Seven churches

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102<br />

M. M. NINAN<br />

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Jesus accepts the work, the love, the faith, their ministry and patience (v.19) They were<br />

very commendable. But there was this - Jezebel (v.20) Apparently in the church there was<br />

a very important and influential lady who called herself as a prophetess who encouraged<br />

the church members to go along with the social culture. She justified the practice of<br />

fornication, idol worship and eating of meat sacrificed to the idols (v.21) Sexual<br />

involvement is a form of worship in all heathen religions. In most sophisticated religions<br />

they appear in a more sublimated form either as fertility worship (as in Siva Linga) or as<br />

mother worship (as in Mariolatory). Priestesses (Deva Dasees) of temple were ritual<br />

prostitutes. They were the unifying force in the community. They provided universal love.<br />

Most people who became Christians in Thyatira still held this appealing aspect. In<br />

Christianity also sex is a worship as an image of relation between Jesus and his Church<br />

with absolute fidelity between one man and one woman. It is a foretaste of Heaven on<br />

earth. It is therefore tempting to theologize and say it provides love to all. When some<br />

inspired prophetess encourages and delivers it as a means of God-realization, it is not<br />

surprising that most people went along.<br />

The prophetess teaches and seduces.<br />

Most people think that this lady - called here as Jezebel - was the wife of the elder in<br />

Thyatira. So she not only taught but actively seduced the church members into it. To<br />

make church as the guild will be a solution. Won’t it? It is, but then it behaves differently.<br />

Historically Jezebel was the Queen of King Ahab. In the time of Elijah, Israel knew<br />

Jezebel as the Sidonian idol-worshipper married to the wicked king Ahab. Functioning like<br />

a prophetess, she had taught idolatry to Israel while murdering the prophets of God and<br />

inspiring her husband to evil She was the greatest of all Baal worshippers. Her story can<br />

be found in 1 Kings 16:31 - 33 and in detail in chapters 18-21 and in 2 Kings 9. The entire<br />

Israel (except 400 men of faith) followed her evil ways. The punishment of God for that<br />

was severe. All those who professed Baal were killed within the temple of Baal and<br />

Jezebel herself was thrown down and eaten by her own wild dogs. A similar punishment is<br />

pronounced in Rev. 2:22-23. We do not have any historical documents to the execution of<br />

the verdict of Jesus. But we should not be surprised if an disease similar to the AIDS or<br />

venereal diseases to have took up the order. It is a natural consequence of sin that it<br />

breeds death. For the wages of sin is death.

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