</strong> help clubs retain their membership. Keep a look out for new resources<br />
coming soon!<br />
Strategic Plan & Bylaws and Policies Chair: Anjali Dvorak<br />
My name is Anjali Dvorak, and this year I am serving as the Strategic Plan & Bylaws and<br />
Policies Committee Chair on the WIUM District Board. I’m going <strong>to</strong> work with our parent<br />
club, Kiwanis, and our sister club, Circle K, <strong>to</strong> create a five year strategic plan for our<br />
district. I am excited for this new <strong>Key</strong> Club year and can't wait <strong>to</strong> start working with clubs<br />
and the district as a whole!<br />
Events Chair: Carrie Kroner<br />
The Events Committee involves publicizing events that are happening throughout the<br />
district and connecting you with resources and <strong>to</strong>ols <strong>to</strong> help you succeed. We will create<br />
materials <strong>to</strong> promote events such as DCON and <strong>Key</strong> Leader. One of the main goals of<br />
the district this year is <strong>to</strong> better communication, and this committee will utilize videos,<br />
posters, and technology in general as ways <strong>to</strong> reach out <strong>to</strong> the clubs and members of our<br />
Organization.<br />
UP New Club Development Chair: Mary Pat Massopust<br />
As the UpperMichigan New Club Development Chair, it is my duty <strong>to</strong> work <strong>to</strong>wards<br />
achieving our District Goal of chartering 10 new clubs throughout the District. To do this, I<br />
will work with LTGs <strong>to</strong> charter new clubs of their own, and <strong>to</strong> revive clubs whose<br />
membership has expired. I feel like this is an attainable goal that I can not only achieve,<br />
but do so with great success. I will keep in communication with clubs <strong>to</strong> assure that these<br />
clubs feel secure so that they are able <strong>to</strong> function efficiently on their own and excel!<br />
WI New Club Development Chair: Amanda Stickney<br />
The Wisconsin New Club Development Committee’s purpose is <strong>to</strong> establish and aid in<br />
establishing clubs in Wisconsin. This committee also helps <strong>to</strong> recharter <strong>Key</strong> Clubs. This<br />
year I hope <strong>to</strong> charter 6 new clubs in Wisconsin <strong>to</strong> work <strong>to</strong>wards our District Goal of<br />
chartering 10 new clubs by next DCON and expand our District so more high school<br />
students can experience our wonderful organization!<br />
Preferred Charities Chair: Eva Nemiroff<br />
As your Preferred Charities Chair, I would like <strong>to</strong> see more collaboration throughout the<br />
district in terms of discussion and exchange of ideas and fundraising events. This would<br />
entail not only creating resources, but also connecting clubs <strong>to</strong> discuss and share<br />
fundraising ideas. I also think that face <strong>to</strong> face communication is important so that clubs<br />
can work <strong>to</strong>gether <strong>to</strong> plan events and benefit the District’s Preferred Charities!<br />
PR/Social Media Chair: Olivia Capodilupo<br />
As the Social Media Chair, it is my job is <strong>to</strong> spread news, exciting events, and service<br />
opportunities through social media! It is my goal is <strong>to</strong> successfully keep everyone<br />
informed in the easiest ways possible! It's going <strong>to</strong> be a great year, and I can't wait <strong>to</strong><br />
work with you all!<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club Co-Sponsor<br />
Rustic Pathways<br />
Imagine traveling the world while serving others at the same time!<br />
Rustic Pathways is the leader in providing superior quality<br />
international community service, education, and adventure. For<br />
more information about the incredible trips offered, find your local<br />
connection at<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club Vision Partner<br />
Nickelodeon<br />
Vision Partner Nickelodeon inspires kids <strong>to</strong> take action and<br />
make a difference in the world. Through the Big Help and<br />
Worldwide Day of Play initiatives, kids and adults work <strong>to</strong>gether<br />
<strong>to</strong> plan events and activities in the following areas: health &<br />
wellness, education, service and the environment.<br />
Preferred Charity Highlight<br />
Children's Miracle Network<br />
Children's Hospital Miracle Network is a nonprofit organization that<br />
raises money <strong>to</strong> benefit hospitalized kids while increasing awareness of<br />
its member hospitals. If your club or division is looking for a way <strong>to</strong><br />
make a difference, you can buy a Blizzard from Dairy Queen on Miracle<br />
Treat Day, plan a Miracle Project or look in<strong>to</strong> putting <strong>to</strong>gether a Dance<br />
Marathon!<br />
District Project<br />
Governor Taylor has decided that rather than having a governor's project, we are<br />
going <strong>to</strong> focus on the District Project which includes Camp Wawbeek in<br />
Wisconsin and Bay Cliff Health Center in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The<br />
District goal for this project is <strong>to</strong> raise $12,000 this year and you can help<br />
achieve this goal!<br />
So, what even is the District Project?<br />
Camp Wawbeek: Camp Wawbeek aims <strong>to</strong> give children and adults with<br />
cognitive disabilities an opportunity <strong>to</strong> meet new friends and take on<br />
new challenges through a wide variety of recreational and social<br />
activities. The presence of supportive and well-trained staff and<br />
volunteers assures that campers’ needs are being met and puts<br />
sometimes anxious parents and caregivers at ease. Camp Wawbeek<br />
continues <strong>to</strong> give campers the “wings” they need <strong>to</strong> do things they have<br />
never done before – and treasured memories that last a lifetime.<br />
For more information, visit:<br />
Bay Cliff Health Center: Bay Cliff Health Center is a non-profit wellness<br />
camp located in Big Bay, Michigan, that offers year-round programs<br />
which promote wellness for children and adults with physical<br />
disabilities. Bay Cliff Health Center works with people of every age <strong>to</strong><br />
help them learn how <strong>to</strong> live on their own through group and individual<br />
programs; much like the programs offered at Camp Wawbeek.<br />
For more information, visit:<br />
ICON<br />
Join over 1,600 <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers from all across the United States, Canada and the Caribbean! <strong>Key</strong> Club<br />
International Convention (ICON) will take place July 610 in Atlanta, Georgia.<br />
This is truly the event of a lifetime and you do not want <strong>to</strong> miss out! At ICON, thousands of <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers will<br />
collaborate <strong>to</strong> share creative service project ideas, listen <strong>to</strong> amazing speakers, elect next year's <strong>Key</strong> Club<br />
International Board, learn more about what it takes <strong>to</strong> be a leader, and make memories and friendships that will<br />
last a lifetime!<br />
In addition, the WIUM District Tour will include a movie <strong>to</strong>ur including <strong>to</strong>uring sets of popular movies such as<br />
Catching Fire and many others, a trip <strong>to</strong> the Coca Cola Fac<strong>to</strong>ry and watching the fireworks on the Fourth of July!<br />
Join us for our 12th year of <strong>Key</strong> Leader at Camp<br />
Wawbeek on September 1618, 2016<br />
If you want <strong>to</strong> take your leadership skills <strong>to</strong> a whole new<br />
level, then this weekend is for you! It's a weekend of<br />
growth, leadership, personal development, fun and<br />
friends. <strong>Key</strong> Leader combines hands on learning, group<br />
interactions and focused discussion <strong>to</strong> help you grow as<br />
a leader and a person.<br />
Check out our website:<br />
or contact <strong>Key</strong> Leader Coordina<strong>to</strong>r Justin Hahn:<br /> for more details.<br />
Recap<br />
Wow, there is definitely no place like DCON! The 2016 Wisconsin<br />
Upper Michigan District Convention was held at the Hyatt Regency<br />
in Green Bay from March 1113. At the Opening Session on the<br />
DCON<br />
first night, <strong>Key</strong>note Speaker Matt Glowacki delivered his inspiring<br />
s<strong>to</strong>ry about how he is able <strong>to</strong> still be successful in life, even without<br />
his legs. While talking about what happiness truly is, he gave all of<br />
the <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers bubbles and yummy dark chocolate filled with<br />
salted caramel! While his message was very serious,<br />
he still incorporated plenty of humor. After the Opening<br />
Session, there were many workshops that the members could<br />
choose from, whether it was training for their position on the<br />
club level or learning new skills and ideas <strong>to</strong> bring back <strong>to</strong> their<br />
home club. Later Friday night, the “Cheer your Ruby Red Slippers<br />
Off” contest was very successful! Different schools participated in<br />
this Cheer Off in order <strong>to</strong> raise money for the District Project. To<br />
end the night, <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers danced the night away at the Yellow<br />
Brick Block Party! The new District Board was also elected at<br />
DCON for the 20162017 <strong>Key</strong> Club year. On Saturday, candidates<br />
participated in caucus sessions with the members, and then<br />
delegates voted during the House of Delegates later Saturday<br />
night. The weekend came <strong>to</strong> an end Sunday morning at the<br />
Closing Session where the 20152016 District Board was retired<br />
and the 20162017 District Board was installed. This weekend was<br />
a fantastic way <strong>to</strong> celebrate all of the hard work our <strong>Key</strong> Club<br />
members have put in<strong>to</strong> this organization!<br />
Executive Board Introductions<br />
Emily Li<br />
Secretary-Treasurer:<br />
Hello, <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers!<br />
My name is Emily Li, and I will be serving as your District Secretary Treasurer! Before I jump in<strong>to</strong> my excitement<br />
about the upcoming year, let me tell you about myself: I am an analyst. I believe in the existence of aliens and am<br />
fascinated by chaos theory. At the same time, I’m a romantic. I sketch strangers on train rides and cherish heartfelt<br />
goodbye’s. Someday, I hope <strong>to</strong> study the cosmos, earning a doc<strong>to</strong>rate in astrophysics from M.I.T., but until then,<br />
let’s explore the upcoming year.<br />
As your District Secretary Treasurer, it is my duty <strong>to</strong> compile every moment spent reading s<strong>to</strong>ries <strong>to</strong> little kids,<br />
every minute spent raking yards for veterans, and every hour dedicated <strong>to</strong> someone other than yourself in<strong>to</strong> one big<br />
database. A database (every statistician’s favorite word) meant <strong>to</strong> not only serve as a reference point on our way <strong>to</strong><br />
our goals, but meant <strong>to</strong> celebrate all that we have and will accomplish! In our neverending effort <strong>to</strong> communicate,<br />
these charts will be available <strong>to</strong> every member, updating every <strong>Key</strong> Clubber with a numerical “State of the District.”<br />
Along with maintaining the financial vibrancy of our district, my goal this year is <strong>to</strong><br />
increase the number of Monthly Report Forms and Club Officer Information Sheets<br />
turned in. After all, these strengthen our communication infrastructure.<br />
I can’t wait <strong>to</strong> meet everyone in our beautiful organization! Together, we can make the<br />
world a much more lovely place through service!<br />
Yours in service,<br />
Emily Li<br />
Edi<strong>to</strong>r: Liberty Moore<br />
Bulletin<br />
Hello, WisconsinUpper Michigan <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers!<br />
My name is Liberty Moore and I will be serving as your 20162017 District Bulletin Edi<strong>to</strong>r. I am incredibly thrilled <strong>to</strong> have the opportunity<br />
<strong>to</strong> get <strong>to</strong> know all of you better and help strengthen the District over this year!<br />
To begin, I’d like <strong>to</strong> tell you a little about myself. I am currently a junior at Kimberly High School. Aside from <strong>Key</strong> Club, I take part in many<br />
activities in my own school, including Varsity Tennis, National Honor Society, Life Force, and Band. Outside of school, I work at a nearby<br />
hotel as a Lifeguard in their indoor pool. All of these activities, including the heavy load of homework high school provides, keeps me<br />
quite busy, however, there is always time in my life for <strong>Key</strong> Club.<br />
This year as your District Bulletin Edi<strong>to</strong>r, my main goal is <strong>to</strong> make the district publication, the <strong>Key</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Caring</strong>, more accessible <strong>to</strong> our<br />
members at the club level. I plan on communicating with our Lieutenant Governors <strong>to</strong> have our publications sent <strong>to</strong> all club board<br />
members within their division.<br />
Another goal I’d like <strong>to</strong> accomplish is <strong>to</strong> encourage <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers <strong>to</strong> submit articles <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Key</strong> <strong>to</strong><br />
<strong>Caring</strong>. There are so many successful events and outstanding members in our district, and I would<br />
like <strong>to</strong> make sure our members feel comfortable sharing their experiences. I believe that the more<br />
articles being submitted <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Key</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Caring</strong>, the more opportunities that members have <strong>to</strong><br />
improve their <strong>Key</strong> Club experience.<br />
I am so excited <strong>to</strong> begin working closely with our club officers and bulletin edi<strong>to</strong>rs! Feel free <strong>to</strong><br />
contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns anytime. I’m very excited <strong>to</strong> see<br />
what our District and Clubs will accomplish this upcoming <strong>Key</strong> Club year!<br />
Yours in service,<br />
Liberty Moore<br />
Executive Board Introductions<br />
of Committees: Kristen Navis<br />
Direc<strong>to</strong>r<br />
Hello <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers!<br />
My name is Kristen Navis and I will be serving as your District Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Committees for the 20162017 <strong>Key</strong> Club year. I’m incredibly<br />
grateful for this opportunity, and I can’t wait <strong>to</strong> work with all of you! Before I tell you about how excited I am for this year, I want <strong>to</strong> tell you<br />
a little about myself.<br />
I am currently a sophomore at Neenah High School. I have 4 siblings, and my 3 older siblings have all been in <strong>Key</strong> Club, so even though<br />
this is only my second year in <strong>Key</strong> Club, service has been a big part of my life for a long time. Aside from being involved in <strong>Key</strong> Club, I<br />
am also part of my school’s Health Careers Academy, which allows me <strong>to</strong> further explore my love for science and the medical field. In<br />
my free time (however limited it may be some days) I really enjoy reading, being outside, and spending time with my friends and family.<br />
Now that you know a little about me, I’d like <strong>to</strong> tell you about my goals this year. One of my goals this year is <strong>to</strong> increase the productivity<br />
of the Committee Chairs, and <strong>to</strong> ensure the creation of useful documents for the whole district. The Committee Chairs, and everything<br />
they do during the year, are vitally important <strong>to</strong> the district. This year, I will make sure the Committees continue <strong>to</strong> be an asset <strong>to</strong> the<br />
district, and <strong>to</strong> each and every one of you.<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club isn’t just a club, or an extracurricular activity, it’s truly a way of life. So many have<br />
embraced the <strong>Key</strong> Club way of life, and I hope <strong>to</strong> see even more people getting the chance <strong>to</strong> do the<br />
same this year. Our district has so much potential, and this year we will continue <strong>to</strong> strive <strong>to</strong> be our<br />
best. I want <strong>to</strong> help you succeed, with the help of a strong and dedicated District Board, and with the<br />
help of the Committee Chairs.<br />
So that’s me, and what I hope <strong>to</strong> achieve this year, all with your help of course. <strong>Key</strong> Club has<br />
impacted my life in ways I can hardly explain, and I know many of you feel the same way. Let’s work<br />
<strong>to</strong>gether this year, and make this year the best one yet!<br />
Yours in service,<br />
Kristen Navis<br />
of Technology: Mikaela Hanrahan<br />
Direc<strong>to</strong>r<br />
Hey <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers!<br />
My name is Mikaela Hanrahan and I will be serving as your District Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Technology for this 20162017 <strong>Key</strong> Club year! I look<br />
forward <strong>to</strong> meeting all of you this upcoming year and working <strong>to</strong>gether <strong>to</strong> make a positive impact in our district!<br />
I am currently a junior at St. Mary’s Springs Academy, where I am an active member in our school. I am currently involved in Vocal<br />
Jazz, Choir, Math Team, Creative Writing Club, the Milwaukee Reper<strong>to</strong>ry Theater Teen Council Leadership Board, Music Liturgy,<br />
Theater, and of course, <strong>Key</strong> Club. In my freetime I enjoy reading, performing, and singing. I live with my sister, parents, and my dog,<br />
Maggie. <strong>Key</strong> Club has been a very significant part of my life since freshman year. It has allowed me <strong>to</strong> become part of a community<br />
that shares my passion for service. These past two years on the District Board as Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Technology have allowed me <strong>to</strong> grow in<br />
my understanding and love of <strong>Key</strong> Club. This year, I hope <strong>to</strong> surpass the previous years’ accomplishments and lead you all through<br />
another successful year of service!<br />
As District Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Technology, I would like <strong>to</strong> make a point <strong>to</strong> reach out <strong>to</strong> clubs and encourage<br />
them <strong>to</strong> create a club website, because it can be a very beneficial resource for interdivisional<br />
communication. Secondly, I would like <strong>to</strong> directly contact all club webmasters in order <strong>to</strong> set up a<br />
communication network that we can use <strong>to</strong> share ideas, answer questions, and contribute articles <strong>to</strong><br />
the Webmaster Wisdom newsletter. It is my goal <strong>to</strong> make all of your jobs easier by providing resources<br />
<strong>to</strong> help you throughout the year. Also, I would like <strong>to</strong> publish four more newsletters this year which will<br />
include helpful tips for club webmasters <strong>to</strong> enhance their use of technology as well as information about<br />
what we have been doing in our district on a technological scale.<br />
I look forward <strong>to</strong> serving you on the District Board this year and cannot wait <strong>to</strong> see how we can make a<br />
difference <strong>to</strong>gether. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate <strong>to</strong> contact me anytime!<br />
Yours in friendship and service,<br />
Mikaela Hanrahan<br />
Lieutenant Governor Introductions<br />
Hello <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers! My name is Sage Holloway, and I am the new Lieutenant Governor of Division 1. I’m very passionate about<br />
service <strong>to</strong> others in all forms, and that is why I joined <strong>Key</strong> Club. I am also involved in National Honors Society, Link Crew, and choir at<br />
my school. In my free time, I compete in speech competitions through SkillsUSA and am very involved in theater, in school and out. I<br />
have given a lot of thought <strong>to</strong> the goals I have for this year. Above all else, I want <strong>to</strong> stress communication. I have strong lines of<br />
communication within my school’s club and a couple others, but I want the entire division <strong>to</strong> feel connected <strong>to</strong> each other.<br />
Division 1: Sage Holloway<br />
This brings me <strong>to</strong> my next goal, which is <strong>to</strong> unite the division. I want <strong>to</strong> expand <strong>Key</strong> Club beyond the individual and really capture how<br />
much of a group effort service can be. A group working <strong>to</strong>gether can do so much more than the sum of its parts, and this relates <strong>to</strong><br />
our division and the impact that we are able <strong>to</strong> have in our communities by working <strong>to</strong>gether. I want <strong>to</strong> create this unity while also<br />
stressing individual contribution. There is a reason students join <strong>Key</strong> Club, and it’s because they want <strong>to</strong> make a difference.<br />
I believe that starting projects that students are passionate about will increase morale<br />
and membership retention. If we cater the service projects <strong>to</strong> what the people feel motivated<br />
<strong>to</strong> do, individuals will feel like they can and are making a difference. Only then can we really<br />
have the strong network and community that I really want <strong>to</strong> see in the coming year.<br />
I am looking forward <strong>to</strong> a fantastic year of volunteering and changing communities with<br />
wonderful and dedicated people like you!<br />
2: Mariana Beltran-Hernandez<br />
Division<br />
Hello fellow <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers! My name is Mariana BeltranHernandez and I am the current Lieutenant<br />
Governor for Division 2 and the Immediate Past Lieutenant Governor for Division 1. I am currently a<br />
sophomore at Burling<strong>to</strong>n High School in Burling<strong>to</strong>n, WI. Apart from <strong>Key</strong> Club, I play the cello and am<br />
involved in another service club named DRIVEN. My favorite subject is his<strong>to</strong>ry and I plan on studying<br />
politics or law in college. Finally, I plan on being a part of the Kiwanis family for the rest of my life.<br />
Despite already having prior experience holding a district board position, I have a different game plan for<br />
this term. I plan on improving communication in my division. The lack of communication that often takes<br />
place between clubs and their lieutenant governors is a huge issue that needs <strong>to</strong> be tackled. I plan on<br />
keeping constant correspondence with my clubs this year. This way, I can improve not only the number of<br />
submissions of Monthly Report Forms but also attendance at District Convention. I hope <strong>to</strong> work at my<br />
goals and achieve them successfully.<br />
3: Hello Division 3 <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers! My name Christianne Albers and I will be serving as your Lieutenant Governor for the 20162017<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club Year. First off, a little bit about myself. I am currently a junior at Waukesha West High School. I am part of many clubs at<br />
school which include Ignition, student council, art club and of course, <strong>Key</strong> Club! I love going on long runs and love <strong>to</strong> play soccer. I<br />
am highly driven and hope one day <strong>to</strong> go in<strong>to</strong> the medical field, specifically pediatric oncology. Just like you, I like hanging out with<br />
my friends and I make balance between my school, work, clubs/activities and family time a priority.<br />
Although I am not physically in your division, I do plan on making trips down <strong>to</strong> your division when<br />
necessary. I have many goals in plan for this year, one of which is increasing the number of <strong>Key</strong><br />
Clubbers in our division. You can never have <strong>to</strong>o many people who are as passionate about service<br />
and making a difference in your community as you are! One way <strong>to</strong> do this is by chartering new<br />
clubs, so if you know of any school interested in starting a <strong>Key</strong> Club in your area please let me know<br />
so that I can get in contact with them!<br />
My philosophy in life is that “hard work pays off”, which is especially true in <strong>Key</strong> Club. If you work<br />
hard <strong>to</strong> achieve your goals, it will pay off and you will see those results in your local <strong>Key</strong> Club and in<br />
your everyday life. Together, I hope that we can make this year great and successful!<br />
Lieutenant Governor Introductions<br />
4: Olivia Division<br />
Hello, <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers! I am very excited for this upcoming year of service, and can’t wait <strong>to</strong> share it with all<br />
of you. My name is Olivia Nortwen, and I am a junior at S<strong>to</strong>ugh<strong>to</strong>n High School. I have been in <strong>Key</strong> Club<br />
since my freshman year, but this is my first time on the District Board, and I am the Lieutenant Governor<br />
for Division 4.<br />
I have many goals for my new position as Lieutenant Governor, but my main one is <strong>to</strong> increase<br />
communication. I want <strong>to</strong> get the most out of this year that I possibly can, and I want <strong>to</strong> make sure<br />
everything gets done, especially Monthly Report Forms (MRFs), which are very easy <strong>to</strong> complete, yet<br />
many clubs forget <strong>to</strong> do it. In order <strong>to</strong> provide service <strong>to</strong> the best of our abilities, we need <strong>to</strong> maintain and<br />
improve the connections between clubs in our division by using <strong>to</strong>ols such as Skype/Google Hangouts,<br />
face <strong>to</strong> face contact through Divisional Council Meetings (DCMs), and phone calls in addition <strong>to</strong> standard<br />
communication devices like email and social media.<br />
This will make communication more genuine and efficient, therefore making it easier <strong>to</strong> unite on common<br />
goals. Thanks for reading, and feel free <strong>to</strong> contact me with any questions or comments!<br />
Greetings my fellow <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers! As your Division 5 Lieutenant Governor, I hope <strong>to</strong> not only serve you in regards <strong>to</strong> the “nittygritty”<br />
aspects of <strong>Key</strong> Club operations (trust me there are plenty) but also be someone who is more than willing <strong>to</strong> joke around and share a<br />
good laugh when the time is right.<br />
Division 5: Grace Schuler<br />
In making you aware of things I would like <strong>to</strong> improve about <strong>Key</strong> Club, I am no at all attempting <strong>to</strong> sell <strong>Key</strong> Club short of how great it<br />
truly is. Even great things have room for improvement, and <strong>to</strong> this, <strong>Key</strong> Club is not an exception. However, there are a couple things<br />
that I would specifically like <strong>to</strong> focus on this year in hopes <strong>to</strong> improve them. Firstly, I want <strong>to</strong> educate <strong>Key</strong><br />
Club members about the role and importance of the District Board. It is vital for everyone, not just Club<br />
Officers and Advisors, <strong>to</strong> be aware of the “behind the scenes” aspects of <strong>Key</strong> Club.<br />
Without the hard work of the previous 90 years of District Boards, the WIUM District would not at all be<br />
what we can proudly call our “home district” <strong>to</strong>day. Secondly, it is a goal of mine <strong>to</strong> be as open as possible<br />
<strong>to</strong> questions and comments of any sort from anyone. My approachability via email, text, voice or other<br />
social media is something that I want <strong>to</strong> make known. Feel absolutely free <strong>to</strong> contact me in regards <strong>to</strong><br />
anything <strong>Key</strong> Club related.<br />
Hey Division 6 <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers, my name is Desrye Erickson and I will be your Division 6 Lieutenant Governor for the 20162017 <strong>Key</strong><br />
Club year. I look forward <strong>to</strong> meeting many of you and working <strong>to</strong>gether <strong>to</strong> better our community! Let me start by telling you more about<br />
myself. I currently am a sophomore at Wilmot Union High School, in Division 2. Along with being the LTG for Division 6, I am my <strong>Key</strong><br />
Club’s President and I lead many committees within my club. Besides <strong>Key</strong> Club, I am also the head manager for my wrestling team<br />
and I run a food drive for my school. Being completely involved in the couple things that I love is the best feeling in the world. Outside<br />
of school and clubs, I love <strong>to</strong> be with my friends and family, read good books, or watch any sporting events.<br />
Division 6: Desrye Erickson<br />
Now that you know a little more about me, there are so many things I would like <strong>to</strong> accomplish<br />
within this <strong>Key</strong> Club year. First and foremost, I would like <strong>to</strong> create unity within our division. To<br />
do this I will be visiting and attending your board meetings as often as I can and constantly being<br />
in contact with you all. Another goal of mine for the 20162017 <strong>Key</strong> Club year is <strong>to</strong> coordinate a<br />
Division Service Project. Seeing that we are in the South Milwaukee area there are so many<br />
things we can come <strong>to</strong>gether and work on. The best way <strong>to</strong> do community service is <strong>to</strong> do it with<br />
others who also enjoy it.<br />
Lieutenant Governor Introductions<br />
7: Division<br />
Hello <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers! My name is Abby Dollevoet and I will be serving as Lieutenant Governor of Division 7 for the 20162017 <strong>Key</strong> Club<br />
year. I am currently a junior at Kimberly High School. In addition <strong>to</strong> <strong>Key</strong> Club, I am a part of the swim team, band, choir, Life Force,<br />
Link Crew, National Honor Society, and the StudentAdvisory Committee. Outside of my extracurricular activities I like <strong>to</strong> travel,<br />
especially with friends and family. I love creating memories by going on new adventures with many different people.<br />
I am so excited <strong>to</strong> start this coming year with you and cannot wait <strong>to</strong> see what we can accomplish<br />
<strong>to</strong>gether. Division 7 already has an incredible foundation, and I would like <strong>to</strong> work <strong>to</strong> increase the<br />
connection between the schools even more. One great aspect about <strong>Key</strong> Club is the opportunity it gives<br />
you <strong>to</strong> meet new people and do great things around the community with them.<br />
This year I would like <strong>to</strong> involve the schools in our division in more divisionwide service events. I believe<br />
that one way <strong>to</strong> make it easier for the schools within our division <strong>to</strong> connect is <strong>to</strong> start with the boards at<br />
the club level. This year I would like <strong>to</strong> start a group chat with the presidents of the clubs from our division<br />
so that it is easier <strong>to</strong> contact each other, bounce ideas around, and work <strong>to</strong>gether on events. I look<br />
forward <strong>to</strong> working with you!<br />
Hello, WisconsinUpper Michigan District <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers! My name is Gene Lee, and I will be serving as the Lieutenant Governor of<br />
Division 8 for the 20162017 <strong>Key</strong> Club year. I currently attend Brookfield Central High School as a sophomore. At school, in addition <strong>to</strong><br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club, I am involved with clarinet, tennis, Student Council, Yearbook, and science competitions. Outside of school, I love spending<br />
time with my family and friends: movie nights, tennis, bike rides, or simply hanging out and talking with friends.<br />
Division 8: Gene Lee<br />
Now that I’ve introduced myself a little, I’d like <strong>to</strong> present some information about my goals for this year. To<br />
begin, I'd like <strong>to</strong> increase the connectivity between the District Board and clubs. Prior <strong>to</strong> the District<br />
Convention (DCON), I was very unfamiliar with the District Board. I wish <strong>to</strong> change this so that other<br />
members do not feel the same way. Moreover, I want <strong>to</strong> coordinate a divisionwide service project, again<br />
promoting division unity and cooperation.<br />
I am honored and grateful <strong>to</strong> have been elected as Division 8 Lieutenant Governor, and I look forward <strong>to</strong><br />
this new year. Feel free <strong>to</strong> contact me with any comments, questions, or concerns at any time. I am<br />
absolutely thrilled <strong>to</strong> work with everyone <strong>to</strong> make this upcoming year the best yet!<br />
Hello, WisconsinUpper Michigan District <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers! I’m Sophia Sun, and I’m delighted <strong>to</strong> be serving as the Lieutenant Governor of<br />
Division 9 for the 201617 <strong>Key</strong> Club year! I will be a junior at Brookfield Central High School next year. Outside of <strong>Key</strong> Club, I’m active in<br />
a variety of clubs including our school newspaper, yearbook, Science Olympiad, and HOSA. I play golf for my school team at the varsity<br />
level, and our team qualified for state for a fantastic ending <strong>to</strong> our season. In my free time, I love listening <strong>to</strong> music (you’ll always find<br />
me dancing <strong>to</strong> classic Maroon 5 songs in the car), eating cheese curds at Culver’s, and spending <strong>to</strong>o much time on Pinterest.<br />
Division 9: Sophia Sun<br />
My main objective for Division 9 is connection. I see so many great ideas that are limited <strong>to</strong> just<br />
one school, but I would like <strong>to</strong> bring <strong>to</strong>gether the schools in Division 9 <strong>to</strong> host community events<br />
<strong>to</strong>gether. The more people we can get involved in a service project, the bigger impact our help<br />
will generate. <strong>Key</strong> Club has introduced me <strong>to</strong> so many others who are devoted <strong>to</strong> service and<br />
are willing <strong>to</strong> donate their time <strong>to</strong> benefit those in need, and I hope that more people will feel the<br />
same impact I’ve felt from being a part of the <strong>Key</strong> Club family. It is my honor <strong>to</strong> serve as<br />
Lieutenant Governor for Division 9, and I can’t wait for another amazing year.<br />
Lieutenant Governor Introductions<br />
10A: Spargur<br />
Division<br />
Hello <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers! My name is Hannah Spargur, and I'm the 10A Lieutenant Governor for the 20162017 year. First, I’ll let you know<br />
a little about myself. Aside from <strong>Key</strong> Club, I'm involved in Sting Cancer, Forensics, Cross Country, and Track. Playing the flute is<br />
another activity I enjoy; I’m not a member of the band or orchestra, so it’s mainly a hobby. In school, my favorite subjects are math<br />
and science, and I expect <strong>to</strong> pursue a future in this field. Family and friends take up a large part of my life, and I’m always<br />
conscientious <strong>to</strong> make time for them. I have both a younger and twin sister, and we’re always spending time <strong>to</strong>gether. I hope you now<br />
feel you know me a little better.<br />
Now that I’ve introduced myself, I would like <strong>to</strong> introduce the goals I’m striving <strong>to</strong> accomplish this year. My<br />
aspirations for this <strong>Key</strong> Club year are <strong>to</strong> increase communication, and <strong>to</strong> have our clubs working alongside<br />
each other. I will be diligent in sending monthly email updates <strong>to</strong> keep our entire Division informed on<br />
what’s happening both Districtwide and internationally. I hope the increased communication combined<br />
with our clubs all lending a hand in service will lead <strong>to</strong> a successful <strong>Key</strong> Club year!<br />
Hello <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers, my name is Megan Voelker and I am Lieutenant Governor for District 10B. I’m excited <strong>to</strong> get <strong>to</strong> know and work with<br />
all of you! I am new <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Key</strong> Club District Board, but I am willing <strong>to</strong> learn and follow through with what it is expected and go above<br />
and beyond <strong>to</strong> serve you.<br />
I love being involved in things including sports, clubs, volunteering, and now a position on the Wisconsin<br />
Upper Michigan (WIUM) District Board! My main goal for this year is <strong>to</strong> bring the clubs within our division<br />
closer <strong>to</strong>gether through increased forms of communication. I will send monthly newsletters <strong>to</strong> the officers of<br />
each club through email, and I will also aim <strong>to</strong> create face <strong>to</strong> face contact through club visits and Facetime<br />
and Skype calls. I feel that it is very important <strong>to</strong> be an interlocked system of clubs <strong>to</strong> tackle even bigger<br />
and better projects. I plan <strong>to</strong> accomplish this by having our clubs work <strong>to</strong>gether such as through a divisional<br />
service project.<br />
Division 10B: Megan Voelker<br />
Along with tackling the big projects, working with the Preferred Charities is a must; they are preferred for a<br />
reason! This year will be a new experience for me working with a division outside of my own, but I am<br />
excited <strong>to</strong> get <strong>to</strong> know and work all of you! Thank you for this amazing opportunity and I’m looking forward<br />
<strong>to</strong> an exciting year!<br />
Hello, Division 11! My name is Emma Lauer and I am your new Lieutenant Governor! I am currently a junior at Eau Claire Memorial<br />
High School. In addition <strong>to</strong> <strong>Key</strong> Club, where I hold office as Treasurer, I participate in National Honor Society, Raising the FUNds,<br />
Link Crew, and band. Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, figure skating, being outside, cooking, and<br />
being active!<br />
Division 11: Emma Lauer<br />
One of my goals this year is <strong>to</strong> bring Division 11 <strong>to</strong>gether. I know each individual club is doing great<br />
things, but we could make an even bigger impact by becoming closer and working <strong>to</strong>gether. Over<br />
the next year, I hope <strong>to</strong> attend at least one of your club’s meetings and holding Divisional Council<br />
Meetings <strong>to</strong> encourage connections between myself and the clubs in our Division. If you ever have<br />
any questions or would just like <strong>to</strong> get <strong>to</strong> know me a bit better, feel free <strong>to</strong> contact me anytime! I<br />
can’t wait <strong>to</strong> see what we’ll accomplish <strong>to</strong>gether!<br />
Lieutenant Governor Introductions<br />
12: Ethan Tapp<br />
Division<br />
My name is Ethan Tapp and I am the Division 12 Lieutenant Governor for 201617. I am a sophomore at Oakfield High<br />
School. I am involved in just about everything my school has <strong>to</strong> offer. I play three sports: football, baseball, and basketball. I<br />
am apart of National Honors Society, Forensics Team, Academic Bowl, Math Team, and in our schools Youth Leadership<br />
Program.<br />
As Lieutenant Governor I plan on bringing my division extremely close and have a very<br />
strong bond between the clubs. By doing this I hope that Division 12 will be able <strong>to</strong> bring<br />
home the Outstanding Divisional Unity Award once again this year. Over my past 2 years in<br />
high school, I have learned a lot from everyone around me, and hope I am able <strong>to</strong> put my<br />
experiences <strong>to</strong> use over the course of the year.<br />
Hello, WisconsinUpper Michigan <strong>Key</strong> Clubs! My name is Calob Congdon and I will be serving as Division 13 Lieutenant<br />
Governor for the 201617 <strong>Key</strong> Club year. I absolutely cannot wait <strong>to</strong> meet all of you and work with you <strong>to</strong> increase all of the<br />
amazing work that <strong>Key</strong> Club does from one year <strong>to</strong> the next.<br />
Division 13: Calob Congdon<br />
My main goal this year as the Division 13 Lieutenant Governor is <strong>to</strong> increase communication.<br />
We may be one of the smaller divisions within the district, but that doesn’t limit the impact we<br />
can make. It is important that we work <strong>to</strong>gether and each club does what is expected of them<br />
this year, otherwise we may fail as a division. I will do my best <strong>to</strong> ensure that our club officers<br />
receive all of the <strong>to</strong>ols they need <strong>to</strong> run a successful club and that all of the clubs within our<br />
division stay constantly informed on what is happening in our district.<br />
Hello, Division 14 <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers! My name is Taylor Miller and I will be serving you as your Lieutenant Governor for the 2016<br />
2017 year! I am so excited and honored <strong>to</strong> work with each and every one of you. I was most recently the club president for<br />
Marquette Senior High school. During my term I dedicated a lot of my time. I was never one <strong>to</strong> leave a meeting without<br />
thinking about what was discussed and new ideas after. Over the years I have also been involved in other ways, being a<br />
member in our school’s environmental club, ZClub & ‘The Pasty’ (yes our school newspaper is called The Pasty). While<br />
doing this I have maintained two jobs working at Culver's and waitressing at a Local diner called Big Boy. As I stay busy and<br />
involved you can always catch me going on hikes or hanging with my friends in my free time, I also very much enjoy the<br />
typical Netflix binge.<br />
Division 14: Taylor Miller<br />
My main for the year is <strong>to</strong> increase contact and have clubs be as active as possible. I<br />
hope that all clubs stay as active as possible during the summer since service is not<br />
a seasonal thing! I am very excited <strong>to</strong> meet all of you and I plan <strong>to</strong> organize some<br />
Divisional Council Meetings (DCMs) during the summer as well as spread the word<br />
about individual club events. It would be great <strong>to</strong> unify the division through Divisional<br />
Service Projects such as Munising’s color run or Marquette's Cook out with the<br />
Maritime museum. These will be fun events for anyone and everyone <strong>to</strong> attend, so<br />
look forward <strong>to</strong> it!<br />
Lieutenant Governor Introductions<br />
15: Naly Vang<br />
Division<br />
Greetings WisconsinUpper Michigan District <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers! My name is Naly Vang and I will be<br />
serving you as your Lieutenant Governor for Division 15 and I am absolutely thrilled <strong>to</strong> work with all<br />
of you!<br />
A goal of mine is <strong>to</strong> get members within the division <strong>to</strong> know each other<br />
and <strong>to</strong> use each other <strong>to</strong> spread and create ideas. We can have the<br />
potential <strong>to</strong> become an outstanding division that will motivate others. I plan<br />
<strong>to</strong> put all of the experience I have gained throughout my high school career<br />
in<strong>to</strong> <strong>Key</strong> Club <strong>to</strong> make this <strong>Key</strong> Club year successful. As the new term for<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club begins, I cannot wait <strong>to</strong> get <strong>to</strong> meet all the amazing people who<br />
are a part of this outstanding organization.<br />
Hello, WIUM Division 16 <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers! My name is Sarah Anderson and I will be serving as your Division 16<br />
Lieutenant Governor for the 20162017 <strong>Key</strong> Club Year. I am currently a Junior at Escanaba High School where I am<br />
involved with many extracurricular activities including: <strong>Key</strong> Club, National Honor Society, Business Professionals of<br />
America, Fall Musical, Pep Band, Color Guard, and all while maintaining a 4.0. I also enjoy spending time focusing<br />
of healthy activities, practicing my four instruments, and watching Netflix!<br />
Division 16: Sarah Anderson<br />
This year, I have many goals which I would like <strong>to</strong> accomplish within our<br />
division. My primary objective is <strong>to</strong> increase communication. I will utilize email<br />
and social media in order <strong>to</strong> get the word out about Divisional Council<br />
Meetings and various service projects. In addition, I would also like <strong>to</strong> help<br />
some of the smaller, newer clubs increase their membership and help them<br />
with new service projects. I look forward <strong>to</strong> reaching these goals, and working<br />
with all of you <strong>to</strong> make this a thriving and prosperous year of service! Please<br />
don’t hesitate <strong>to</strong> contact me with any questions, concerns, or comments that<br />
you may have throughout the year.<br />
You have my promise that I will work my hardest <strong>to</strong> inspire, lead, and serve<br />
you, and <strong>to</strong>gether we can make this the best <strong>Key</strong> Club Year yet!<br />
Committee Chair Introductions<br />
Project Chair: Ben District<br />
Hello, WisconsinUpper Michigan <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers! My name is Benjamin Lilleskov and I will be the 20162017 District Project<br />
Chair for the WisconsinUpper Michigan District and I cannot wait! I would like <strong>to</strong> start off with some information about<br />
myself. I am a junior at Hough<strong>to</strong>n High School which is way up in the Keweenaw Peninsula in Upper Michigan. I am an<br />
active member of multiple school and interschool clubs and activities.<br />
This year I am really excited <strong>to</strong> foster the support of Wisconsin’s Camp Wawbeek and the<br />
Upper Peninsula’s BayCliff Health Center. It is my goal <strong>to</strong> get as many clubs as possible<br />
raising money for these camps and make it as easy as possible <strong>to</strong> get people fired up<br />
about helping these amazing organizations. I hope <strong>to</strong> encourage and inspire many clubs<br />
by sharing and providing fundraising ideas <strong>to</strong> insure that these camps get the support and<br />
assistance that they need. I am very excited <strong>to</strong> work with these camps this year and I<br />
cannot wait <strong>to</strong> work with all of you!<br />
Hello everyone! My name is Charlotte Strom and I am the KFamily Relations Chair. I am a Sophomore at Glads<strong>to</strong>ne<br />
High School, and I also serve as the President of my home club. I enjoy reading, writing, listening <strong>to</strong> music, and sleeping.<br />
I am so looking forward <strong>to</strong> getting <strong>to</strong> know you all and working with you in the coming year.<br />
K-Family Relations Chair: Charlotte Strom<br />
The job of the KFamily Relations Committee is <strong>to</strong> act a liaison between <strong>Key</strong> Club and the other<br />
branches of our wonderful KFamily. I’m here <strong>to</strong> help if you are having trouble getting in <strong>to</strong>uch with<br />
your sponsoring Kiwanis Club, don’t know how <strong>to</strong> approach them, or would like <strong>to</strong> get in contact<br />
with a local club of a different branch in your home community. My main goal this year as KFamily<br />
Relations Chair is <strong>to</strong> finish a very exciting resource for our members. I am working on creating a<br />
booklet that will make contacting and working with your sponsoring Kiwanis Club much easier and<br />
less intimidating. If you have any questions, feel free <strong>to</strong> contact me!<br />
Hello fellow <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers, my name is Ethan VanEnkevort and I will be the Membership<br />
Development Committee Chair for the 20162017 <strong>Key</strong> Club year. I am very grateful for being<br />
appointed <strong>to</strong> this position and I will strive <strong>to</strong> make this the best year of <strong>Key</strong> Club yet!<br />
Membership Development Chair: Ethan VanEnkevort<br />
Before I go any further, I would like <strong>to</strong> tell you a little about me. I am currently a freshman at<br />
North Central High School in Powers, Michigan. I am my class treasurer and have had this<br />
position since my seventh grade. In the next couple of years of high school, I plan on<br />
becoming the Governor for my senior year.<br />
Of course, being on the District Board, I have my goals for my term as Membership<br />
Development Committee Chair. My first goal is <strong>to</strong> increase membership by 7% in Wisconsin<br />
and Upper Michigan. Second, is <strong>to</strong> increase awareness of <strong>Key</strong> Club in my community.<br />
Committee Chair Introductions<br />
Hey <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers! My name is Carrie Kroner and I am your WisconsinUpper Michigan District Events Committee Chair for<br />
the 201617 year. I cannot wait <strong>to</strong> serve you and help improve the District Board this year! I am a junior at Kimberly High<br />
School. Along with <strong>Key</strong> Club I also participate in Band, Varsity Golf, Curling, National Honors Society, Life Force, and Project<br />
Green at my school. Some of my favorite pastimes include helping teach golf <strong>to</strong> kids in the community through summer<br />
school, relaxing, playing the guitar or piano, and watching plenty of The Office and Grey’s Ana<strong>to</strong>my on Netflix.<br />
Events Chair: Carrie Kroner<br />
<strong>Key</strong> Club has allowed me <strong>to</strong> grow my leadership skills, form new friendships, and gain a greater<br />
sense of community. It has made volunteering and service one of my passions in life, and I am<br />
excited <strong>to</strong> spread my love of <strong>Key</strong> Club <strong>to</strong> all of you through my position as Events Committee<br />
Chair! My main goal for this year is <strong>to</strong> increase the use of technology in advertising for our district,<br />
and <strong>to</strong> make sure that every club receives materials that they can use <strong>to</strong> promote <strong>Key</strong> Club at the<br />
club level. If anyone has any ideas or questions about my position, please feel free <strong>to</strong> contact me.<br />
I am very excited <strong>to</strong> serve you all this year, and I know we can make WisconsinUpper Michigan<br />
an even better district!<br />
Hey <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers! I'm Olivia Capodilupo and I will be serving as the WIUM district PR/Social Media<br />
chair. I am a sophomore at Glads<strong>to</strong>ne High School in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and I love<br />
basketball, softball, art, and music. Aside from extracurricular like science Olympiad, robotics, and<br />
theater, my favorite is <strong>Key</strong> Club! I am the bulletin edi<strong>to</strong>r of my home club.<br />
Public Relations Chair: Olivia Capodilupo<br />
My job is <strong>to</strong> spread news, exciting events, and service opportunities through social media and my goal<br />
is <strong>to</strong> successfully keep everyone informed in the easiest ways possible! It's going <strong>to</strong> be a great year,<br />
and I can't wait <strong>to</strong> meet you all!<br />
Hello <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers! My name is Eva, and I am elated <strong>to</strong> be your Preferred Charities Chair for the 20162017 <strong>Key</strong> Club year! I<br />
will do everything in my power <strong>to</strong> ensure that my duties are done correctly and efficiently. Before I begin, I would like <strong>to</strong> tell<br />
you a little bit about myself! I am currently enrolled in Hough<strong>to</strong>n High School as a sophomore. I am in Equality Club,<br />
Journalism Club, Student Council, and of course <strong>Key</strong> Club! This upcoming school year I will be the copresident of<br />
Journalism Club. I enjoy doing choir and theatre through school and through university theatre. I have been in many plays<br />
such as Brigh<strong>to</strong>n Beach Memoirs and Fiddler on the Roof. I have currently been accepted as a sprinter on the HHS Track<br />
Team. Although I am only 15, I cajoled the local newspaper <strong>to</strong> accept me as a columnist.<br />
Preferred Charities Chair: Eva Nemiroff<br />
As your Preferred Charities Chair, I would like <strong>to</strong> see more collaboration throughout the district<br />
in terms of discussion and exchange of ideas and fundraising events. This would entail not only<br />
creating resources and connecting clubs <strong>to</strong> discuss fundraising share ideas. I also think that<br />
face <strong>to</strong> face communication is important so that clubs can work <strong>to</strong>gether <strong>to</strong> plan events and<br />
benefit the District’s Preferred Charities.<br />
Thank you all so much for being the active <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers you are, and I am excited <strong>to</strong> serve you<br />
on the 20162017 District Board.<br />
Committee Chair Introductions<br />
Hi, WisconsinUpper Michigan <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers! My name is Anjali Dvorak, and this year I am serving<br />
as the Strategic Plan & Bylaws and Policies Committee Chair on the WIUM District Board. I’m<br />
going <strong>to</strong> work with our parent club, Kiwanis, and our sister club, Circle K, <strong>to</strong> create a five year<br />
strategic plan for our district. I am excited for this new <strong>Key</strong> Club year and can't wait <strong>to</strong> start working<br />
with clubs and the district as a whole!<br />
Strategic Plan/Bylaws & Policies: Anjali Dvorak<br />
As for my other interests, I am in my school’s Science Olympiad, as well as Spanish Club. I sit<br />
second chair as a flutist in the Wausau West Symphonic Band, as well as in our Wind Ensemble. I<br />
have a golden retriever named Holka whom I love very much.<br />
Hello WIUM <strong>Key</strong> Clubbers, I am Amanda Stickney and I am serving as the 20162017 Wisconsin New Club Development Chair. To<br />
begin, I would like <strong>to</strong> introduce myself! I am currently a Junior at Apple<strong>to</strong>n West High School. Other than <strong>Key</strong> Club, I am also involved in<br />
Girl Scouts, Math Team, Envirothon, International Club, and have taken a semester abroad at Conserve School.<br />
WI New Club Development Chair: Amanda Stickney<br />
I love helping out with service projects and meeting new people. I have been involved with Apple<strong>to</strong>n West’s <strong>Key</strong> Club since elementary<br />
school. In the future I hope <strong>to</strong> follow my dream <strong>to</strong> study Environmental Chemistry or Biochemistry.<br />
During my term as Wisconsin’s New Club Development Chair my goal is <strong>to</strong> establish 6 new<br />
clubs in Wisconsin. Expanding the number of clubs in our district will make our <strong>Key</strong> Club<br />
family stronger and help our district accomplish more than ever before. If you have any<br />
questions or know a place where we should charter a new club feel free <strong>to</strong> contact me. I hope<br />
<strong>to</strong> serve our district well this year as Wisconsin’s New Club Development Chair. Have a<br />
wonderful WIUM <strong>Key</strong> Club year!<br />
New Club Development Chair: May Pat Massopust<br />
UP<br />
Hello, My name is Mary Pat Massopust and I will be serving as this year's New Club Development Chair of the Upper<br />
Peninsula. I'm very excited <strong>to</strong> have been chosen for this board position and I am eager <strong>to</strong> begin my work!<br />
Allow me <strong>to</strong> explain who I am and where I come from, as well as other positions that I have held. I<br />
am from Hough<strong>to</strong>n Michigan and I am involved in many clubs and activities. At my school I am in<br />
the Equality Club, Environmental Club, Quiz Bowl Team, Band, and Choir. In addition <strong>to</strong> these<br />
activities I am in the Drama Club and the community theatre group. These activities have become a<br />
major part of my life, and have influenced my career plan for my future. One of the best ways <strong>to</strong><br />
have fun and accomplish goals as well is <strong>to</strong> be a fun person, and I plan <strong>to</strong> bring my amiable<br />
personality in<strong>to</strong> my position as the Club Development Chair <strong>to</strong> assist me in achieving the goals of<br />
my position.<br />
Questions? Contact Us!<br />