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Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
AST Tanks<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
AST Tanks<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
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Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang<br />
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Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang<br /><br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang<br />
Fion Zhang at Shanghai<br />
22 nd March 2016
<strong>API</strong> 653 Exam Administration -- Publications<br />
Effectivity Sheet FOR: November 2015, March<br />
2016 and July 2016<br />
Listed below are the effective editions of the publications required for this<br />
exam for the date(s) shown above.<br />
<strong>API</strong> Recommended Practice 571, Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in<br />
the Refining Industry, Second Edition, April 2011<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
<strong>API</strong> 653 Exam Administration -- Publications<br />
Effectivity Sheet FOR: November 2015, March<br />
2016 and July 2016<br />
Listed below are the effective editions of the publications required for this<br />
exam for the date(s) shown above.<br />
<strong>API</strong> Recommended Practice 571, Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in<br />
the Refining Industry, Second Edition, April 2011<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
ATTENTION: Only the following sections / mechanisms from RP 571 are<br />
included on the exam:<br />
Section 3, Definitions<br />
Par. 4.2.7 Brittle Fracture<br />
4.2.16 Mechanical Fatigue<br />
4.3.2 Atmospheric Corrosion<br />
4.3.3 Corrosion Under insulation (CUI)<br />
4.3.8 Microbiologically Induced Corrosion (MIC)<br />
4.3.9 Soil Corrosion<br />
4.3.10 Caustic Corrosion<br />
4.5.1 Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking (Cl-SCC)<br />
4.5.3 Caustic Stress Corrosion Cracking (Caustic Embrittlement)<br /> Sour Water Corrosion (Acidic)<br /> Sulfuric Acid Corrosion<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
• <strong>API</strong> Recommended Practice 575, Inspection of Atmospheric and Low-<br />
Pressure Storage Tanks, Third Edition, April 20<strong>14</strong><br />
• <strong>API</strong> Recommended Practice 577 – Welding Inspection and Metallurgy,<br />
Second Edition, December 2013<br />
• <strong>API</strong> Standard 650, Welded Tanks for Oil Storage, Twelfth Edition, March<br />
2013 with Addendum 1 (September 20<strong>14</strong>), Errata 1 (July 2013), and<br />
Errata 2 (December 20<strong>14</strong>).<br />
• <strong>API</strong> Recommended Practice 651, Cathodic Protection of Aboveground<br />
Petroleum Storage Tanks, Fourth Edition, September 20<strong>14</strong>.<br />
• <strong>API</strong> Recommended Practice 652, Lining of Aboveground Petroleum<br />
Storage Tank Bottoms, Fourth Edition, September 20<strong>14</strong><br />
• <strong>API</strong> Standard 653, Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and<br />
Reconstruction, Fifth Edition, November 20<strong>14</strong>.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
• American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Boiler and Pressure<br />
Vessel Code, 2013 Edition<br />
i. ASME Section V, Nondestructive Examination, Articles 1, 2, 6, 7 and 23<br />
(section SE-797 only)<br />
ii. Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications (Welding Only)<br />
See end of this study note for <strong>API</strong> Official BOK<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang<br /><br /><br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang<br />
The Magical Book of Tank Inspection ICP<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
闭 门 练 功<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
闭 门 练 功<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q78. For dome roofs that are flanged, the radius of curvature is limited by the<br />
depth of the roof, including the crown and knuckle depth. What is the<br />
maximum roof depth for a shop assembled cone roof 10 feet in diameter?<br />
(a) 2.0"<br />
(b) 3.5"<br />
(c) 5.5"<br />
(d) 8.0"<br />
REF AP1650- J.3.5.3 (Table J-1)<br />
ANS: (c)<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Annex J (normative) Shop-Assembled Storage Tanks<br />
Table J.1b—Minimum Roof Depths for Shop-Assembled Dome-Roof<br />
Tanks (USC)<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q81. For impact testing weld metal over 1½” inches how much shall the<br />
impact<br />
value be raised for each ½” inch of material?<br />
(a) 2 foot-pounds<br />
(b) 3 foot-pounds<br />
(c) 5 foot-pounds<br />
(d) 6foot-pounds<br />
REF: 650 or Table 2-4<br />
ANS: (c)<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
<strong>API</strong>650: 9.2.2 Impact Tests<br /> Impact tests for the qualification of welding procedures shall comply<br />
with the applicable provisions of 4.2.9 and shall be made at or below the<br />
design metal temperature.<br /> When impact testing of a material is required by 4.2.9, 4.2.10, or 4.5.4<br />
impact tests of the heat-affected zone shall be made for all machine,<br />
automatic, and semiautomatic welding procedures.<br /> For all materials to be used at a design metal temperature below 10°C<br />
(50 °F), the qualification of the welding procedure for vertical joints shall<br />
include impact tests of the weld metal. If vertical joints are to be made by a<br />
machine, automatic, or semiautomatic process, impact tests of the heataffected<br />
zone shall also be made.<br /> When the design metal temperature is below –7°C (20 °F), impact<br />
tests of the weld metal shall be made for all procedures used for welding the<br />
components listed in, for welding attachments to these components,<br />
and for fabricating shell nozzles and manholes from pipe and forgings listed<br />
in 4.5.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang Impact tests shall show minimum values for acceptance in<br />
accordance with and the following:<br />
a)for P-No. 1, Group 1, materials—20 J (15 ft-lbf), average of three<br />
specimens;<br />
b)for P-No. 1, Group 2, materials—27 J (20 ft-lbf), average of three<br />
specimens;<br />
c)for P-No. 1, Group 3, materials—34 J (25 ft-lbf), average of three<br />
specimens.<br />
For shell plates thicker than 40 mm (1 ½ in.), these values shall be increased<br />
by 7Joules (5 ft-lbf) for each 13 mm (1/2 in.) over 40 mm (1 ½ in.).<br />
Interpolation is permitted.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang Weld-metal impact specimens shall be taken across the weld with one<br />
face substantially parallel to and within 1.5 mm (1/16 in.) of the surface of the<br />
material. The notch shall be cut normal to the original material surface and<br />
with the weld metal entirely within the fracture zone.<br /> Heat-affected-zone impact specimens shall be taken across the weld<br />
and as near the surface of the material as is practicable. Each specimen shall<br />
be etched to locate the heat-affected zone, and the notch shall be cut<br />
approximately normal to the original material surface and with as much heataffected-zone<br />
material as possible included in the fracture zone.<br />
Production welding shall conform to the qualified welding procedure, but<br />
production-weld test plates need not be made.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q105. In performance qualification of pipe groove welds to ASME Section IX,<br />
which position requires more than two guided bend specimens for<br />
qualification?<br />
(a) 2G and 4G<br />
(b) 3G and 4G<br />
(c) 5G and 6G<br />
(d) 4G and 6G<br />
REF: Section IX, QW -452<br />
ANS: (c)<br />
Comments:<br />
To qualify using positions 5G or 6G, a total of four bend specimens are<br />
required. – Thus answer could be (c) or (d)<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
GENERAL NOTE: The “Thickness of Weld Metal” is the total weld metal<br />
thickness deposited by all welders and all processes in the test coupon<br />
exclusive of the weld reinforcement.<br />
NOTES:<br />
(1) To qualify using positions 5G or 6G, a total of four bend specimens<br />
are required. To qualify using a combination of 2G and 5G in a single test<br />
coupon, a total of six bend specimens are required. See QW-302.3. The type<br />
of bend test shall be based on weld metal thickness.<br />
(2) Coupons tested by face and root bends shall be limited to weld<br />
deposit made by one welder with one or two processes or two welders with<br />
one process each. Weld deposit by each welder and each process shall be<br />
present on the convex surface of the appropriate bent specimen.<br />
(3) One face and root bend may be substituted for the two side bends.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q123. Material specifications listed in Section 2 of <strong>API</strong> 650 but not listed in<br />
Table QW-422 of Section IX of the ASME Code shall be considered as P1<br />
material with group numbers assigned according to the following.<br />
(a)Less than or equal to 60 kips per square inch---Group l<br />
(b)Greater than 60 kips per square in. but less than or equal to 75 kips per<br />
square inch----Group·2<br />
(c)Greater than 75 kips per square inch----Group 3<br />
(d)All the above.<br />
REF: 650<br />
ANS: (d)<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang Material specifications listed in Section 4 of this standard but not<br />
included in Table QW-422 of Section IX of the ASME Code shall be<br />
considered as P-No. 1 material with group numbers assigned as follows<br />
according to the minimum tensile strength specified:<br />
a)less than 485 MPa (70 ksi)—Group 1;<br />
b)equal to or greater than 485 MPa (70 ksi) but less than 550 MPa (80 ksi)—<br />
Group 2;<br />
c)equal to or greater than 550 MPa (80 ksi)—Group 3.<br />
Separate welding procedures and performance qualifications shall be<br />
conducted for A841M/A841 material.<br />
Comment:<br />
• Welding variables (including supplementary essential variables when<br />
impact tests are required by 9.2.2), as defined by QW-250 of Section IX of the<br />
ASME Code, shall be used to determine the welding procedure specifications<br />
and the procedure qualification records to be instituted. In addition, when<br />
impact tests of the heat-affected zone are required, the heat-treated condition<br />
of the base material shall be a supplementary essential variable. Plates<br />
produced by the controlled-rolled process (TMCP?) are not to be considered<br />
as having received any heat treatment. If a protective coating has been<br />
applied to weld edge preparations, the coating shall be included as an<br />
essential variable of the welding procedure specification, as required by<br /><br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q129. On an initial in-service riveted shell inspection of vertical seams:<br />
(a) dimension & sketch the pattern<br />
(b) record the number of rows, rivet size, pitch length<br />
(c) note whether butt or lap riveted<br />
(d) all of the above<br />
REF: <strong>API</strong> 653, Appendix C.1.2.3 (e)<br />
ANS: (d)<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
C.1.2.3 Riveted Shell Inspection<br />
a)Inspect external surface for rivet and seam leaks.<br />
b)Locate leaks by sketch or photo (location will be lost when shell is abrasive<br />
cleaned for painting).<br />
c)Inspect rivets for corrosion loss and wear.<br />
d)Inspect vertical seams to see if they have been full fillet lap-welded to<br />
increase joint efficiency.<br />
e)If no record exists of vertical riveted seams, dimension and sketch (or<br />
photograph) the rivet pattern: number of rows, rivet size, pitch length, and<br />
note whether the joint is butt-riveted or lap-riveted.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q137. Plate for shells, roofs and bottoms may be ordered on an<br />
(a) edge-thickness basis<br />
(b) weight basis<br />
(c) nominal thickness<br />
(d) both(a) and(b)<br />
REF <strong>API</strong> 650<br />
ANS: (d)<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
4.2 Plates<br />
4.2.1 General<br /> Except as otherwise provided for in 4.1, plates shall conform to one of<br />
the specifications listed in 4.2.2 through 4.2.6, subject to the modifications<br />
and limitations in this standard.<br /> Plate for shells, roofs, and bottoms may be ordered on an edgethickness<br />
basis or on a weight (kg/m 2 [lb/ft 2 ]) basis, as specified in,<br />, and<br /> The edge thickness ordered shall not be less than the computed<br />
design thickness or the minimum permitted thickness.<br /> The weight ordered shall be great enough to provide an edge<br />
thickness not less than the computed design thickness or the minimum<br />
permitted thickness.<br /> Whether an edge-thickness or a weight basis is used, an underrun<br />
not more than 0.3 mm (0.01 in.) from the computed design thickness or the<br />
minimum permitted thickness is acceptable.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q160. The "L" in actual thickness determination for each shell course:<br />
(a) may be greater than 40"<br />
(b) is valid only when corroded area is less than 40"<br />
(c) applies even if corroded area is greater than L<br />
(d) requires converting "D" from feet to inches<br />
REF: AP1653, See Note<br />
ANS: (c)<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
246. What is the minimum permissible design metal temperature for a 280<br />
foot diameter tank, 75 feet high, tank radius is 1,680 inches, plate material<br />
ordered is 1.125 " (including corrosion allowance) A 516-55 as rolled, killed<br />
fine-grain practice without impact testing.<br />
(a) + 8<br />
(b) 0<br />
(c) - 4<br />
(d) All Material must be impact tested<br />
REF: <strong>API</strong> 650- (Fig. 2-1)<br />
ANS: (c) (-2?)<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q259. What percentage of selected spot radiography shall be at junctions of<br />
vertical and horizontal joints?<br />
(a) 15%<br />
(b) 20%<br />
(c) 25%<br />
(d) 50%<br />
REF: <strong>API</strong> 650-<br />
ANS: (c)<br />
Notes: 1. Vertical spot radiograph in accordance with, Item a: one in<br />
the first 3 m (10 ft) and one in each 30 m (100 ft) thereafter, 25 % of which<br />
shall be at intersections.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q15. During an internal inspection of a tank, pitting that measures 0.30 inches<br />
deep was found in the shell (0.625 Thickness). The required thickness of the<br />
shell in this area is 0.5 inches. Based on the above information should a<br />
repair be made?<br />
a) Yes<br />
b) No<br />
c) The inspector option<br />
d) Repair Contractor's option<br />
REF: <strong>API</strong> 653-<br />
ANS: (b)<br /> Widely scattered pits may be ignored provided that:<br />
a. no pit depth results in the remaining shell thickness being less than onehalf<br />
the minimum acceptable tank shell thickness exclusive of the corrosion<br />
allowance; and<br />
b. the sum of their dimensions along any vertical line does not exceed 2 in. in<br />
an 8-in. length (see Figure 4.2).<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q61. Per <strong>API</strong> 650, external floating roof deck plates having support leg or<br />
other rigid penetrations closer than __ inches to lap weld seams must be full<br />
fillet welded not less than 2 inches on 10 inch centers.<br />
1. 6<br />
2. 12<br />
3. <strong>14</strong><br />
4. 18<br />
ANS: 2<br />
<strong>API</strong>650: C.3.3.3 Deck plates shall be joined by continuous full-fillet welds on<br />
the top side. On the bottom side, where flexure can be anticipated adjacent to<br />
girders, support legs, or other relatively rigid members, full-fillet welds not less<br />
than 50 mm (2 in.) long on 250 mm (10 in.) centers shall be used on any plate<br />
laps that occur within 300 mm (12 in.) of any such members. A minimum of<br />
three fillet welds shall be made.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q69. What preparation is required to base metal before welding on tanks that<br />
have surface in contact with leaded gasoline?<br />
1. Scrape down to bare metal 6" (150 cm)<br />
2. Scrape down to bare meta 12" (300 cm)<br />
3. Abrasive blast any immediate areas affected<br />
4. Steam clean any immediate areas affected<br />
ANS: 2<br />
<strong>API</strong>2015: 12.4.2 Hot Work Permit<br />
In addition to the requirement for an entry permit, a qualified person shall<br />
issue a hot work permit to conduct hot work inside or around a tank that<br />
has been in leaded service.<br /> The qualified person issuing the hot work permit shall require that<br />
surfaces of tanks that have been in contact with leaded gasoline, lead<br />
additives or products containing lead be cleaned, scraped or wire brushed<br />
down. The qualified person shall assure that bare metal covers an area at<br />
least 12 inches (30 centimeters) surrounding any area that may be subject<br />
to excessive heat exposure from welding or other hot work operations.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q71. The maximum reinforcement thickness for vertical butt joints, less than<br />
or equal to 1/2“ thick is __<br />
<strong>API</strong>653: Table 10.1—Max. Thicknesses on New Welds<br />
<strong>API</strong>650: 8.5.2 (d)<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
103. What is the maximum allowable misalignment on a 3/4" vertical butt joint?<br />
1. 10%<br />
2. 1/16"<br />
3. 10% or maximum of 1/8"<br />
4. 12% or maximum of 3/32“<br />
ANS: 1 (or 3?)<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
<strong>API</strong>650: 7.2.3 Shells Plates to be joined by butt welding shall be<br />
matched accurately and retained in position during the welding operation.<br />
Misalignment in completed vertical joints for plates greater than 16 mm (5/8<br />
in.) thick shall not exceed 10 % of the plate thickness or 3 mm (1/8 in.),<br />
whichever is less; misalignment for plates less than or equal to 16 mm (5/8 in.)<br />
thick shall not exceed 1.5 mm (1/16 in.).<br /> In completed horizontal butt joints, the upper plate shall not project<br />
beyond the face of the lower plate at any point by more than 20 % of the<br />
thickness of the upper plate, with a maximum projection of 3 mm (1/8 in.);<br />
however, for upper plates less than 8 mm (5/16 in.) thick, the maximum<br />
projection shall be limited to 1.5 mm (1/16 in.).<br /> The upper plate at a horizontal butt joint shall have a 4:1 taper when<br />
its thickness is more than 3 mm (1/8 in.) greater than the lower plate.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q111. Dual-element transducers can have the ability to operate from thin<br />
sections of:<br />
1. 1.000- 2.000 inch<br />
2. 2.000 - 3.000 inch<br />
3. 0.005- 0.009 inch<br />
4. 0.050 - 1.000 inch<br />
ANS: 4<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
<strong>API</strong>575: Annex A<br />
(normative)<br />
Selected Non-destructive Examination (NDE) Methods<br />
A.1 Ultrasonic Thickness (UT) Measurement<br />
It is recommended that the ultrasonic instrument have an “A Scan” display<br />
with a digital readout. UT measurement should be performed using a<br />
transducer with characteristics appropriate for the particular test to be<br />
performed. Dual-element transducers are frequently selected, and they are<br />
available with many different operating ranges.<br />
Dual element transducers may have the ability to measure thin sections from<br />
0.050 in. to 1.000 in. (1.3 mm to 25 mm). The limitations of transducers that<br />
should be recognized are that their range is finite and that the transducer<br />
frequency must be high enough to measure thin sections accurately. Holes in<br />
the material or sections of less than 0.050 in. (1.27 mm) will provide either no<br />
reading or a false reading when measured with too low a frequency.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q118. In order to be in compliance with <strong>API</strong> 2207, when must the work area<br />
be monitored for oxygen deficiency and combustible and toxic atmospheres?<br />
1. Every 4 hours<br />
2. Every 8 hours<br />
3. Every 12 hours<br />
4. While work is in progress<br />
ANS: 4<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q119. You are adding a 6 inch blending nozzle to the bottom course, the shell<br />
is 5/8" thick. What size insert plate is required when used with a<br />
reinforcement plate?<br />
1. 12" diameter<br />
2. 18" diameter<br />
3. Three times the diameter of the penetration<br />
4. The diameter of the reinforcement plate, plus 12“<br />
ANS: 4<br />
9.8.6 Penetrations larger than 2 in. NPS shall be installed with the use of an<br />
insert plate if the shell plate thickness is greater than ½ in. and the shell<br />
plate material does not meet the current design metal temperature criteria. In<br />
addition, the following requirement shall be met:<br />
a) the minimum diameter of the insert plate shall be at least twice the<br />
diameter of the penetration or the diameter plus 12 in., whichever is<br />
greater;<br />
b) when reinforcing plates are used, the minimum diameter of the insert plate<br />
shall equal the diameter of the reinforcing plate plus 12 in.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Discussion on Question 119<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q120. Who is responsible for compliance with the <strong>API</strong> 650 standards?<br />
1. Manufacturer<br />
2. Purchaser/Owner<br />
3. State Inspector<br />
4. <strong>API</strong> 653 Inspector<br />
ANS: 1<br />
Q120A. Who is responsible for compliance with the <strong>API</strong> 653 standards?<br />
1. Manufacturer<br />
2. Purchaser/Owner<br />
3. State Inspector<br />
4. <strong>API</strong> 653 Inspector<br />
ANS: 2<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Happy Holi<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang<br />
Happy Holi<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang<br />
Q11. With the exception of GTAW, what P-Nos. are prohibited in the<br />
qualification of welders by radiography?<br />
(a) P-2X, P-4X, and P-5X<br />
(b) P-2X, P-3X, and P-5X<br />
(c) P-2X, P-5X, and P-6X<br />
ANS: c<br />
QW-304<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
QW-304 Welders<br />
Except for the special requirements of QW-380, each welder who welds<br />
under the rules of the Code shall have passed the mechanical and visual<br />
examinations prescribed in QW-302.1 and QW-302.4 respectively.<br />
Alternatively, welders may be qualified by volumetric NDE per QW-191 when<br />
making a groove weld using SMAW, SAW, GTAW, PAW, and GMAW (except<br />
short-circuiting mode for radiographic examination) or a combination of these<br />
processes, except for P-No. 21 through P-No. 26, P-No. 51 through P-No. 53,<br />
and P-No. 61 through P-No. 62 metals. (note: P-2X/P-5X/P-6X)<br />
Welders making groove welds in P-No. 21 through P-No. 26 and P-No. 51<br />
through P-No. 53 metals with the GTAW process may also be qualified by<br />
volumetric NDE per QW-191.<br />
The volumetric NDE shall be in accordance with QW-302.2. A welder<br />
qualified to weld in accordance with one qualified WPS is also qualified to<br />
weld in accordance with other qualified WPSs, using the same welding<br />
process, within the limits of the essential variables of QW-350.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q13. Failure of any portion of a combination test in a single test coupon<br />
constitutes failure of the entire combination.<br />
(a) True<br />
(b) False<br />
ANS: a<br />
QW-306<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
QW-306 Combination of Welding Processes<br />
Each welder or welding operator shall be qualified within the limits given in<br />
QW-301 for the specific welding process( es) he will be required to use in<br />
production welding. A welder or welding operator may be qualified by making<br />
tests with each individual welding process in separate test coupons, or with a<br />
combination of welding processes in a single test coupon.<br />
Two or more welders or welding operators, each using the same or a different<br />
welding process, may be qualified in combination in a single test coupon. For<br />
combination qualifications in a single test coupon, the limits for thicknesses of<br />
deposited weld metal, and bend and fillet testing are given in QW-452 and<br />
shall be considered individually for each welder or welding operator for each<br />
welding process or whenever there is a change in an essential variable. A<br />
welder or welding operator qualified in combination on a single test coupon is<br />
qualified to weld in production using any of his processes individually or in<br />
different combinations, provided he welds within his limits of qualification with<br />
each specific process.<br />
Failure of any portion of a combination test in a single test coupon constitutes<br />
failure of the entire combination.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q1. A manufacturer is qualifying a WPS in GMAW process in short circuit arc<br />
transfer mode. The test coupon is ½" thick the maximum thickness qualified<br />
for the WPS would be,<br />
(a) 0.5"<br />
(b) 0.275"<br />
(c) 0.25"<br />
ANS: 1"<br />
QW-403.10 For the short-circuiting transfer mode of<br />
the gas metal-arc process, when the qualification test coupon<br />
thickness is less than 1⁄2 in. (13 mm), an increase in<br />
thickness beyond 1.1 times that of the qualification test coupon. For<br />
thicknesses of 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) and greater, use<br />
table QW-451.1 or table QW-451.2, as applicable.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q2. Under what conditions may a WPS that has been qualified without notch<br />
toughness may be used for applications where they are applicable?<br />
(a) Qualification without notch toughness qualifies the procedure with notch<br />
toughness requirements.<br />
(b) After the procedure has been requalified to include the notch toughness<br />
requirements.<br />
(c) After preparing an additional test coupon using the same essential<br />
variables, but additionally with all the required supplementary essential<br />
variables, in a coupon long enough to provide the necessary specimens.<br />
ANS: c<br />
QW-401.3<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
QW-401.3 Supplementary Essential Variable<br />
(Procedure). A change in a welding condition which will affect the notchoughness<br />
properties of a weldment (for example, change in welding process,<br />
uphill or down vertical welding, heat input, preheat or PWHT, etc.).<br />
Supplementary essential variables are in addition to the essential variables<br />
for each welding process.<br />
When a procedure has been previously qualified to satisfy all requirements<br />
other than notch toughness, it is then necessary only to prepare an additional<br />
test coupon using the same procedure with the same essential variables, but<br />
additionally with all of the required supplementary essential variables, with the<br />
coupon long enough to provide the necessary notch-toughness specimens.<br />
When a procedure has been previously qualified to satisfy all requirements<br />
including notch toughness, but one or more supplementary essential variable<br />
is changed, then it is only necessary to prepare an additional test coupon<br />
using the same welding procedure and the new supplementary essential<br />
variable(s), with the coupon long enough to provide the necessary notchtoughness<br />
specimens.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
If a previously qualified weld procedure has satisfactory notch toughness<br />
values in the weld metal, then it is necessary only to test notch-toughness<br />
specimens from the heat affected zone when such are required.<br />
When essential variables are qualified by one or more PQRs and<br />
supplementary essential variables are qualified by other PQRs, the ranges of<br />
essential variables established by the former PQRs are only affected by the<br />
latter to the extent specified in the applicable supplementary essential<br />
variable (e.g., essential variable QW-403.8 governs the minimum and<br />
maximum thickness of base metal qualified. When supplementary essential<br />
variable QW-403.6 applies, it modifies only the minimum thickness qualified,<br />
not the maximum).<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q7. The test coupon for a PQR consisted P5A to P4 materials when notch<br />
toughness is not a factor, the base metals qualified would be;<br />
(a) P-No.5A to P-No.4 only<br />
(b) P-No.5A to P-No.4, P-No.3, and P-No.1<br />
(c) P-No.5A to P-No.5A and P-No.4 to P-No.4<br />
(d) None of the above<br />
ANS: b<br />
QW-424.1<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
QW-424 Base Metals Used for Procedure<br />
Qualification<br />
QW-424.1 Base metals are assigned P-Numbers in table QW/QB-422; Metals that do<br />
not appear in table QW/QB-422 are considered to be unassigned metals except as<br />
otherwise defined for base metals having the same UNS numbers. Unassigned metals<br />
shall be identified in the WPS and on the PQR by specification, type and grade, or by<br />
chemical analysis and mechanical properties. The minimum tensile strength shall be<br />
defined by the organization that specified the unassigned metal if the tensile strength<br />
of that metal is not defined by the material specification.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q9. What production base metals is a welder qualified to weld if a P No.8<br />
base metal was used in his qualification?<br />
(a) P-No.1 through P-No.11 P-No.34 and P-No.4x to same.<br />
(b) P-No.1 through P-No.8 and P-No.4x to same<br />
(c) P-No.1 through P-No.8 to same<br />
(d) P-No. 8 to P-No. 8<br />
ANS: a<br />
QW-423.1<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
QW-423.1<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q1 . When qualifying a welder at 6G position using a 6" schedule 40 (0.280")<br />
pipe test coupon, the required type and number of tests are:<br />
(a) One face bend test and one root bend test<br />
(b) Two side bend tests<br />
(c) Either two face and two root bend tests or four side bent tests<br />
(d) Two face and two root bend tests<br />
ANS: d<br />
QW-452-1<br />
Note 1<br />
(1) To qualify using positions 5G or 6G, a total of four bend specimens are<br />
required. To qualify using a combination of 2G and 5G in a single test coupon,<br />
a total of six bend specimens are required. See QW-302.3. The type of bend<br />
test shall be based on weld metal thickness.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q50. You are reviewing a WPQ (QW-484) for a welder testing in the 6-G<br />
position; on SA-53 grade B pipe (TS-60,000 psi). The test results indicate the<br />
following:<br />
#1 Tensile developed 51,000 psi, broke in the weld<br />
#2 Tensile developed 56,900 psi, broke in base metal<br />
#1 Transverse root bend satisfactory<br />
#2 Transverse face bend satisfactory<br />
Will these test qualify the welder?<br />
A. Yes<br />
B. No<br />
C. Not enough information given<br />
D. Tension test is acceptable but #1 is unacceptable<br />
ANS: A<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q31. Welding electrodes are grouped in Section IX by<br />
A. AWS class<br />
B. ASME specification<br />
C. SFA<br />
D. "F" number<br />
ANS: D<br />
QW-430 F-NUMBERS<br />
QW-431 General<br />
The following F-Number grouping of electrodes and welding rods in table QW-432 is<br />
based essentially on their usability characteristics, which fundamentally determine<br />
the ability of welders to make satisfactory welds with a given filler metal. This<br />
grouping is made to reduce the number of welding procedure and performance<br />
qualifications, where this can logically be done. The grouping does not imply that<br />
base metals or filler metals within a group may be indiscriminately substituted for a<br />
metal that was used in the qualification test without consideration of the<br />
compatibility of the base and filler metals from the standpoint of metallurgical<br />
properties, postweld heat treatment design and service requirements, and<br />
mechanical properties.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
QW-432<br />
Grouping of Electrodes and Welding Rods for Qualification<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q93. For P-11 materials, weld grooves for thicknesses_____ shall be<br />
prepared by thermalprocesses, when such processes are to be employed<br />
during fabrication.<br />
A. Less than 5/8 inch<br />
B. 5/8 inch<br />
C. 1 inch<br />
D. 1-1<strong>14</strong> inches<br />
E. None of the above<br />
ANS: b<br />
QW-410.64 For vessels or parts of vessels constructed with P-No. 11A and<br />
P-No. 11B base metals, weld grooves for thickness less than 5/8 in. (16 mm)<br />
shall be prepared by thermal processes when such processes are to be<br />
employed during fabrication. This groove preparation shall also include back<br />
gouging, back grooving, or removal of unsound weld metal by thermal<br />
processes when these processes are to be employed during fabrication.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q12. What is the minimum dimension and minimum required corner radius for<br />
a replacement shell insert plate in a bottom shell course that is 1.750<br />
inches thick?<br />
A) 21 inches is the minimum dimension and there must be at least a 10.5 inch<br />
radius<br />
B) 12 inches is the minimum dimension and there must be at least a 6 inch<br />
radius<br />
C) 21 inches is the minimum dimension and there must be at least a 2 inch<br />
radius<br />
D) 8.75 inches (minimum) and there must be at least a 2 inch radius<br />
Ans = A (653, Par. & Fig 9.1) 12 in. or 12t (use greater = 21 in.) and<br />
minimum radius = Dimension R = Greater of 6 inches or 6 t … In this case,<br />
it’s a 10.5 inch radius.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
9.2.2 Minimum Dimensions of Replacement Shell Plate<br /> The minimum dimension for a replacement shell plate is 12 in. or 12<br />
times the thickness of the replacement plate, whichever is greater.<br />
The replacement plate may be circular, oblong, square with rounded corners,<br />
or rectangular with rounded corners except when an entire shell plate is<br />
replaced. See Figure 9.1 for typical details of acceptable replacement shell<br />
plates.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q15. A roof-to-shell joint is considered frangible IF:<br />
A) It is attached to top angle of tank with a continuous fillet weld all around on<br />
the top<br />
B) It is attached to the top angle of the tank with an intermittent fillet weld all<br />
on the top<br />
C) It will fail prior to shell-to-bottom joint in the event of excessive internal<br />
pressurization<br />
D) The joint slope does not exceed 2:12 & support members are not directly<br />
attached to roof<br />
Answer: C … Reference (<strong>API</strong> 653, Para. & <strong>API</strong> 650, Section<br />
Q16. Tank material may likely satisfy the recognized toughness if it was<br />
constructed:<br />
A) To 5th Edition of <strong>API</strong> 650 (App A)<br />
B) To 5th Edition of <strong>API</strong> 650 (App C)<br />
C) To 5th Edition of <strong>API</strong> 650 (App G)<br />
D) To 5th Edition of <strong>API</strong> 650 (App H)<br />
Answer: C … Reference (<strong>API</strong> 653, Para. 3.21 & Para. 5.3.2)<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q17. What are the required spacings between an existing nozzle (NPS 12 with<br />
reinforcement) located to the left side of a proposed hot tap nozzle (NPS 12<br />
with reinforcement also) and a vertical shell weld (located to the right side of<br />
the proposed hot tap location? Information: UT scan of proposed hot tap<br />
location in first shell course revealed no laminations. A vertical weld to the<br />
right of proposed hot tap location = 100% radiographed and no horizontal<br />
welds are in the immediate area. Tank diameter is 90 feet and the shell plate<br />
on the first course in the proposed area of the hot tap measures 0.750 inches.<br />
Formula = square root of RT is used.<br />
A) Spacing = 10 in. between both nozzle repad (and hot tap nozzle repad) and<br />
the vertical weld<br />
B) Spacing = 20 in. between nozzle repad (and hot tap nozzle repad) and 12 in.<br />
(?) to vertical weld<br />
C) Spacing = 28 in. between both nozzle repad (and hot tap nozzle repad) and<br />
the vertical weld<br />
D) Spacing = 10 inches between nozzle repad (and hot tap nozzle repad) & 6 in.<br />
to vertical weld<br />
Answer: B (Reference: <strong>API</strong> 653, Section 9.<strong>14</strong>.3.1 & Figure 9.10<br />
√(RT) = √(540x0.750) = 20.12”<br />
Correct answer = 20” & 10”?<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
<strong>API</strong>650: Figure 5.6—Minimum Weld Requirements for Openings in Shells According to 5.7.3<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q 26. Determine the minimum acceptable thickness of a shell plate (bottom<br />
course) in a 200 foot diameter 50 foot high Oil Storage tank (maximum<br />
liquid level = 48 ft) having a Designed Specific Gravity of 1.00 constructed<br />
per <strong>API</strong> 650, 1st Edition, 1961, Basic Standard, using A283 Gr. C shell<br />
material of 1.500 inch thickness?<br />
A) 1.034 inches<br />
B) 1.218 inches<br />
C) 1.244 inches<br />
D) 1.250 inches<br />
Answer = B …<br />
t min = 2.6(H-1)DG/SE = 2.6(47)200/(23600) = 1.036<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q 26. Determine the minimum acceptable thickness of a shell plate (bottom<br />
course) in a 200 foot diameter 50 foot high Oil Storage tank (maximum<br />
liquid level = 48 ft) having a Designed Specific Gravity of 1.00 constructed<br />
per <strong>API</strong> 650, 1st Edition, 1961, Basic Standard, using A283 Gr. C shell<br />
material of 1.500 inch thickness?<br />
A) 1.034 inches<br />
B) 1.218 inches<br />
C) 1.244 inches<br />
D) 1.250 inches<br />
Answer = B …<br />
t min = 2.6(H-1)DG/SE = 2.6(47)200/(23600 x 0.85) = 1.218<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q27. Determine minimum acceptable thickness of a generally corroded 3rd<br />
course shell plate (Tank has 5 shell courses and each course measures 10 ft)<br />
with a tank diameter of 150 foot, in Oil Service (Maximum Liquid Level = 48 ft)<br />
with Specific Gravity of 1.00 constructed per <strong>API</strong> 650, 7th Edition using Spot<br />
RT, with shell material construction of A516 Gr. 70)?<br />
A) 0.076 inches<br />
B) 0.100 inches<br />
C) 0.319 inches<br />
D) 0.375 inches<br />
Answer = D …<br />
t min = 2.6(28)150/(33000x 0.85) = 0.389” (be careful!)<br />
t min = 2.6(28-1)150/(33000x 0.85) = 0.375” (correct!)<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q31. The maximum dimension along the shell for a welded on patch plate in<br />
critical zone is:<br />
A) 12 inches<br />
B) 24 inches<br />
C) 48 inches<br />
D) 72 inches<br />
Ans: B (Ref <strong>API</strong> 653, Para. & Figure 9.9 & CRITICAL NOTE 3)<br />
Q32. The maximum thickness for a welded on patch plate in the critical zone<br />
is:<br />
A) two inches<br />
B) one inch<br />
C) ½ of an inch<br />
D) ¼ inch<br />
Ans: D (Ref <strong>API</strong> 653, Para. & Figure 9.9 Sect. A-A view) ¼-in<br />
maximum<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
NOTE 1<br />
Dimensions given are from toe of fillet welds or to centerline of butt-weld and also<br />
apply to new-to-existing welds.<br />
NOTE 2<br />
Minimum distance between two welded-on patch plates in the critical zone shall be<br />
one half of the lesser of L1 or L2.<br />
NOTE 3<br />
The maximum dimension along the shell for welded-on patch plates in the critical zone<br />
is 24 in.<br />
NOTE 4<br />
When the edge of a welded-on patch plate is approximately parallel to a bottom seam,<br />
the edge shall be held at least 2 in. from weld seam.<br />
NOTE 5<br />
Patches over three-plate laps shall extend a minimum of 12 in. in all directions along<br />
all laps beyond the three-plate lap.<br />
NOTE 6<br />
These rules apply to butt-welded bottoms, where applicable.<br />
NOTE 7<br />
Applies to shells of unknown toughness.<br />
Figure 9.13—Typical Welded-on Patch Plates on Tank Bottom Plates<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
9.10 Repair of Tank Bottoms<br />
9.10.1 Repairing a Portion of Tank Bottoms<br /> General Repair Requirements<br />
The use of welded-on patch plates for repairing a portion of uniformly<br />
supported tank bottoms is permitted within the limitations given in this<br />
section and See Figure 9.13 for acceptable details for welded-on<br />
patch plates.<br />
a. The minimum dimension for a welded-on patch plate that overlaps a<br />
bottom seam or existing patch is 12 in. The welded-on patch plate may be<br />
circular, oblong, or polygonal with rounded corners.<br />
b. A welded-on patch plate smaller than 12 in. in diameter is permitted if: it is<br />
equal to or exceeds 6 in. in diameter; it does not overlap a bottom seam; it<br />
is not placed fully or partially over an existing patch; and it extends beyond<br />
the corroded bottom area, if any, by at least 2 in.<br />
c. Welded-on patch plates shall not be placed over areas of the tank bottom<br />
that have global dishing, local dishing [except as allowed by d)],<br />
settlement, or distortion greater than the limits of Annex B.<br />
NOTE If the tank is still undergoing settlement, the addition of welded-on<br />
patch plate may not be advisable.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
d. A welded-on patch plate may be placed over a mechanical dent or local<br />
dishing if: its unsupported dimension does not exceed 12 in. in any<br />
direction; it is at least 1/4 in. thick; it is at least as thick as the existing<br />
bottom; and does not overlap seams nor other patches, except for tanks<br />
designed in accordance with <strong>API</strong> 650, Annex M, which shall have weldedon<br />
patch plates at least 3/8 in. thick.<br />
e. These repairs are permanent repairs subject to an on-going inspection<br />
and maintenance program.<br />
f. Installation of a new sump shall conform to <strong>API</strong> Standard 650 Section 5,<br />
paragraph 5.8.7 (Water Drawoff Sumps), Tables 5-16a and 5-16b and<br />
Figure 5-21.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Things to remember on bottom plate patch welding repairs:<br />
• The minimum patch plate ≥12”<br />
• Patch plate ≤ 12”, ≥6” could be used:<br />
If does not overlaps any bottom weld and the patch plate perimeter extend<br />
beyond the corroded area by 2”<br />
• At least ¼” for place over mechanical dent, dishing.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang Repairs within the Critical Zone<br />
The use of welded-on patch plates is permitted for repairing a portion of tank<br />
bottoms within the critical zone (see 3.10 for definition) provided<br />
requirements and the following additional requirements are met.<br />
a) Maximum plate thickness for welded-on patch plates within the critical<br />
zone is 1/4-in. and must meet the toughness requirements of <strong>API</strong> 650,<br />
Section 4.2.10.<br />
b) When a welded-on patch plate is within 6 in. of the shell, the welded-on<br />
patch plate shall be tombstone shaped. The sides of the tombstone<br />
shaped welded-on patch plate shall intersect the shell-to-bottom joint at<br />
approximately 90°.<br />
c) Perimeter welds on welded-on patch plates within the critical zone shall be<br />
two-pass, minimum, and examined per and<br />
d) Installation of a welded-on patch plate by butt-welding to an adjacent<br />
existing patch is not permitted in the critical zone.<br />
e) Welded-on patch plates over existing patches are not allowed in the<br />
critical zone.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
f) The bottom plate under the perimeter of a welded-on patch plate shall<br />
meet the thickness requirements in 4.4. (0.05” or 0.1”)<br />
g) For tanks with shell plate of unknown toughness as defined in Section 3,<br />
new fillet welds utilized to install a tombstone patch plate in the critical<br />
zone shall be spaced at least the greater of 3 in. or 5t from existing<br />
vertical weld joints in the bottom shell course, where t is the thickness of<br />
the bottom shell course, in inches. See Figure 9.13 for further guidance<br />
on weld spacing.<br />
NOTE The bottom plate thickness at the attachment weld must be at least<br />
0.1-in. thick before welding the welded-on patch plate to the bottom plate.<br />
Refer to <strong>API</strong> 2207 for further information.<br />
<strong>API</strong> RP 2207 (R2012) Preparing Tank Bottoms for Hot Work, Sixth Edition<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Things to remember on critical zone patch welding repairs:<br />
• The maximum patch plate ≤ 24”<br />
• The maximum patch plate thickness ≤ ¼”<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q 40. Tank Bottom Release Prevention Systems per <strong>API</strong> 653 include all of<br />
the following EXCEPT:<br />
A) Internal inspection of the tank bottom<br />
B) Leak detection systems and leak testing of the tank<br />
C) Installing an area impressed current CP system for the entire tank farm<br />
D) Lining tank interior bottom or providing a RPB under the tank bottom<br />
Ans: C … Reference (<strong>API</strong> 653, Par. 4.4.3) CP must be for underside of the<br />
tank)<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
4.4.3 Tank Bottom Release Prevention Systems (RPSs)<br />
<strong>API</strong> supports the use of a release prevention system (RPS) to maintain the<br />
integrity of tank bottoms. The term RPS refers to the suite of <strong>API</strong> standards<br />
and recommended practices that are designed to maintain tank integrity and<br />
thus protect the environment. With respect to tank bottoms, these include:<br />
• internal inspection of the tank bottom;<br />
• leak detection systems and leak testing of the tank;<br />
• installing cathodic protection for the underside of the tank bottom;<br />
• lining the bottom of the tank interior;<br />
• providing a release prevention barrier (RPB) under the tank bottom; or<br />
• some combination of these measures, depending on the operating<br />
environment and service of the tank.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Discussion:<br />
Look similar RPS vs. RPB<br />
Discuss the differences<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q57. What finished welds do NOT require stamping of ID for welder (or<br />
operator)?<br />
A) Only floor plate welds and roof plate welds and flange to nozzle-neck<br />
welds<br />
B) Only roof plate welds and flange to nozzle-neck welds do not require ID<br />
stamps<br />
C) Only flange to nozzle-neck welds do not require welder (operator) ID<br />
stamps<br />
D) None of these! Finished welds must always be stamped by a welder<br />
(operator)<br />
Answer: B … Reference (<strong>API</strong> 653, Para. 11.2.2)<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q69. Where exterior tank bottom corrosion is controlled by a cathodic<br />
protection system, periodic surveys of the system shall be conducted in<br />
accordance with <strong>API</strong> 651. Who is responsible to review the results of<br />
these CP surveys?<br />
A) Owner/operator<br />
B) Authorized Inspector<br />
C) Storage Tank Engineer<br />
D) Authorized Insp Agency<br />
Answer: A … Reference (<strong>API</strong> 653, Par. & <strong>API</strong> 651 Section 11.3.2)<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q70. Where exterior tank bottom corrosion is controlled by a cathodic<br />
protection system, shall be conducted in accordance with <strong>API</strong> 651 how<br />
often?<br />
A) All sources of impressed current are checked at intervals not exceeding 1<br />
month (unless jurisdiction rules apply) and impressed current protective<br />
facilities inspected every 6 months<br />
B) All sources of impressed current are checked at intervals not exceeding 1<br />
month (unless jurisdiction rules apply) and impressed current protective<br />
facilities are to be inspected annually<br />
C) All sources of impressed current are checked at intervals not exceeding 2<br />
months (unless jurisdiction rules apply) and impressed current protective<br />
facilities are to be inspected annually<br />
D) All sources of impressed current are checked at intervals not exceeding 3<br />
months (unless jurisdiction rules apply) and impressed current protective<br />
facilities are to be inspected annually<br />
Answer: C … Reference (<strong>API</strong> 653, Par. & <strong>API</strong> 651 Section 11.3.2)<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q75. Where welding and hot work are involved, WHAT <strong>API</strong> DOCUMENT<br />
states “Except in areas specifically designated as safe for hot work, a hot<br />
work permit shall be obtained before starting any work that can involve a<br />
source of ignition.”<br />
A) <strong>API</strong> 2015 B) <strong>API</strong> 2201<br />
C) <strong>API</strong> 2217A D) <strong>API</strong> 2009<br />
Answer: D … Reference (<strong>API</strong> 653, Para. 1.4) New question for 2012 exams<br />
<strong>API</strong> RP 2009 (R2007) Safe Welding and Cutting Practices in Refineries,<br />
Gasoline Plants, and Petrochemicals Plants. standard by American<br />
Petroleum Institute<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q77. The standard used for repairs or alterations made after original<br />
construction is the:<br />
A) As-built standard<br />
B) As-built standard only for those repairs or alterations<br />
C) Construction STD only for those repairs or alterations<br />
D) None of these are correct<br />
Ans: B … Ref (<strong>API</strong> 653, Par. 3.2 … 5th Sent of 5 in definition) New question<br />
2012 exams<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q83. A condition that exists when the material of a component is deemed<br />
acceptable for use by provisions of many requirements for Brittle Fracture<br />
assessment using the decision tree:<br />
A) Unknown toughness<br />
B) Acceptable toughness<br />
C) Recognized toughness<br />
D) None of these<br />
Answer: C … Reference (<strong>API</strong> 653, Para. 3.21)<br />
Q84. Tank material may likely satisfy the recognized toughness definition if<br />
metal temperature operates at temperatures not less than:<br />
A) 50°F<br />
B) 60°F<br />
C) 70°F<br />
D) None of these<br />
Answer: B … Reference (<strong>API</strong> 653, Para. 3.21 & Para. 5.3.6)<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q88. In order to qualify for a hydrotest exemption after a major repair or a<br />
SHALL BE MET EXCEPT (1 statement = false):<br />
A) New vertical and horizontal shell butt-welds shall have complete joint<br />
penetration and fusion<br />
B) Root pass (shell t > 1 inch) shall be back gouged & examined full length<br />
by MT or PT methods<br />
C) Final weld pass (all shell thicknesses) shall be examined full length by MT<br />
or PT methods<br />
D) Finished welds shall be fully (100%) radiographed.<br />
Answer: C … Ref (<strong>API</strong> 653, Section Final weld pass > 1 inch<br />
shall be MT’d or PT’d<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang The root pass and final pass examination shall be in accordance<br />
with 12.1.5. In addition, the finished weld shall be fully radiographed.<br />
12.1.5 Shell Plate to Shell Plate Welds<br /> New full penetration welds attaching existing shell plate to existing or<br />
new shell plate shall be examined by radiographic methods (see 12.2). In<br />
addition, for plate thicknesses greater than 1 in., the back-gouged surface<br />
of the root pass and final pass (each side) shall be examined for its<br />
complete length by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant methods.<br /> New welds joining new shell plate material to new shell plate<br />
material (partial or full shell course replacement or addition) need only be<br />
examined radiographically in accordance with <strong>API</strong> 650, Section 8.1.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q89. In order to qualify for a hydrotest exemption after a major repair or a<br />
SHALL BE MET EXCEPT (1 statement = false):<br />
A) Shell welds for reinforcement-to-nozzle neck joints shall have complete<br />
penetration & fusion<br />
B) Shell welds for nozzle neck-to-shell joints shall have complete penetration<br />
and fusion<br />
C) Root pass of nozzle attachment weld shall be back-gouged and MT or PT<br />
examined<br />
D) Completed nozzle attachment welds shall also be MT or PT examined<br />
Answer: D … Ref (<strong>API</strong> 653, Section UT SHEAR WAVE is also<br />
required for exemption<br /> Shell welds for the reinforcing plate-to-nozzle neck and nozzle<br />
neck-to-shell joints shall have complete penetration and fusion. The root<br />
pass of the nozzle attachment weld shall be back-gouged and examined<br />
by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant methods. The completed weld<br />
shall be examined by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant methods and by<br />
the ultrasonic method. Examination and acceptance criteria for NDE shall<br />
be in accordance with 12.1.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q90. In order to qualify for a hydrotest exemption after a major repair or a<br />
major alteration, all these conditions for bottom repairs in critical zone<br />
shall be met except (1 statement = false):<br />
A) Repairs to annular ring or bottom plate meet <strong>API</strong> 653 WPS rules, impact<br />
test requirements, and new materials = current <strong>API</strong> 650 edition, & existing<br />
materials = <strong>API</strong> 650 (7th Edition or later)<br />
B) Annular plate butt-welds shall also be examined by radiographic methods<br />
after a final pass.<br />
C) Joints shall be examined after root and final pass by MT or PT methods<br />
D) Joints shall be examined visually prior to welding<br />
Answer: B … Ref (<strong>API</strong> 653, Sect. Ultrasonic Testing (Shear<br />
Wave) is required<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q9) A hot tap in a 1.25" thick tank with a minimum metal temperature of 65 o F<br />
at time of hot tap, without having material toughness data is :-<br />
(a) not permitted;<br />
(b) permitted;<br />
(c) not enough information;<br />
(d) not addressed by the code<br />
REF : <strong>API</strong> 653 – 7.13.4 & Fig. 7-5<br />
ANS : (a)<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
9.<strong>14</strong> Hot Taps 9.<strong>14</strong>.1 General<br />
9.<strong>14</strong>.1.1 The requirements given herein cover the installation of radial hot tap<br />
connections on existing in-service tanks. Hot taps are not permitted on<br />
shell material requiring thermal stress relief as specified in <strong>API</strong> 650,<br />
Section 5.7.4.<br />
a) For tank shell plates of recognized toughness, as defined in Section 3, the<br />
connection size and shell thickness limitations are shown in Table 9.1.<br />
b) For tank shell plates of unknown toughness, as defined in Section 3, the<br />
following limitations apply.<br />
1) Nozzles shall be limited to a maximum diameter of 4 in. NPS.<br />
2) The shell plate temperature shall be at or above the minimum shell<br />
design metal temperature for the entire hot tapping operation.<br />
3) All nozzles shall be reinforced. The reinforcement shall be calculated<br />
per <strong>API</strong> 650, Section 5.7.2. The minimum thickness of the reinforcing<br />
plate shall be equal to the shell plate thickness, and the minimum<br />
reinforcing plate diameter shall not be less than the diameter of the<br />
shell cutout plus 2 in.<br />
4) The maximum height of tank liquid above the hot tap location during<br />
the hot tapping operation shall be such that the hydrostatic tank shell<br />
stress is less than 7,000 lbf/in. 2 at the elevation of the hot tap.<br />
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9.<strong>14</strong>.1.2 The minimum height of tank liquid above the hot tap location shall be<br />
at least 3 ft during the hot tapping operation.<br />
9.<strong>14</strong>.1.3 Welding shall be done with low hydrogen electrodes.<br />
9.<strong>14</strong>.1.4 Hot taps are not permitted on the roof of a tank or within the<br />
gas/vapor space of the tank.<br />
9.<strong>14</strong>.1.5 Hot taps shall not be installed on laminated or severely pitted shell<br />
plate.<br />
9.<strong>14</strong>.1.6 Hot taps are not permitted on tanks where the heat of welding may<br />
cause environmental cracking (such as caustic cracking or stress corrosion<br />
cracking).<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q6. Cone roof storage tanks may be as large as ______ feet in diameter.<br />
300’<br />
Q7. The simplest type of floating roof is the:<br />
Pan<br />
Q33.The simplest type of atmospheric storage tank is the:<br />
Cone roof<br />
Q12.Tank surfaces that have been in contact with leaded gasoline should be<br />
scraped down to bare metal. On each side of a line that might be heated<br />
excessively by welding or other operations, an area of at least ______ should<br />
be scraped down to bare metal.<br />
12”<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q34. Corrosion on the underside of tank bottoms that rest on pads or on the<br />
soil cannot be inspected readily from the outside. If it becomes necessary to<br />
make an external inspection of the bottom located near the edge of the tank,<br />
the following method can be used when the tank is out of service.<br />
Tunneling method<br />
Q35.During an external inspection of an in-service aboveground storage tank,<br />
crevices associated with structural steel ladders, stair treads, and platforms<br />
plates, etc., where water can collect, should be closely checked by:<br />
Picking with a scraper or knife<br />
Q36. Tank bottoms should be checked thoroughly for thickness over its entire<br />
area. UT measurements are usually the first choice. If an UT instrument is not<br />
available, what other alternate non-destructive method could be used for<br />
quickly checking the condition of the bottom?<br />
Hammer testing<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q42. Radiographs for an evaluated, repaired, or reconstructed tank shall be<br />
retained for:1 year<br />
Q43. In regard to installation of primary and secondary seals, if the roof rim<br />
thickness is less than _____ inch thick, it shall be replaced.<br />
0.10<br />
Q44. If it is necessary to replace a roof rim, the new roof rim shall be a min.<br />
thickness of:<br />
3/16”<br />
Q45. The min. thickness of new roof plates shall be:<br />
3/16” plus any corrosion allowance.<br />
Q46. Rim-mounted primary and toroidal seal systems can be removed,<br />
repaired, or replaced. To minimize evaporation losses and reduce potential<br />
hazards to workers, no more than: 1/4 of the roof seal system should be out<br />
of an in-service tank at one time.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q47. In the event roof live loads exceed 25 pounds per square foot (loads<br />
caused by insulation, vacuum on the tank, snow loads), the plate thickness<br />
shall be: Based on analysis using proper allowable stresses<br />
Q48.Where tank foundations true to a horizontal plane are specified and<br />
concrete ringwalls are not provided, the tolerances are as follows:<br />
Without ringwall<br />
The foundation under the shell shall be level with plus or minus 1/8” in any 10’<br />
of circumference and within plus or minus ½” in the total circumference<br />
measured from the average elevation.<br />
With ring wall<br />
The foundation under the shell shall be level with plus or minus 1/8” 3’ of<br />
circumference and within plus or minus ¼ ” in the total circumference<br />
measured from the average elevation.<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q54. What type of tank settlement does not induce stresses in the tank<br />
structure? It does cause problems with piping and other attachments to the<br />
tank from outside.<br />
Uniform settlement<br />
Q55. What type of tank settlement generally rotates the tank in a tilted plane?<br />
Rigid body tilting<br />
Q56. What type of tilt of a tank will cause an increase in the liquid level and,<br />
therefore, an increase in the hoop stress in the tank shell? It also can cause<br />
binding of seals on floating roofs.<br />
Rigid body tilting<br />
Q57. What type of tank settlement is characterized by settlement of a tank at<br />
different rates at different locations? This results in non-planar configurations<br />
which induces additional stresses in a tank shell.<br />
Out-of-plane settlement<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q58. What type of tank settlement leads to a lack of circularity at the top of<br />
the tank, and may induce improper functioning of the floating roof? Also, flat<br />
spots may develop on the tank shell.<br />
Differential settlement (rigid body settlement?)<br />
Q66. Measurements to verify the dimensional tolerances of a reconstructed<br />
aboveground storage tank shall be taken:<br />
Before the hydrostatic test of the tank<br />
Q72. The projection of the bottom plate beyond the outside toe of the shell-tobottom<br />
weld shall be at least _____ inch.<br />
0.3750 (3/8”)<br />
Q77. Tank-to-soil potential measurements are typically taken with:<br />
The current applied<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Figure 9.1—Acceptable Details for Replacement of Shell Plate Material<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q85. If caustic is stored in an aboveground storage tank, what would be the<br />
most likely problem found and where?<br />
Caustic embrittlement resulting in cracks in welds and HAZ’s around<br />
connections for internal heating units or coils.<br />
Q89. Prior to determining the need for cathodic protection of an aboveground<br />
storage tank:<br />
A full evaluation of tank history is advised.<br />
Q99. A lapped repair plate may cross any butt-welded vertical or horizontal<br />
shell seam that has been ground flush. How much overlap beyond the seam<br />
is required?<br />
6”<br />
Q100. External leaks on aboveground storage tank shells are often marked<br />
by a:<br />
Discoloration or the absence of paint in the area below the leak<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Clay Pot Rice 煲 仔 饭<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q45. UT measurements are required on a tank shell, how many<br />
measurements shall be taken:<br />
Owner / operator judgment.<br />
Q54. When preparing a tank prior to installing a replacement bottom over an<br />
existing bottom, the tank shell must be separated from the tank bottom by<br />
cutting the shell parallel to the tank bottom a minimum of __________ above<br />
the bottom-to-shell weld or by removing the entire shell-to-bottom weld and<br />
the HAZ by gouging or grinding.<br />
½”<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Q56. Guidance for evaluation of an existing external floating roof shall be<br />
based on criteria in:<br />
<strong>API</strong> 650 appendix C.<br />
Q50. You are reviewing a WPQ for a welder. The test results indicate<br />
the following:<br />
a. Satisfactory side bend<br />
b. Face bend satisfactory<br />
c. Visual satisfactory<br />
Are these tests qualify the welder?<br />
a. Yes<br />
b. No, because bend tests are not correct type.<br />
c. Not enough information given<br />
d. No, because radiography is essential for welder Qualification<br />
ANS: B<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Good Luck!<br />
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang