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Symfony2 – Franz Jordán 2011<br />

Deleting an Object<br />

Deleting an object is very similar, but requires a call to the remove() method of the entity<br />

manager:<br />

$em->remove($product);<br />

$em->flush();<br />

As you might expect, the remove() method notifies Doctrine that you'd like to remove the given<br />

entity from the database. The actual DELETE query, however, isn't actually executed until<br />

the flush()method is called.<br />

Querying for Objects<br />

You've already seen how the repository object allows you to run basic queries without any work:<br />

$repository->find($id);<br />

$repository->findOneByName('Foo');<br />

Of course, Doctrine also allows you to write more complex queries using the Doctrine Query<br />

Language (DQL). DQL is similar to SQL except that you should imagine that you're querying for<br />

one or more objects of an entity class (e.g. Product) instead of querying for rows on a table<br />

(e.g.product).<br />

When querying in Doctrine, you have two options: writing pure Doctrine queries or using<br />

Doctrine's Query Builder.<br />

Querying for Objects with DQL<br />

Imaging that you want to query for products, but only return products that cost more<br />

than 19.99, ordered from cheapest to most expensive. From inside a controller, do the<br />

following:<br />

$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();<br />

$query = $em->createQuery(<br />

'SELECT p FROM AcmeStoreBundle:Product p WHERE p.price > :price ORDER BY p.price ASC'<br />

)->setParameter('price', '19.99');<br />

$products = $query->getResult();<br />

If you're comfortable with SQL, then DQL should feel very natural. The biggest difference is that<br />

you need to think in terms of "objects" instead of rows in a database. For this reason, you<br />

select fromAcmeStoreBundle:Product and then alias it as p.<br />

The getResult() method returns an array of results. If you're querying for just one object, you<br />

can use the getSingleResult() method instead:<br />

$product = $query->getSingleResult();<br />

The getSingleResult() method throws a Doctrine\ORM\NoResultExceptionexception if no<br />

results are returned and aDoctrine\ORM\NonUniqueResultException if more than one<br />

result is returned. If you use this method, you may need to wrap it in a try-catch block and<br />

ensure that only one result is returned (if you're querying on something that could feasibly<br />

return more than one result):<br />


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