Norway Yearbook - 1983

Norway Yearbook - 1983.pdf

Norway Yearbook - 1983.pdf


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314<br />

Tabell 381. Innbetalt inntekts- og formuesskatt. Mill. kr<br />

Revenue from income and property taxation. Million kroner<br />

Ferste Andre<br />

I alt halvår halvår<br />

Total First Second<br />

half-year half-year<br />

1. Netto innbetalte skatter i alt Net tax revenue, total 84 596 44 401 40 195<br />

1.1. Innbetalte skatter i alt Tax revenue, total 91 078 44 401 46 677<br />

1. Forskottsordningen Advance tax arrangement 62 713 30 167 32 546<br />

1. Forskottstrekk Taxes deducted in advance from wages and salarim<br />

53 462 26 224 27 238<br />

2. Forskottsskatt Other personal taxes paid in advance 6 479 3 290 3 189<br />

3. Restskatt Unpaid taxes 2 772 653 2 119<br />

2. Etterskottsordningen Non-personal taxpaying arrangement 5 102 2 592 2 510<br />

1. Forhåndsslott Taxes paid in advance by non-personal taxpayers . 2 413 2 346 67<br />

2. Resterende skatt Rest of taxes paid by non-personal taxpayers . . 2 669 246 2 443<br />

3. Etterliknet skatt og skatt av gevinst ved salg av aksjer mv .. Suppleinentary<br />

assessment and tax on profit by sale of shares etc. 207 113 94<br />

4. Arbeidsgiveravgift til folketrygden Employers contribution to the<br />

National Insurance 23 057 11 529 11 528<br />

1.2. Tilbakebetalinger ‘Ropayment of taxes 6 482 — 6 482<br />

1. Tilbakebetålt til forskottspliktige Repayment of taxes paid by persona/taxpayers<br />

• 6 623 — 6 623<br />

2. Tilbakebetalt til etterskottspliktige Repayment of taxes paid by nonpersonal<br />

taxpayers —141 — —141<br />

2. Økning i tilbakeholdt margin Increase in retained margin (decrease —) 1 252 2 967 —1 715<br />

Inntektsåret Income year<br />

1979<br />

1980<br />

1981 —4779 813 —5592<br />

1982 6 031 2 154 3 877<br />

3. Fordelte skatter Distributed taxes<br />

31 . I alt Total 83 344 41 434 41 910<br />

i . Staten Central government 23 322 11 683 11 639<br />

2. Kommunen Lpcal government 21 744 10 725 11 019<br />

3. Folketrygden The National Insurance 38 278 19 026 19 252<br />

3.2. Forskottsordningen j alt Advance tax arrangement, total 55 260 27 216 27 984<br />

1. Staten Ce6tral government 19 970 9 885 10 085<br />

2. Kommunen Local government 20 078 9 899 10 179<br />

3. Folketrygden The National Insurance 15 212 7 492 7 720<br />

3.3. Ettetskottsordningen i alt Non-personal taxpaying arrangement, total . . 4 963 2 593 2 370<br />

1. Staten Central government 3 352 1 798 1 554<br />

2. Kommunen Local government 1 611 795 816<br />

3.4. Etterliknet skatt oq skatt ved gevinst ved salg av aksjer mv .. Supplementary<br />

assessment and tax on profit by sale of Mares etc 64 35 29<br />

1. Staten Central government — — —<br />

2. Kommunen Local government 55 11 24<br />

3. Folketrygden The National Insurance<br />

3.5. Arbeidsgiveravgift til folketrygden Employers' contribution to the National<br />

9 4 5<br />

Insuran'ce 23 057 11 529 11<br />

52$<br />

Kilde: NOS Skattestatistikk. Source: NOS Tax Statistics.<br />


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